[Solved] Answer Post 250

[Solved] Answer Post 250


 Discussion Questions: Is it cost effective from a risk analysis perspective to spend billions of dollars to stop a “hand-full of people” who are bound to terrorize the United States? What is the “Hardened Border Paradox? What is the “Open Border Paradox? How can both be overcome? Compare and contrast the two. 



1. Discussion Questions: Is it cost effective from a risk analysis perspective to spend billions of dollars to stop a “hand-full of people” who are bound to terrorize the United States?

I don’t believe it is coast effective when you analyze the risk of potential loss of life and the terrorizing of the United State people in the process should go without question but formulating a strategic plan to do so. History has shown its ugly face of domestic and foreign terrorism when the US has taken things to lightly whether it be one individual or ten. The fetal 9/11 attack led by 19 hijackers who took possession of four plans causing deaths of 2,996 US Americans and those of other countries. At the World Trade Center 2,763 died, another 343 firefighter and paramedics trying to assist in rescue attempts to save lives, 23 law enforcement officers risked their lives to pull citizen from builds that were trapped, 31 port authorizes. Then there was the Sandy Hook Elementary Ranging Shooting that took place, as Adam Lanza killed 20 children and six others, also taking the life of his own mother that morning before committing suicide. This is proof that it doesn’t matter if it’s one person or 15 individuals, if the seek to cause harm, loss of life and or terrorize the US citizen that could possibly lead to major impact should be prevent. 

What is the “Hardened Border Paradox?

This is the increase in security along the border by different means such as fencing, guard towers, security patrols etc., which makes it harder for those who are trying to go about it the right way and are seeking asylum. A stricter border enforcement will promote criminal’s organizations to transport illegal immigrants, illegal good and weapons across the border (Flynn, 2004). As the threats to the national security and the economy continue to increase and go uncheck the balance will only polarize.

What is the “Open Border Paradox?

The Open-Border Paradox depends on the extensive relationship and the cross-border cooperation support of the border for effectiveness and legitimacy. The way that Canada and the United States manages their joint land border regime has emerged as the key enabler of an open border between two countries. The regime is a function of the extent coalesce around continuity in shared interests, institutions, ideology notwithstanding variations in political ideas. (Leuprecht & Hataley)

How can both be overcome? Compare and contrast the two. (LO3.1 & LO3.2)

There has to be some type of checks and balanced in place because there will always be risk factors to consider. The Canada Border closed down for one hour and cost companies 1 billion dollars in production, whereas the Southern border if it closes down we could loss 50 million pound of fresh produces but also oil however by keeping the open trade border as is we are hurting the US economy by the illegal transportation of weapons, drug and traffic smuggling due the heighten number of individuals that are seeking asylum and or just illegally crossing the border. If the US could establish its own fresh produce and find another outlet for oil could solve some issues, there facing. It’s not a easily job for CBP and DHS and they’re under a lot of pressure to contain and mitigate this border crisis.

2.  Even keeping a “handful of people” who don’t have good intentions from entering the country is beneficial. A handful is better than allowing just anyone from coming and going as they please and increasing the risk for more terrorist attacks or other illegal activities. 

The hardened border paradox is when border security is increased which in return can increase criminal activity. Flynn (2004) talks about how the US may be creating the perfect environment for criminal activity along the US/Mexico border. A stricter border will allow the transportation of illegal immigrants and smuggled goods. More money will allow criminals to pay off the border patrol and allow them to get away with what they please. One example of the hardened border paradox is the wall that was built at the border. The open border paradox is when there is free trade. Open borders allow for movement of goods and people in and out of the country. Although people can come and go as they please, vehicles still need to be inspected which can cause an increase in traffic.  The open border is a great paradox but can only be successful if both countries can cooperate and obey the laws. The closed border paradox will decrease the trades between countries making products more difficult to obtain. 

If only there was a way to meet in the middle allowing for the trade of products and goods but enough security to keep out bad people and dangerous goods from entering the country. Both hardened and open border paradox have their positives and negatives.  

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