[Solved] Least One Paragraph

[Solved] Least One Paragraph

 based on this week’s peer-reviewed article you researched on NVC environment/physical surroundings. It has 2 questions. You have 2 hours to answer both questions. It is worth a total of 6 points. Guidelines to answer each question:

  • Each question is based on the peer-reviewed article you researched.
  • Each question should be answered in at least 1 paragraph of 10 sentences.
  • Review grammar and mechanics.

1. Provide a short summary of you understood and learned from the article you have found. Provide citation of the article and/or link.

The summary should NOT be a copy and past of the abstract. Summary should be your synthesis of what you learned and understood (at least one paragraph of 10 sentences).

2. 1) How could the article content be applied in real life? (provide an specific example/case)

2) Why is this study/article important?

LINK: https://library.fiu.edu/onlinenursing/peerreview

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