[Solved] Use Appropriate Terms

[Solved] Use Appropriate Terms


In a discussion post of 200-400 words, demonstrate your understanding of concepts learned in this module by responding to the following prompt:

Pick an age: 1, 3, 7, 12, 15, 22, 35, 50, or 75. Think of your own experience or the experiences of those you know at this age. Consider the major developmental theories you learned about in this module (psychosocial, cognitive, and moral), and apply them to the age of your choosing. 

Describe either your own experiences, the experiences of someone else, or an imagined situation at this age, and use appropriate terms and definitions from the module to describe that stage of development. Be sure to identify the stage of development that you are discussing and those who have contributed to its development.

Do you agree with the developmental theories that describe this age? Why or why not?

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