[Solved] Select Data Types Choose

[Solved] Select Data Types Choose

 You developed and revised your ERD in Week Two, bringing you one step closer to creating the physical database in the Structured Query Language (SQL) server in your virtual lab environment. However, before doing so, you need to check the conceptual model you created and ensure that it meets the First, Second and Third normal forms.

For this assignment, explain the purpose of the normalization process including a description for each of the five normal forms (1NF, 2NF, 3NF, 4NF, and 5NF) and providing examples for each. Cite the sources for all examples. You will then translate the ERD model you created and revised in Week Two into 3NF.
Within your paper explain how each table in your ERD meets 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF. If the tables do not meet the forms, you need to resolve any issues and normalize the database in order to meet 1NF, 2NF, 3NF. If issues were encountered and had to be resolved, describe the rules that were violated and how you resolved them. 

ERD from Week 2 (see below):




1. Analyze User Needs

Carefully review the Business Rules document to understand project requirements and user needs (Pulungan et al., 2023).

2. Identify Entities and Attributes

Based on the Business Rules document, identify entities and their attributes, distinguishing major database objects from their properties.

3. Define Entity Relationships

Determine how entities relate to each other, defining connections such as a “Customer” entity relating to an “Order” entity through a “Place” relationship.

4. Select Data Types

Choose appropriate data types for attributes, considering data nature and system requirements. For example, use “VARCHAR” for names and “DECIMAL” for prices.

5. Identify Primary Keys

Determine unique primary keys for each entity, like “CustomerID” or “ProductCode,” to ensure record identification.

6. Build the ERD in Visio

Utilize Microsoft Visio or a similar ERD modeling tool to construct the diagram, leveraging user-friendly interface and symbols.

7. Save as PDF

Save the completed ERD in Visio as a PDF file for easy sharing and submission.

Tips for ERD Construction

  • Sketch a preliminary ERD to picture connections and guarantee all substances and traits are incorporated.
  • Use clear, descriptive names for elements and traits to improve meaningfulness.
  • Validate relationships for accuracy, taking into account cardinality and flexibility.
  • Refer to the Business Rules document and task directions for consistence.

Data Type Selection

Consider data nature and system necessities while picking data types:

Data Type



Variable-length character strings.


Whole numbers.


Decimal numbers with precise decimal places.




True/false or yes/no values.

Primary Key Selection

Choose primary keys from ascribes with novel qualities. Opt for naturally unique attributes or mixes, making interesting identifiers. Guarantee solidness over the long haul.

Benefits of MS Visio for ERD




Visio provides an intuitive interface, making ERD creation accessible to non-technical users.

Symbol Variety

A rich symbol library aids accurate representation of entities, attributes, and relationships.


Supports various file formats, including PDF, for easy sharing and collaboration.


Allows diagram customization to meet specific requirements.

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