[Solved] 3 Distinguishing Features 2

[Solved] 3 Distinguishing Features 2



For your Performance Task Assessment, you will take on the role of a  seasoned early childhood professional who has been hired by the local  chamber of commerce to prepare a presentation for the families in your  community about effective early childhood programs and practices in your  local area.

Submission Length: Completed PowerPoint template and narration for approximately 30 slides

Professional Skills: Written Communication and  Oral Communication  are assessed in this Competency.

Your response to this Performance Task should reflect the criteria  provided in the Rubric and adhere to the required length. This  Assessment requires submission of one file. Save your file as follows, QP3003_ firstinitial_lastname (for example, QP3003_ J_Smith). 

You may submit a draft of your assignment to the Turnitin Draft Check area to check for authenticity. When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.



Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This  is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and  it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the  Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of  the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and  use their time most productively.

Access the following to complete this Assessment:

For this Performance Task, you will take on the role of an early  childhood expert in your community who has been hired by the chamber of  commerce to prepare a presentation for local families about effective  early childhood programs and practices in your local area.

Getting to Know Our Early Childhood Community

You have been working in the early childhood field for many years.  You have watched (and helped) the field become more professional and  held various positions in a number of programs in your community.  Currently, you are excited by a project the Chamber of Commerce has  proposed. They have asked you to create a presentation for families that  will provide both an overview of and insights about the types of early  childhood programs available in your area. You touch base with various  colleagues and make arrangements to observe in their programs. Through  your conversations and observations, you determine that there are  quality programs for young children that represent four different types  of pedagogical approaches: Head Start/Early Start, Montessori, Reggio  Emilia, and Nature-Based. It also occurs to you that families should  know about three different types of “organizational structures” that  typify some of the early childhood care and education opportunities in  your area: Parent Co-ops, Bilingual/Multilingual, and Home-Based/Family  Child-Care.

To complete this Assessment:

Create a PowerPoint Presentation with narration that:

  1. Explains the program and effective practice for each of the following: 
    • Head Start/Early Start
    • Reggio Emilia
    • Nature-Based
    • Montessori
    • For each program, be sure to include:
    • A brief summary of the program’s mission/philosophy/approach (1-2 paragraphs)
    • Ages of children who can enroll
    • Opportunities for family involvement (or not)
    • 5 insights or facts you believe would help family members decide if  this is a program they should further investigate for their  child/children
    • At least one recommended resource about each—annotated and cited with a URL link (1 paragraph)
  2. Explains the structure and unique features of the organizational approaches in: 
    • Parent Co-ops
    • Bilingual/Multilingual
    • Home-Based/Family Child-Care
    • For each organizational approach, be sure to include
    • A summary of this type of organizational structure (1-2 paragraphs)
    • 3 distinguishing features
    • 2 potential advantages
    • At least one recommended resource about each—annotated and cited with a URL link (1 paragraph).

Note: For your PowerPoint Presentation:

  • Use the PowerPoint Template provided
  • Complete each slide with abbreviated Talking Points
  • Record narration, i.e., what you would say for each slide as you share your thoughts with families.

Submit your completed In the Know: Early Childhood Programs in Our Community PowerPoint Template.




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