[Solved] 1 – 2 Sentences

[Solved] 1 – 2 Sentences



For this Performance Task, you will create a website for families of  young children from birth through third grade that provides guidance and  practical activities on how technology can support early literacy in  young children.

Submission Length: One website with six required sections of 1-8 paragraph in length

Professional Skills: Inquiry and Analysis and Engaging Multiple Social and Cultural Perspectives are assessed in this Competency.


Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

Creating a Family-Friendly Early Literacy Website


The early learning center where you teach is holding a family  meeting to talk about using technology to promote early literacy. In  advance of the meeting, your director asks for suggestions of different  ways to provide ongoing support to families. You enthusiastically  suggest creating a family-friendly website with the theme of  “Technology, Early Literacy & Young Children” that can be unveiled  at the meeting. Your director and fellow staff members are equally  enthusiastic so you volunteer to create the initial website. Together  you decide to include relevant research findings, including benefits and  cautions in using technology with young children; guidelines for screen  time, devices, and media; recommended ideas and activities for using  technology to foster early literacy development; and recommended  guidelines and apps for early literacy learning. To make the website a  go-to for all families in your early learning center, you decide to  provide content that addresses children throughout the early childhood  years, from birth through third grade.

To complete this Assessment:

Build Your Website Using New Google Sites

  • Follow the Guidelines and Resources for Building Your Technology, Early Literacy & Young Children Website for Families document for tips and reminders.
  • Access the resource links provided in the document for specific guidance.

Write the Required Content for Your Technology, Early Literacy & Young Children Website

  • Complete the following six required sections of the website:
    • Section 1: Welcome Statement
      • Write a brief welcome statement that explains
        • The purpose of the website; and
        • How early childhood professionals can support families of young  children in understanding connections between technology and early  literacy development.

        (Required: 1 paragraph)

    • Section 2: In Brief: What Research Says
      • Analyze research on technology and young children, with an emphasis  on how technology can impact early literacy development, for research  findings of particular relevance to families of young children; then
      • Briefly explain five points from research on using technology with young children to foster early literacy.
      • Cite your sources.

      (Required: 2–3 sentences for each research point) 

  • Section 3: Keep in Mind …
    • Analyze research on technology and young children for benefits and  cautions of particular relevance to families of young children; then
    • Explain at least one benefit and one caution for families to keep in  mind about using technology to support early literacy development.
    • Cite your sources.

    (Required: 2–3 sentences for each benefit/caution) 

  • Section 4: Technology: How Much? What Kind? Guidelines by Age
    • Analyze research and other expert views on recommended “screen” time  and recommended types of devices and media appropriate for young  children by age that would be relevant to families of young children;  then
    • Explain recommended guidelines for screen time, devices, and media appropriate for each group of young children:
      • Infants
      • Toddlers
      • Preschoolers
      • Kindergartners
      • First/Second/Third Graders
    • Cite your sources.

    (Required: 2–3 sentences each per age)

  • Section 5: Technology & Literacy Development: Age-Appropriate Ideas for Children & Families
    • Analyze developmentally appropriate practices, strategies, and  activities for using technology to foster early literacy development to  identify recommended approaches for families to replicate at home; then
    • Explain two developmentally appropriate ideas or activities for  using technology at home to support early literacy development in each  of the following age groups:
      • Infants and toddlers
      • Preschoolers
      • Kindergartner
      • First/Second/Third Graders 

      (Required: 1 paragraph for each idea; 2 paragraphs per age group)

  • Section 6: Great Apps for Young Children
    • Explain four guidelines for selecting developmentally appropriate  apps for young children (Required: 1–2 sentences per guideline); and
    • Recommend three apps that focus on early literacy, and explain how  each can be used to promote early literacy and for what ages. (Required:  2–3 sentences per app)

Submit 1 file (EL3006_ firstinitial_lastname) that contains:

  • The URL for your website, and
  • The text as it appears on your website in a Microsoft Word document. Make sure to include all six sections: 
    • Welcome Statement 
    • In Brief: What Research Says 
    • Keep in Mind
    • Technology: Guidelines by Age
    • Technology and Literacy Development: Age-Appropriate Ideas
    • Great Apps for Young Children

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