[Solved] Also May Leaders Carry

[Solved] Also May Leaders Carry

 As the healthcare industry experiences an increased demand for administrators/managers, it is necessary to ensure those serving in these roles have the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) to accomplish the strategic goals of the organization. As I prepare to move forward in my career, I have identified based on research that (KSAs) knowledge, skills, and abilities plays a large role in becoming successful in the health healthcare filed. Although retaining knowledge, skills, abilities in any line of work will help an individual become successful in his or her filed of work. Knowledge, skills, and abilities is also known as (KSAs). The (cdc.gov n.d) mentions that KSAs…Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities…a list of special qualifications and personal attributes that you need to have for a particular job. These are the unique requirements that the hiring agency wants to find in the person selected to fill a particular jobA primary purpose of KSAs is to measure those qualities that will set one candidate apart from the othersIn federal personnel guidance, KSAs are defined as the factors that identify the better candidates from a group of persons basically qualified for a position. How well an applicant can show that he or she matches the position’s defined KSAs determines whether that person will be seriously considered for the job.

In a role such as healthcare KSAs should not be ignored, due to its significant meaning towards job positions and requirements. For an individual to gain knowledge, skills, and particular abilities to perform a job at a competitive level. When looking to hire, hiring managers are expected to feel open positions, but they also should understand to target and seek the   Knowledge, skills, and abilities that the candidate/ interviewee has. In order to help an organization to move forward with the best team possible to further accomplish the strategic goals that has been set by the organization.

The impact of a successful healthcare administrator or administrators is tremendous. Healthcare administrators are not always known to deal with patients directly, however healthcare administrators do have a direct role in “patient care”. Healthcare administrators holds the opportunity to deliver a great patient experience. Which could help positively impact a patient’s experience. (Baird, 2021) speaks on why patient experience is important. Baird states that Over the past decade, the healthcare industry has gradually shifted toward a patient-centered modelLinks to an external site. of care. An approach considered a best practice today. This means that a patient’s preferences, needs, and values help drive care and treatment decisions. Patients reviews and outcomesLinks to an external site. ride heavily on the services that hospitals and other healthcare facilities offer. Patients has provided and help change organizations, by improving quality care. (Baird, 2021) also brings up great points and thing that a consumers may pay attention to. She states that Patients are consumers too. They expect clinical competence, Baird said, and they assess this by critiquing their overall interaction with the facility and staff. “Did the receptionist look up, smile and greet me when I walked in the door or were they engrossed in their phone? Did the physician sit, make eye contact, and speak in terms I understood. These are things that health administrators make an impact on. This is what patients will remember and talk about. Healthcare administrators must orchestrate everything about the people, processes, and place to ensure a consistent experience. As organizations or facilities reputation relies on patient care.

Healthcare administrators could have numerous responsibilities as they tend to work in a variety of facilities or organizations. As their decisions also make an impact on patient care. (Baird, 2021) states that Every decision made by healthcare administrators can impact a patient’s care and experiences. Hospital administrators are the keepers of the culture, Baird said. It is up to senior administrators to set the strategy that ensures the organization lives up to its mission, vision, and values at every touchpoint.

For example, a facility wants to improve the efficiency of checking in for an appointment. So, admin starts to speak to every patient to explain the new check in process and ensure that they access it, to better improve wait times. However, after the organization or facility implements this new policy and mostly every employee is following suit faithfully, For the few that’s could not affect the patients negatively due to the inconsistency of providing patient care. If the action is not corrected.

In the article (Baird, 2021) says that A great patient experience begins with great leadership, Administrators must clarify expectations and hold everyone accountable for delivering a consistently positive patient experience. In addition, they must also provide the resources needed and give recognition to those who go above and beyond. Finally, they must set a standard for excellence and address anything or anyone who does not uphold the standard. What you permit, you promote. Which I do agree with strongly because leaders help shape organizations and facilities into what they are striving to be. Leaders normally have the Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs). To help guide, inspire, achieve goals, while positively motivating others around them. (Wike, 2023) says that a true leader does more than manage others. They enable the individuals on their team to reach their highest potentials. By being a true leader, you show others that you can inspire and motivate your team for the good of the organization. Setting yourself apart as this type of leader will require having certain qualities that establish trust and respect within your team. Showcasing leadership is always needed as many leaders lead in a different way, also may leaders carry different leadership styles. Which is not always bad because different leaders with different traits handles different situations and responds in a different way.

Writing this discussion post I thought about having strength, a verse from Philippians says that I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). Another word that came to mind when doing this discussion post was leadership a verse from Galatians says that let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not (Galatians 6:9).

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