[Solved] Successfully Utilizing Predictive Analytics

[Solved] Successfully Utilizing Predictive Analytics

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175 – 265 words

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Ericka Tillmon

Hello Dr. John,

Thank you for your comments. The more research I do, the more I find that predictive analytics is raising the bar when it comes to cyber security dashboards and data analysis. A more proactive approach to cyber security is required. Knowing where hackers are likely to strike next, where your weaknesses are, and how well-prepared you are to defend against an attack before it’s too late are all things that predictive analytics may help you with. Cyber-attacks are typically found by accumulating as much information as possible about known breaches, phishing schemes, and active malware, then tracking the “signatures” of these attacks so that systems can recognize them when they arrive. In other words, after these hazardous individuals have committed or attempted enough crimes, their photograph is distributed to all security systems so they can recognize them as soon as they arrive.

Although useful, this system is far from ideal. For instance, it doesn’t preclude dangerous and extremely intelligent hackers from successfully accessing the products on their first try. It informs you of the most common strategies hackers employed last month, but it offers no preparation for what they might employ the next week. Because of this, the smartest minds in cybersecurity are switching from utilizing only descriptive analytics to predictive analytics.

Successfully utilizing predictive analytics entails identifying patterns in your IT system and drilling down to the specifics so that you can intervene and conduct an investigation as soon as something unusual happens. It entails staying aware of where attempts are being made so you may notice a pattern and prepare yourself beforehand.

4 hours ago, at 2:19 PM 

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