[Solved] Cultural Context Without Appropriate

[Solved] Cultural Context Without Appropriate

 I need replies for those works with 200 words each one and reference less 5 years.

1.We know that Self-Efficacy has a very important meaning for us, since it makes us feel that we have the power to perform or complete any task in any field, both professional and personal. We perceive ourselves as having great capabilities and we set very high expectations because we believe that we can achieve what we set out to do and always have positive results.

There is a theory of efficacy that was developed by Albert Bandura. Self-Efficacy in our role as a nurse focuses on the behavior that we develop while preparing to be nursing professionals and when we are already giving nursing care to our patients.

Self-efficacy is of great importance because people with self-efficacy always want to do their best to meet objectives and goals and this includes giving the best care to patients, which brings us positive results on both sides. It gives the nurse a sense of achievement, mental physical well-being, and satisfaction for the patient in the sensation and belief in himself that he can improve his behaviors, regulate chronic diseases and thus improve your physical and mental state

It should be noted that self-efficacy can be developed by observing and imitating behavior that gives us the security that they will have positive results. We use a series of learning processes such as attention, memory, motivation to develop this capacity.

When a nurse is self-efficacy, they can see the results in patients, since they educate the patient, teach them self-care and the importance of actively participating in their treatment, rigorously following their care plans and, above all, making them feel that they are capable of achieving it.

In conclusion, this theory is of great importance and should be put into practice in all nursing professionals. Since you would give us fast and positive results focused on the rapid recovery of each patient. Changing our behavior, establishing goals, believing ourselves to be self-sufficient, effective, transmitting that same behavior to patients would give us very favorable results and would make us feel successful in our professional and personal environment.

2.Self-efficacy theory, developed by Albert Bandura in the 1970s, suggests that the level of self-efficacy directly affects one’s ability to undertake certain behaviors or achieve goals (Pajares, 2020). This middle-range theory attempts to link macro and micro-level theories and provide a framework for studying individual-level behavior.

Internal criticism is the approach of evaluating the strength and weaknesses of a theory within its framework. One strength of self-efficacy theory is its flexibility in application. The theory can be applied in multiple psychological settings, including education, sports, and clinical psychology. It provides a well-defined and empirically supported framework with clear operational definitions and measurement scales. Self-efficacy is linked to many adaptive components that can help in positive behavioral changes in individuals by enhancing their sense of efficacy (Bandura, 2006). Another significant advantage of this theory is that it is supported by an extensive body of empirical research from multiple fields. However, one of the drawbacks of this theory is that it lacks a clear definition of what has been defined as self-efficacy, measurements, and determinants of it, leading to shortcomings in empirical testing (Bandura, 2006).

External criticism focuses on evaluating the ability of the theory to explain and predict phenomena beyond the original context. Self-efficacy theory has found significant empirical support, and it can be used to predict how individuals perceive their ability to take on specific tasks or achieve goals (Pajares, 2020). The theory is compatible with other theories like the attribution, personality, and social learning theories, making it useful in studying individual behavior. Despite its usefulness, research has shown that the theory has some limitations in predicting behavior in group contexts. Self-efficacy theory does not explain the role of group dynamics, social support, or cultural influence on self-efficacy (Eccles & Wigfield, 2020). Therefore, it may not be applicable in a cross-cultural context without appropriate modifications.

In summary, Self-efficacy theory is a valuable framework for explaining individual-level behavior. Internal criticism reveals that the theory is supported by empirical evidence, flexible, and useful in multiple settings. However, external criticism indicates that the theory has limitations in predicting behavior in group contexts and may not be applicable in cross-cultural settings without appropriate modifications. Therefore, evaluating the theory from both internal and external perspectives is important to ensure it balances internal coherence and empirical relevance.

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