[Solved] Week 1 Information Systems

[Solved] Week 1 Information Systems

Week 1 Information Systems in OrganizationsLab Project

Each week you will be adding to a cumulative project.  You will submit weekly assignments and your final project will be the total compilation of all of the combined weeks. Determine a business or organization in need of information systems. This can be a business startup or changes in an existing business. If an existing business belonging to you (now or in the future), treat it as if you will be upgrading technology beyond a single computer, software integration, or system.You’ll be using this concept throughout the course so give it some thought.Please watch this video to assist with expectations and choices  In this lab:

Project Definition

1. Define your IS project and determine what information systems and personnel will be necessary to meet needs and requirements.

2. Is this a startup or a business converting to or making significant changes to its business model and systems?


3. What types of data do you think you will be working with?

Organizational Changes

4. How big a staff do you think will be needed and in what capacity? Will new people need to be hired and trained? Will existing staff need training?

Initial Concerns

5. What initial security, ethical, or legal concerns might you have?

You will need to get organization/idea approved through  grading of week 1 cumulative project before moving forward to week 2 of cumulative project  

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