[Solved] References Page Looks Like

[Solved] References Page Looks Like

Assignment Content

  1. STOP!  Have you watched the two, past assigned, short videos on APA 7 Title Page and References Page? If not, you must do that first, because this submission requires both. 

    In class today, you were asked to find your first research article that explores your approved research question. (DO NOT ATTEMPT THIS ASSIGNMENT UNLESS YOU HAVE COMPLETED THE PREVIOUS ASSIGNMENT and gained approval: Brainstorming and Research Question.)

    For this assignment, I want you to create a single, APA 7-compliant, Word document. To earn full credit, you must do the following:

    • Page 1 = 20 pts: Proper APA 7 Title Page (watch the video and see p. 31 in the Foundations text to help you create a perfect title page)
    • Page 2 = 60 pts (breakdown below): Simply answer the following questions
    • (1) What is your approved research question from the Brainstorming Research Question HW assignment? (5 pts) 
    • (2) What is the title of the research article you found? (5 pts)
    • (3) Does the article contain the methodology the researchers used to conduct the study/research? To get full credit, you must (a) name the methodology, (b) cut and paste the paragraph from the article that details the methodology, AND (c) highlight indicator words(30 pts)
    • (4) Does the article contain findings or results of the research? To get full credit, you must (a) cut and paste excerpts from the article that detail the findings (go to Discussion section or at times Conclusion), AND (b) highlight specific words that detail the findings(20 pts)
    • Page 3 = 20 pts: Create a proper APA 7 References Page with your ONE research article (refer to the video and see pp. 33-34 for the FORMAT you must use to create your reference and p. 32 for a perfect sample of what a References Page looks like.)

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