[Solved] Anorexia Nervosa Developmental E

[Solved] Anorexia Nervosa Developmental E


Developmental e…:  You will submit your e… and a visual component the visual can be wither something you curate or create an example: something you create a visual on teams on Zoom or youtube or you may submit a visual PowerPoint/Prezi/google docs of your research of information and an embedded video clip(video clip should be 1-2 minutes in length) to demonstrate your developmental.  You will submit on canvas by the due date in a five to seven (5-7) content page of content- APA e… on any developmental topic examples: a developmental life stage, developmental theorist, or child psychopathology. Topics need to be approved by the professor. The formal will be APA Style. APA style includes a Reference page, properly formatted, proper APA parenthetical citation, proper pagination, headers/footers, abstract, etc. The e… must have at least 5-7 scholarly sources example peer-reviewed journals, books, and one scholarly website. Additionally, each student will submit a visual with his or her e…, if you are making your visual clip presentation it should be no more than 5-7 minutes in length, or you can submit a visual PowerPoint with your es…- 5-7 ppts slides and an embedded scholarly clip (for example a ted talk, or scholarly youtube clip. Supplemental and visual aids are required to illustrate your topic.

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