[Solved] Final Unit Vii Paper

[Solved] Final Unit Vii Paper

For this assignment, you will conduct a literature review of two articles on a health care research topic that you are interested in based on a topic that interests you.

Write a two-page review, double-spaced, with in-text citations and references in APA Style, to answer the questions below.

What is your research topic?

  • Provide background information:
  • Why is it important? Why did you choose the topic?
  • Did the researchers use a theory to guide their study? If so, which theory did the researchers use?
  • Summarize the main points and compare and contrast the two articles you selected.

Additionally, you will identify and interpret the research design and methodology outlined in the two studies you wrote about in your literature review. Include the following:

Which research design was used for each study?

  • Which approach was used to collect data: quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods?
  • Why did the researchers choose this approach?
  • What type of tool was used to collect this information (survey, interview, observation, previously collected information)?

This information should be described in one to two pages.

Your total assignment should be at least 3 to 4 pages to capture all prompts in both sections. This assignment will also be included later, in the final Unit VII paper.

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