[Solved] Organizational Behavior Topics

[Solved] Organizational Behavior Topics

  1. From the UMGC library, home page (link in Academic Support above) enter your search terms in the OneSearch box and put a checkmark at Scholarly Journals only. Find an article that focuses on organizational behavior topics such as training and development, leadership, decision making, communication, etc., in your chosen field (health care, project management, human resources, etc.). For example, select an article that clarifies the impact decision making has on an organization in your area of study, then consider the best management skills a health care manager (your area of study) will need to be successful today.
  2. In the initial post write a 2-3 paragraph summary of the selected article focusing on the way management is unique for the field.
  3. Include a full-text citation with a link to the UMGC Library for that specific article.
  4. Reply to other learners; compare the skills mentioned in other learner posts and compare them with your own article.  Extend the conversation by working with the class to create a list of common management skills for today and how they would differ from some of the early theorists. Consider this a type of roundtable discussion.  Tell us about what you found in your research and how it relates to your experiences. 

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