[Solved] Think Ethnic Majority Groups

[Solved] Think Ethnic Majority Groups

 In response to your peers, suggest strategies to overcome the identified challenges. 

#1. There are many obstacles that culturally diverse populations could encounter. For instance, Problems with childcare, whether it is because they can not afford to pay for childcare or they do not have childcare because they stay home with the children. Not having transportation to get to and from appointments to try and obtain services.  (Corey et al., 2020b) They worry about taking time off work due to the loss of pay. They would miss attending the appointments because, in some diverse communities, getting paid every possible cent you can still is not enough. Cultural principles and societal standards may stop some clients from underprivileged groups from even seeking mental health support due to their ethnic background and the way they were raised. Some distinct groups may not even seek professional services until it is the last possible option due to their ethnic framework and their way of life. Some say and think ethnic majority groups seeking professional services may lose their natural virtues over time. Corey et al., 2020b).

  Due to unequal treatment in past relationships between diverse communities and helping professionals, clients from underprivileged groups may have difficulty trusting or wanting to build a relationship with providers. Providers must take their inventories regarding their beliefs, predictions, and cultural perspectives regarding the helping process. It is necessary to learn and acknowledge the attitudes and values of all clients to see if they hold a conventional point of view to ensure the provider does not take a stereotypical perspective regarding the attitudes and actions of clients. Providers must remain nonbias with an open mind at all times, and be critical thinkers with decision-making ability, and well-educated. They must also adapt to their surroundings and empathize with all clients and families. Providers must be able to distinguish the needs of a client right away. (Corey et al., 2020b).

 Gallardo, Johnson, Parham, and Carter (2009)have stated, “that integrating culturally responsive practices with more traditional types of therapy is a major importance.” As Professionals, we must have an ongoing awareness regarding influential controlling temperaments within our realities it is mandatory that we take into consideration society’s ethnically susceptible standards in everything we do. (Corey et al., 2020b)

 Providers are encouraged to go outside the office and conduct some home visits in a way of helping build trusting relationships with underprivileged clients of diverse communities.  Zur has said,” that home visits could be a way of being able to view their home, rituals, neighborhoods, community and support system, and way of educating yourself and learning about the clients.” (Zur, 2008). (Corey et al., 2020b).

  Do you think you will struggle when it comes to setting aside your morals and values in order to provide services to diverse groups? And why or why not?

#2. When providing counseling services, to client who are culturally diverse, there are challenges that may affect the overall efficiency on how you deliver quality services. It is the job of counselors to provide clients with quality services, regardless of race, sex, religion, or sexual orientations (Corey, 2019). With that being said, when counseling client who are culturally diverse, cultural inclusivity is a good way to somewhat avoiding discrimination. Cultural inclusivity is the practice of including members of all cultures in the design and delivery of services, programs, and activities (Nair, L., & Adetayo, O. A. 2019, May 16).

With many companies moving across the globe, and a recent serge in online therapy, and counseling session, counselor are expected to encounter a host of unique diversity challenges. The main challenges counselors may face, during their career is the lack of knowledge on multicultural traditions, language barriers, and inefficiency of understanding religious rituals. Because, of these challenges it may be a good idea for counselors to study, and research the background of their subjects. To combat these challenges counselors should study the cultural traditions of their clients, learn common lingual spoken by clients, and have a common knowledge of various religions. Having general knowledge of your clients background helps counselors to provide better services, which illustrates that you understand their struggle with clients current circumstance. In addition to learnong the background of your clients, counselors should avoid inflicting implicit bias, or judgment towards client by seeking understanding of new situations.

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