[Solved] ⦁ Community Health Nursing

[Solved] ⦁ Community Health Nursing

⦁ Community Health Nursing Exploration PowerPoint with Speaker Notes (20%)

Community Health Nursing (CHN) embodies prevention and encompasses many different nursing roles. Develop a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes that summarizes CHN vs. Public Health Nursing (PHN), note the difference between primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, and compare/ contrast the seven roles of Community Health Nurses by: 

*Listening to the Podcast from Chapters 1 – 3, Reading Chapters 1-5 in your textbook, and by *Reading the information entitled “Prevention: Picture of America” at: 

https://www.cdc.gov/pictureofamerica/index.html and reviewing two of the most commonly used prevention models at the website below:


 All submissions must be completed in APA format, 7th edition required.  This is an individual assignment.

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