Market Research Process

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 5 (Saturday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Tip: As mentioned in the previous forum, initial posts for this forum are due on Saturday of the week. Start working on your post early and spend time completing your analysis. Understanding these concepts will be vital in order to complete your final project in Week 5.

Market Research Process Failure Scenario [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLO: 1, 2, 5, 6]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,


  • Chapter 2 of the course text, Principles of Marketing

The Scenario

Every year, millions of dollars are spent marketing products (or services) that fail. Companies would love to get all that money back.

Fortunately, you happen to have a functioning time machine that you bought on Craigslist. As a result, you have one chance to fix what went wrong in the marketing research process and convince one of those companies not to spend that money.

We learned that there are five main steps for the marketing process. In Step 2 before marketers decide on the value proposition and the USP and positioning, they need to conduct in-depth market research to gain an understanding of their target market and the consumer behavior (i.e., their needs and wants). The market research process has five main steps that, if not followed correctly, will result in the failure of the marketing plan and, at the higher level, the product or service. You are tasked to analyze one of these failures.


  • Investigate and document the story of a famous new product flop (and market research failure).
  • Explain how you went back in time to fix it.
  • In your initial post include the following:
    • Identify and research a prominent product or service failure.
    • The press loves failures, so you won’t have any problems finding examples. Simply Google it but before writing, read extensively about it and make sure the product failure is related to improper marketing research implementation.
    • List the following: product or service name, the company who marketed it, the year it was introduced, and where it was introduced (particularly if not in the United States).
  • Answer the following questions about the market research process:
    • Refer to Section 2.3 Conducting Market Research and Figure 2.5 in the text and the video you watched.
    • What are the steps in a market research process? Provide each step and relate it to your product.
    • Where was the failure in your product’s market research process? Which step was missing, not followed correctly, misinterpreted, or misrepresented?
    • What solution are you going to share with management to correct the gap in the market research process, if you could you go back in time?
  • Be sure to use subject headers for each of the questions asked.
  • Be sure to properly cite your textbook and the source you used for the product flop in APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA: Citing Within Your Paper

Guided Response:

  • Respond to at least three of your fellow marketers by Day 7 (Monday).
    • Explain how this classmate’s market research failure was similar or different than yours.
    • Try to respond to those who do not yet have three replies.
  • You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful and interactive discourse in this discussion forum.
  • Continue to monitor the discussion forum through Day 7 (Monday), and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Skills Learned This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Broad Technical Software
  • Analytical Skills
  • Digital/Social Media Skills

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