[Solved] Two Major Issues Often

[Solved] Two Major Issues Often

Provide a minimum 2-3 sentence answer for each question unless stated otherwise.

  1. What stands out to you as the primary difference between a scalable and non-scalable business.
  2. What stands out to you as the primary difference between a lean business plan and a traditional business plan?
  3. What’s the worst thing a startup founder can say about his or her competition? This can be a one sentence answer.
  4. Read the excerpt quote from Paul DeJoe, founder of ecquire.com, and answer the question – does this seem like something that could happen to you or someone you know? This can be a one sentence answer.
  5. Briefly describe the two major issues often conflated with ‘percentage of equity ownership’?
  6. What is a Minimum Viable Product?
  7. What are the three things that each member of the board of directors should be able to provide at least one? This can be a one sentence answer.

read Chapters 1-6 and 11https://www.mediafire.com/file/p15ruw7v2borfe3/small-business-management-theory-and-practice.pdf/file

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