[Solved] High School Longitudinal Study

[Solved] High School Longitudinal Study


  • Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset (whichever you choose) found in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • From the dataset you chose, choose one categorical and one continuous variable and perform the appropriate visual display for each variable.
  • Once you visually display each variable, review Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your output into your Word documen 

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your results and include a copy and paste of the appropriate visual display of the data into your document.

Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be. Early in your Assignment, when you relate which dataset you analyzed, please include the mean of the following variables. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES.

Use appropriate APA format. Refer to the APA manual for appropriate citation.

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