[Solved] International Customer Management Institute

[Solved] International Customer Management Institute

There are 2 assignments questions attached, module 3 and module 4 PowerPoints. Please submit each individually. Please follow instructions and use the attached information and resources. Detail Assignment Instructions Attached.  

Module 3 DQ

Topic: Patient Centered Care; Toxic Leadership

LENGTH- 600 WORDSPlease ensure to include INTEXT-CITATION for all references.Please, also add this article to the ones you will use in this assignment: Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance. ATTACHED1. There are four patient-centered leadership behaviors listed on page 335, table 12.1. Provide examples from your organization and describe how these behaviors can be used to support patient-centered or relationship-centered care.  In addition, if applicable, tell us your COVID/patient story as it related to patient/family-centered care.2. What behaviors can you identify in your organization that might create stagnation and/or chaos or diminish relationships, connections, and information sharing? These are toxic behaviors.  What are the consequences to the team, the organization, and the system? How can the leader reverse these consequences? Post your article about toxic leadership here and incorporate it into the discussion as well.3. Post your progress with your weekly self-care goal. Have you completed the self-care activity every week? What are the benefits to you of completing the weekly self-care activity? What are the barriers associated with completing your goal? What modifications can you make to increase your participation in the self-care activity between now and the end of the term?  I have started walking 1 mile a day every evening I HAVE STARTED WALKING 1-2 MILE ADAY FOR 5 DAYS EVERY EVENING MISSED ONE DAY BECAUSE I WAS OVERWHLEMD WITH WORK AND SCHOOLOther Lecture MaterialsBelow is an outline of the 6 items for which you will be responsible throughout the module.1. Textbook readings-  Weberg and Davidson Chapter 12, 13 (MO 1, 2, 3, 4) 2. Review the audio PowerPoint presentation on Toxic Leadership: ATTACHED3.. Read  the article: 4 steps to repairing a toxic culture.pdfATTACHEDSherman, R. (2019). 4 steps to repairing a toxic culture. American Nurse Today, 14(3), p. 5-7 (MO 3.4) 4.  Review the literature on the topic of toxic leadership. Be prepared to post one article from your review in the DB. Impact of Toxic Leadership on Employee Performance. ATTACHED5.. Read the article: Patient Centered Care During COVID.pdfATTACHEDAhmann.E.(2020),  Resources and support to maintain the ‘essence’ of patient- and family-centered care during COVID-19. Pediatric Nursing.46(3): 154-155. (MO 1,2)Extra resources:Yscouts.(n.d.). 10 Toxic Leadership Characteristics. https://yscouts.com/10-toxic-leadership-characteristics/ICMI. (2018).Toxic Leadership Behaviors that Frustrate Employees. International Customer Management Institute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAQDUK3ttnw 

Module 4 

PLEASE NOTE: This assignment is based on the Textbook readings- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Brown, B. (2018). Dare to lead. Vermilion. I need the response to these questions to be based absolutely on this book. Please use 3 additional resources to support the response. 

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