[Solved] Dissection Discussion Rubric Download

[Solved] Dissection Discussion Rubric Download


Cow Eyeball Dissection

. If you would like an alternative source, try these: 

  • www.esciencelabs.com
  • www.carolina.com
  • www.fishersci.com
  • You may also try amazon.com and https://www.homesciencetools.com/?q=cow+eyeball
  • After completing the dissection,  What parts did you find?  Hold up the lens carefully and look through it!  Can you see anything?  Do you notice anything ‘special’ about the objects you see through the lens?  What was the most interesting thing you found?  What impressed you the most during your dissection?  Is there anything else you saw or want to discuss?

3 pics REQUIRED, must be original. 

View the Dissection Discussion Rubric Download Dissection Discussion Rubric 

Pictures required.

– Hold up the organ with your face in the picture.  

– Show me the lens and vitreous humor within the eye’s chambers after you have sliced this open.

– Pick another good picture to share with the class.

Some picture files are large,I can only open png, jpg, and pdf files.  Do not attach any other file in different formats.

#1  Obtain a preserved cow or sheep eye, dissecting scissors, and a dissecting tray (could be aluminum foil or cookie tray).  Wear disposable gloves.  If you have latex allergies, make sure you use non-latex gloves.

#2  Examine the external surface of the eye, observing the thick cushion of fatty tissue.  Identify the following structures and describe them:-extrinsic muscle-optic nerve-adipose layer-cornea-sclera-ciliary body-lens-iris-aqueous and vitreous humor-retina-optic disc-conjunctiva

#3  Describe your experience and observations with the class. Explain what parts you identified and their functions.  Students may not work in groups and the pictures you submit must be your own. 

#4 Add at least 3 pictures.  A good cell phone picture will do if that is all you have.


Cow Heart Dissection

Heart Dissection – even better than the eye!  Get a fresh heart from a local butcher shop and dissect it. I prefer a cow heart because larger and easier to visualize but sheep or pig could be used as an alternative only.   I want you to describe all the structures you visualized and post your response here.  Students may not work with others on this project. The pictures that you submit to me, MUST be your original property.  You will comment on two other posts before this assignment closes.The best way to obtain specimens for the dissection assignments is to contact your local butcher. For those of us who live in SW Kansas, we could also contact a local feedlot. They are always willing to give you an eye or a heart. If you would like an alternative source, try these: www.esciencelabs.comLinks to an external site.www.carolina.comLinks to an external site.www.fishersci.comLinks to an external site.. Another popular company that provides cow organs is amazon.com.View the Dissection Discussion Rubric Download Dissection Discussion Rubric.Please describe the structures of the gross anatomy observed as compared to the structures in your text.  Was there anything unique about your specimen?  Notice the thickness of the left ventricle compared to the right ventricle.  Be sure to look down the aorta to see the coronary openings (Ostia) just above the valve.  Can you find them going out of the heart?  Trace the path(s) of the coronary arteries.  Not the thickness and elasticity of the aorta compared to the superior vena cava.  You are to post your experience with items you observed under the Heart Dissection discussion.  Students may not work together on this project and the work you submit must be original and your own.  We have plagiarism software that will track photos for originality and this can result in serious disciplinary consequences.  Post 3 pics minimally of this experience.  I want one clear picture of you holding the organ you are dissecting along with two other pictures of the experience. 3 pictures REQUIRED.  They must be original.  If our originality shows that you are using someone else’s pictures from assignments stored in a repository of old assignments, consequences will be assigned according to the policies specified in the Course Syllabus.Pictures required.  If a student fails to submit pictures for this assignment, a 0 grade will be earned for the entire assignment.  There is no substitute assignment for completing dissections in this course.  #1 Hold up the organ with your face in the picture.  #2 Show me the chordae tendinae within the heart’s chambers after you have sliced this open.#3 Pick another good picture to share with the class.Some picture files are large.  I can only open png, jpg, and pdf files.  Do not attach any other file in different formats. #1  Obtain a preserved cow or sheep heart, dissecting scissors, and a dissecting tray (could be aluminum foil or cookie tray).  Wear disposable gloves.  If you have latex allergies, make sure you use non-latex gloves.#2  Examine the external surface of the heart, noting the thick cushion of fatty tissue.  Identify the following structures and describe them: aorta, pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins, IVC, SVC, tricuspid, mitral valves, ventricles, atria, myocardium, epicardium, chordae tendinae, papillary muscles.#3  Describe your experience and observations with the class.  Students may not work in groups and the pictures you submit must be your own.  #4 Respond to at least three other classmates before the due date of this assignment. #5 Add at least 3 pictures to show your work.  A good cell phone picture will do if that is all you have.  Attach the pictures to your Discussion Post Window here. You may have to start a new thread to add the pictures if the pictures will not upload under your initial post.https://youtu.be/WBwPhWAP394 

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