[Solved] Online Courses Typically Use

[Solved] Online Courses Typically Use


Online courses typically use discussion boards as a means of encouraging student interaction. Most discussions require students to create an initial post and reply to two or more students. Discussions are not always popular among students, or even faculty. However, they have become a mainstay of online education, so let’s brainstorm how to make them more interesting and effective. In your initial post:

  • Share your experiences with online discussions so far (at DCN or elsewhere). 
  • If you were teaching on online class, how might you use/change them to make them more effective?
  • Describe at least one alternative to discussions that would also promote student interaction.
  • How important is faculty participation in the discussions?
  • Finally, find an article in a peer reviewed nursing or educational journal that supports your ideas.  Cite the source correctly, and make the DOI or URL a working link in the reference list.

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