[Solved] Expand Growth Mind Set

[Solved] Expand Growth Mind Set




Here, you have explored the Growth Mindset information and watched the Famous Failures video. I want you to take a few minutes to reflect on what you learned and how it applies to the practices you’ve been using in college. It should include: 2 paragraphs

  • A title for the section. You can use this as your subject. 
  • A description of a time you failed. Please include as much detail as you can. 
  • What changes did you make to address the failure? Be specific. 
  • Were you able to eventually be successful?
  • If so, how did you feel afterward?
  • If not, what additional ideas do you have to help you continue to work towards eventual success?


Here, you have explored the Growth Mindset information and watched the Famous Failures video. I want you to take a few minutes to reflect on what you learned and how it applies to the practices you’ve been using in college. It should include: 2 paragraphs

  • A title for the section. You can use this as your subject. 
  • A description of a time you failed. Please include as much detail as you can. 
  • What changes did you make to address the failure? Be specific. 
  • Were you able to eventually be successful?
  • If so, how did you feel afterward?
  • If not, what additional ideas do you have to help you continue to work towards eventual success?

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