[Solved] Could Use Statistical Inference

[Solved] Could Use Statistical Inference

Please answer the following questions. No Plagiarism. Thank you!

  1. If you wanted information about a certain topic, what would you do, an experiment or a survey? why?
  2. Which is the most useful representation of data to you? why?
  3. What is a situation from your own life where you could use the z-score? explain how you would use it and what it could help you understand.
  4. What is surprising to you about the normal distribution?
  5. Pick a topic you would like to investigate. (A) What question would you ask (or what data would you collect) so that from your data you would calculate a mean? (B) What question would you ask (or what data would you collect) so that from your data you would calculate a proportion?
  6. What is a situation from your own life where you could use a confidence interval? how would you do it?
  7. What is a situation from your own life where you could use a hypothesis test? how would you do it?
  8. What is a situation from your own life where you could use statistical inference (confidence interval or hypothesis test) on two samples? how would you do it?
  9. What is a situation from your own life where you could use correlation and regression? how would you do it?
  10. What is a situation from your own life where you could use probability to help make a decision? how would you do it?

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