[Solved] Required Find Capsim

[Solved] Required Find Capsim

The final written Report must follow the structure as per the guidelines summarized below:

  • Formal Report Format, Academic English
  • Non-native English speakers should do more than just an English spell-check, but they should also check the grammar as well. Be within a 7,000-8,000-word count
  • Harvard referencing style is required


Standardized format for Business Competency Simulation Report Organization:


A foreword is optional. Students could choose to write a note of thanks to their parents, spouse, Course Tutor, etc. Should a student decide to use this option, they should remember to date and sign it. The foreword is the only time that a reader should see first person personal pronouns such as: “I” “Me” “My” etc.

Executive Summary

  • An executive summary is mandatory. The executive summary has four purposes: it provides a description of the title; it sums up the contents of the paper, with a particular emphasis on conclusions and recommendations; it briefly describes the methodology and sources used; and it raises the reader’s interest in the subject matter.
  • This is a maximum of two-page statement on the topic selected. It should include the Business Competency Simulation/hypothesis, the research methods, and the conclusions and recommendations. It should be a “stand alone” document and should be written when the Business Competency Simulation is completed. The Executive Summary should allow busy executives to gain a good insight into the work, and support a student’s candidacy in the selection processes for jobs, internships, and scholarships, where students are asked to provide a written sample of their work, or evidence of past research or study, but where decision makers usually do not have the time or inclination to read a Business Competency Simulation in full.

Table of contents

A table of contents is mandatory. This is a listing of the organization of the student’s document and the major subdivisions of the main body by page number.

List of tables

A list of tables is mandatory. All figures and graphs must be listed by page number. Number all figures, graphs and illustrations consecutively in Arabic numerals (e.g. Figure 1). If they are especially numerous, they should be double numbered by chapter (e.g. Figure 1.1). Larger or extensive tables should be placed in an appendix at the end of the Business Competency Simulation and referred to in the body.

All sections from this point will be organized into chapters; each chapter will state “Chapter x” and title. Each chapter starts on a new page.


An introduction is mandatory. It should clearly state the purpose and relevance of applying the experience of the Business Simulation to the reality of the chosen company. The reasons why this report is useful to the company should be stated.

Part One

In this part of the report the student reviews the Strategy, Tactics and Decisions taken by its team in the Capstone® Business Simulation. The student evaluates the success of the Strategy and Tactics used in the different segments they operated in.

Part Two

In this part of the report the student identifies the differences in the competitive environment between the Capstone® simulation and the Comp-XM Basix® one. The student analyses how these differences could affect the success of the Strategies they had used in the Capstone®. On the basis of this analysis and the experience gained from the Capstone® simulation, the student identifies the strategies that could maximise their firm’s performance in the Comp-XM Basix® simulation.

Part Three

In this part of the report, the student evaluates the success of the strategy that they have used in the Comp-XM Basix ®. This evaluation is continuous over all the four rounds but specifically refers to the situation after the first two rounds and the situation at the end of the simulation. It should also cover the changes made to the strategy after the first two rounds and the effectiveness of those changes by the end of the simulation.

Part Four

In this part of the report, the student chooses a real company. The student analyses the competitive environment the company operates in using relevant theoretical frameworks. The student compares the competitive environment of the real company with the competitive environment faced by Andrews in the simulation. The student considers how the differences in the real competitive environment and the simulation environment will affect the strategies the real company will adopt. The student identifies an opportunity for their chosen company to enter into another market. The students define the key characteristics of that market and industry (does an external and internal analysis using appropriate theoretical frameworks). The student considers the possibility of implementing the strategies used by Andrews in the simulation. The student considers other strategic options before finally defining the strategy they recommend.


The student finalizes the report by providing recommendations to the company about the best strategies to follow in order to successfully enter this new market. These recommendations should be based on the student’s findings from the simulation and on the realities of the competitive environment facing the company.


The bibliography is mandatory. It provides an alphabetical listing by author’s last name of all the sources in the paper. Should the author be unknown, entries are alphabetized by the first word of the title. (See Harvard referencing recommendations.)


This section is used for material that supplements the text but is not appropriate for inclusion. Placing length tables and other matter in an appendix prevents the text from becoming too bulky. Appendices must be numbered in Arabic numerals. If used, appendices must be included in the table of contents.


This is a list of definitions of terms or concepts. It is needed when the typical reader cannot be familiar with the terminology used in the text. If used, the glossary must be included alongside the table of contents.

Standardized Style Conventions:

You should follow the Harvard referencing style, where references must appear as in-text citations. Language use/spelling style:

You are free to use either British or American English, but they must be consistent. A spelling and grammar check can help students. Marks will be deducted when ‘red and/or green lines’ appear in the digital copy

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