[Solved] Preparing Professional Documents

[Solved] Preparing Professional Documents

 Review the Portfolio 1 Assignment Sheet (in Preparing Professional Documents–Overview) for directions on what kinds of information to include in your Fact Sheet and Bar Chart. Make sure that your Fact Sheet adheres to the 5 Principles of Design found in Ch. 13:

  • Balance
  • Alignment
  • Grouping
  • Consistency
  • Contrast

You have two options for creating your Fact Sheet. You can create the Fact Sheet in Word or create a specific type of Fact Sheet called an Infographic using Canva. I strongly suggest using Canva instead of Word because it’s easier to produce a more professional looking document using Canva’s templates for Infographics.

If you choose to make your Fact Sheet in Word, be sure to look over the Fact Sheet Samples (especially the “Student Sample Fact Sheet–made in Word”) and the “How to make a Fact Sheet in Word” video (in Preparing Professional Documents–Overview).

If you choose instead to use Canva to make an Infographic, be sure to look over the Fact Sheet Samples (especially the “Student Sample Fact Sheet–made in Canva”) and watch the two videos on How to make an Infographic in Canva (in Preparing Professional Documents–Overview).
For tips on creating your Bar Chart, see the “Creating Charts in Word” video, the “Bar Chart Sample,” and the “Student Bar Chart 1” and “Student Bar Chart 2” student samples (in Preparing Professional Documents–Overview). Remember to consider the overall look of your bar chart, and don’t forget to include the explanatory paragraph.


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