[Solved] Identify Financial Literacy Concepts

[Solved] Identify Financial Literacy Concepts

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objects

  • Describe the impact of the P.R.I.C.E. of Success elements on career readiness skills.
  • Develop career exploration skills and documents.
  • Identify financial literacy concepts.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  1. For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  2. Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.

Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions. Responses to these questions are due by Tuesday at noon.

All references and citations should in APA format.

There is no peer response required for this discussion, but feel free to discuss these topics with classmates.

[Solved] Diversity Data Discuss Whether

[Solved] Diversity Data Discuss Whether

Continue evaluating the company that you selected in Unit 1. This week, consider how the leaders and managers of the organization support diversity and identify any evidence of efforts to support diversity within the organization.

Leaders and Managers

Discuss how the company that you selected addresses diversity at the highest leadership levels.

Include specific actions that it has taken to promote diversity throughout the company.

Does the company demonstrate a corporate responsibility related to diversity?

What actions has it taken?

Do the leaders and managers encourage a corporate culture that supports diversity?

In what ways do they develop that culture?

Diversity Data

Discuss whether the leadership and management efforts have resulted in a diverse workplace and a culture that supports diversity.

Include any available statistical data on the company’s diverse populations (gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, etc.), and analyze whether those data accurately reflect the company’s efforts to support diversity.

Do you find evidence of diversity within the organization at all levels from chief executive officer (CEO) to front-line employees?

[Solved] Mention Variables Like Hormones

[Solved] Mention Variables Like Hormones

 reat post and discussion. I like how you address that this is a multilevel approach like we discussed the first week.  I like how you mention variables like hormones and releasing hormones, that can be a trigger for aggression.  That makes me consider stress. What do you think about the impacts of stress and cortisol in particular in the decision making process and how it can affect impulsivity and metacognition?  Here is a research study that I found that measured stress and activity in these regions of the brain.  Let me know what you think. 

[Solved] One Offer Advice

[Solved] One Offer Advice

Review the information on death and dying. Complete the following:

  • Reflect on your experiences with death and dying. This could be during the death and dying of a loved one, or something you saw or read about in a work of fiction.
  • Discuss your thoughts on death.
    • How does this topic make you feel?
    • Why?
  • Reflect on the major changes that occur in the weeks, days, and hours leading up to death.
  • Describe the dying person’s most difficult experience.
  • What was the most difficult experience for you or one or more of the dying person’s loved ones watching the process of death?
  • Using an external source and your own experience (if you have had one), offer advice on how to help a dying person experience death.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

[Solved] National Legislative Body Like

[Solved] National Legislative Body Like

1. The Constitution grants many different powers to the president. First, explain the difference between the expressed, implied, inherent, and delegated powers of the presidency.  Next, considering only the expressed powers, which two powers do you think are most essential to a successful presidency?  In other words, if you were the president and you could choose only two expressed powers to do your job, which would you choose and why? Explain. On the flip side, identify and describe one expressed power that you could do without/is less essential to your job.  Explain your choices.  The best answers will briefly describe the specific expressed powers that were selected

2.First, in your own words, define political values and political ideology. Explain the similarities and differences between political values and political ideologies. What is the relationship between these two concepts?  Next, describe the main characteristics and values that define the two dominate ideologies in the United States– liberalism and conservatism. What are the main differences between liberalism and conservatism in terms of their emphasis on core American values?  Finally, evaluate conservatism and liberalism. Points to consider:  What aspects of conservatism do you most agree with?  Which aspects do you least agree with?  What aspects of liberalism do you most agree with?  Which aspects do you least agree with?  Make sure to develop your evaluation, providing specific examples as needed.  

3.There are different criteria for winning an election—majority vote, plurality vote, and proportional vote.  Explain each of these criteria, describing strengths and weaknesses of each criteria.  Of the three of these, which do you think is the best criteria for winning an election to a national legislative body like U.S. Congress?  Explain your answer. 

4.Explain the concept of voter turnout and describe trends in voter turnout over time in the United States. Describe some of the factors that influence rates of voter turnout. Why do voting rates in the United States lag significantly behind those in most other developed countries. What reforms might be pursued in the United States to increase voter turnout in elections? Do you think reforms should be implemented in an effort to increase voter turnout in the United Sates? Please explain your answer.

[Solved] Challenging Time Trying

[Solved] Challenging Time Trying


The need to belong is a powerful driver in human development and social psychology. 

  • Reflect on how the need to belong has influenced your life. 
  • What does it mean to “belong”? 
  • What makes you belong? 
  • How are we connected? 
  • Reflect on something that you are a member of. 
  • Who and what determines membership of your group? Who is outside our community? 
  • How are people identified as inside or outside of the group? 
  • What benefits do you have because of belonging to this group? 
  • How do those benefits compare to the value or those outside the group?  


We have learned in class the key elements of persuasion from the perspective of social psychology. These days we are bombarded with information and data and have less and less time to process information. This means you have a more challenging time trying to persuade someone.

  • make a message that can use any of the lessons you have learned throughout the course (so far) to persuade a broad audience to change a behavior you believe is important. 
  • Beneath the message, explain which principles you used to construct your message and why you chose to use those principles. How might this influence your attitudes and behaviors as a consumer in the future? 

