[Solved] Play Real Life Scenarios

[Solved] Play Real Life Scenarios

Using a 9-month calendar, what themes from SIECUS will you address each month for what grade level using what SPECIFIC lessons or activities that include at least these five areas: 

Heres what I have so far 

September: Gender Identity Grade 6:

Students will be able to understand gender identity, differentiate between different genders, and understand different pronouns. Then they will engage in an activity where students will sit in a circle and the instructor will say different phrases and when the phrase applies to them students will stand in the middle of the circle. Eventually at the end of the activity all students including the instructor will be in the middle to also understand the importance of equality no matter your gender.

October: Body Image Grade 6:

Students will be able to understand what body image is, the importance of body image, and mental illness awareness. Students will be handed 3 index cards, then will be instructed to describe their physical appearance, then we’ll move on and watch a series of 3 videos on body image. Then will describe their personality, lastly students will write an insecurity on a index card and the lesson will end with students ripping the index card. We will end off with a class discussion on why this activity was chosen. 

November: Sexual Orientation Grade 6:

Students will be able to understand and differentiate different sexual orientations, students will also be able to understand the importances of respecting others that don’t have the same interest as our own. Students will watch an in depth lesson plan teaching about last month’s topics plus sexual orientation to lock everything in. Lastly, instructors will play real life scenarios to demonstrate if students picked up the lesson plan well.

December: Puberty Grade 8:

Students will be able to understand the changes in their bodies. We will start class off with a game. All students will put their heads down without peeking. They will raise their hands as I ask them questions. I will ask questions about all types of physical changes a teen might notice as they grow up. Since Most students already go through puberty by the time they are in 8th grade, I will explain to students about how nobody is alone and everyone goes through puberty. I will ask students what changes they might notice in teens.  I will then end the class with a video to help teens deeply understand that they are not alone and that puberty shouldn’t make you insecure.  

Finnish the rest: 

January: Family 

February: Friendship

March:Sexual Abuse Assault, Violence and Harassment 

April: Romantic Relationships and Dating

May: Marriage and Lifetime Commitments

June: sexual Abstinence

Pick any grade you would like for the rest of the months

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