[Solved] Please Complete Attached Worksheet

[Solved] Please Complete Attached Worksheet

Please complete attached worksheet as well as completed summary


you  are asked to complete the Goal-setting Worksheet located in the  Contents, assigned reading heading, of this module, and a 3-page  summary.

  • Address  each personal and situational factor as it relates to your athlete.  Focus on the short-term goals and complete the factors shaping  performance, both intrinsic and extrinsic. What you need to include here  are statements about the individual and situation. In some cases, you  will have to “best guess” for now. The idea is, by reflecting on each  component, you gain an understanding of how each could influence your  ability to help an athlete create an effective goal-setting strategy.
  • Filling out your long-term goal and working backward.
  • Now complete three short-term goals for each, including process goals and assessments for each short-term goal.
  • Complete a summary of this plan, including APA referencing and in-text documentation. 


Short-term leading to Long-term

What is the desired result? (who, what, when, why, how)


How can you quantify (numerically or descriptively) completion?
How can you measure progress?


What skills are needed?
What resources are necessary?
Are you prepared to make the commitments necessary in order to achieve


You should shoot for the moon but does the goal violate any physical laws of time or space

Time Certain

What is the date you will achieve?

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