[Solved] Many People Find Managing

[Solved] Many People Find Managing

Many people find managing their money a difficult task. Their use of credit cards and loans early in their adult years can prevent them from acquiring financial health in their lifetime. It is tempting to spend money you have not yet acquired once you are no longer a student trying to make ends meet.

Be sure to complete the learning content for the Unit 7  topic “Financial Health” and the two referenced activities before attempting to engage in this discussion.

Note: To view the content for an already completed topic, double click on the topic’s circle in the learning map. A new page will appear. Under the Actions area select review from the drop-down options; this will open the topic with content. The practice and quick practice options only offer questions.


  • Complete the two financial health activities (The True Cost of a New Car and  The True Cost of Credit Card Use) presented in Unit 7 Topic “Financial Health” related to spending money you do not have.
  • Share your experience with “The True Cost of a New Car” activity with your peers
    • Change the size of the loan, years to pay it back, and the interest rate three (3) to four (4) times.
      • Start with the lowest loan amount you might need for your new care and increase by $5000 to $10000 each turn.
      • Start with a 3% loan (entered as .03) and increase by one (1) or two (2) percent each turn.
      • In each case choose between 5 and 7 years to pay it back.
    • Describe one of the monthly payments you would have to make based on your selections.
      • Loan amount?
      • Interest rate?
      • Years to pay it back?
      • Monthly payment?
      • Total car cost?
    • Discuss the potential impact a car payment of that size might have on your monthly budget.
      • Describe the other monthly expenses you would have to remove or reduce to make your payments.
      • Why Is or isn’t the car worth the sacrifices you might have to make given the size of the monthly payments?
    • What other options do you have to avoid taking out a car loan?
  • Share your experience with ” The True Cost of Credit Card Use” activity with your peers
    • Consider the following scenario:
      • You spend an extra $50 a month using a credit card for the first year after graduation to make ends meet.
      • The interest rate charged by the credit card company is 18%.
      • The minimum payment you are required to send each month is $20.
    • Now consider the real cost of that $50 dollars a month by the end of that first year provided to you in the exercise.
      • How might the continued use of a credit card to fund an extra $50 of spending per month affect your long-term financial health?
      • Describe two ways you could avoid the long-term consequences of spending more than you have on a regular basis.

Please be sure to validate your opinions and ideas with citations and references in APA format.

[Solved] Least 280 Words

[Solved] Least 280 Words

 After reviewing the PPT Notes for this week, I want you to think about how free will and determinism affects your life and how your family’s views influence you. 

Answer the following questions in an initial post of at least 280 words.

1. Do you think your family’s philosophy is closer to free will or closer to determinism? Were you punished or reprimanded based on the choices you made? Did you family recognize how other factors could have determined your actions? Share an example. 

2. When you think about your life, what do you now see are the deterministic forces that influenced your life path? What are the free will choices?

[Solved] Might Maintain Stage 3

[Solved] Might Maintain Stage 3


Review the definition of critical thinking, the barriers to critical thinking, and the 3 stages of cognitive development in college students in Ch. 1 of THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life before you respond.

Write a 75- to 125-word response to each of the following prompts. Enter your response on a new line.

1. What is the role of critical thinking in your daily life? Consider your personal, professional, and school life in your response. Review the definition of critical thinking in Ch. 1 of THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life.

2. Provide an example of a situation in your life in which critical thinking could be used. Why would critical thinking be helpful in that situation?

3. Identify 3 to 4 barriers to critical thinking that you can relate to. Describe the barriers in your own words. Provide an example of a situation where you have, or might in the future, encounter each barrier.

Note: You do not need to describe how you can overcome the barriers you identified. You will have that opportunity in a future assignment. Focus on the barriers to critical thinking and examples that are meaningful to you.

4. Which of the 3 stages of cognitive development (dualism, relativism, commitment) are you at? Explain why you placed yourself in this stage of development. How might you move to the next stage if you are at stage 1 or 2, or how you might maintain stage 3?

[Solved] 50 Words Per Question

[Solved] 50 Words Per Question


The discussion requirements 

This includes your initial post (which should meet the word count requirements stated below)

Due Tuesday

You make dozens of choices and decisions each day, often without being consciously aware of them. Because critical thinking may be more rigorous than everyday thinking, it is important to recognize some factors that can influence the effectiveness of critical thinking, including reason, communication, and emotion.

After completing the Learning Activities for the week, please respond to all the inquires below. Your response should be a minimum of 175 words total (approx. 50 words per question).

  • How do emotions positively and negatively influence critical thinking?
  • Describe how you balance your emotion and reason when making decisions. Include an example of when you had to use both.
  • Ch. 3 of THiNK: Critical Thinking and Logic Skills for Everyday Life covers the topic of language and communication, which also play a role in critical thinking. Explain the role of communication in critical thinking and provide an example of when and how language or communication influenced your critical thinking.
  • Reflect on the learning activities, concepts, ideas, and topics covered this week. Discuss the most interesting activity or concept you learned this week and mention any concepts that are still a bit confusing to you or that you have questions about.