[Solved] Clean Air Act

[Solved] Clean Air Act


Write a policy brief on a current issue in environmental policy within the geography of Oklahoma.

The goal of this assignment is to apply topics raised in class to a current policy debate and to communicate these issues to a broader audience.  Think of this as a document prepared by a think tank or advocacy group designed to inform the public about a current policy issue.  

The brief should be professionally presented, include figures and/or graphs when appropriate, and be suitable for posting on the web site of an environmental organization. 

Use the resources from the policy writing link and the pdf of policy writing guide.

Use the same topic that your presentation covers. A more specific topic can be the focus depending on how general your presentation is. Ie. If your presentation topic was the Clean Air Act, then you could write a policy brief over the regulation of SOx in Oklahoma. 

[Solved] Unit ’

[Solved] Unit ’

Review 7-6 to 7-8 of Chapter 7 in the text, The Purposeful Argument, per this unit’s readings.  

For this assignment, you will continue building on your final (7-10 page) writing by creating an exploratory writing which may work as the draft to your final research. 

This writing allows for an exploration of what is known and what else needs to be explored and researched about the chosen topic and issue. 

Follow the text’s directions (7.6 to 7.8) and build to a (roughly) 1500-words.  

This is a formal piece to your final research, and it must appear as such

[Solved] Searching Experience Journey Thus

[Solved] Searching Experience Journey Thus

As you review the assigned students’ samples posted to this discussion thread and consider aspects that seemed effective, discuss your own research topic and your searching experience journey thus far.  

What aspects seem particularly effective?
Are your initial sources providing the information needed?  Discuss specific elements of the research process that seem frustrating (or exciting) as you work through putting it all together. 

[Solved] Left ” Genre Description

[Solved] Left ” Genre Description


As part of your job in nearly any career, you will need to be able to communicate through writing. You may be asked to create original written material that addresses a particular audience. To do this, you will need to organize your communication to ensure effective delivery of your message. In today’s world, one common delivery method is social media. As many organizations move their internal communication online, sites like Yammer, Slack, and Microsoft Teams blend social media and professional communication. Whether or not you use social media, its content and influence are likely a part of your life in some way. Blogging is another writing form used not only for personal expression, but also for marketing, promoting, creating online communities, and engaging audiences, all of which are goals of social media. For this assessment, you will draft a social media or blog post to demonstrate your ability to construct an original piece of written work.


Recall 1 example of an effective social media post from a social media site or platform or from a blog site you have read and consider these questions as you prepare for this assessment: 

  • Who is the intended audience for that social media post or blog post?
  • What makes that social media post or blog post effective? What might a social media post or blog post look or sound like if it were crafted to persuade an audience?

Before you begin this assessment, review the following resources to learn more about writing and formatting social media and blog posts:

  • University Library articles and video
  • “A Librarian’s Journey in Blogging”
  • “Twitter’s Outrage Machine Should be Stopped. But Justine Sacco is the Wrong Poster Child”
  • Webinar: “Using Social Media to Get a Job.”
  • “TEDTalks: Megan Phelps-Roper—I Grew Up in The Westboro Baptist Church. Here’s Why I Left”
  • Genre Description Chart
Assessment Deliverable

Using the resources provided, draft a social media or blog post to apply your written communication skills and demonstrate your ability to construct an original piece of written work. This assessment allows you to consider and use the elements of rhetorical situation that contribute to a thoughtful and useful social media or blog post. If you already use social media, consider how you would create a post on a platform you use. If you don’t currently use social media, imagine how you might create a post. 

Note: You are not required to actually post your finished assessment to any social media platforms. 

Complete the Online Written Communication and Reflection document.

Submit your assessment.

[Solved] High Middle Ages 22

[Solved] High Middle Ages 22


Module 6 Discussion: The High Middle Ages

22 unread replies.22 replies.

Remember to use complete sentences and capitalization.

In at least 300 words, answer the following question:

The Middle Ages in Europe are often seen as a backward period, especially when compared to the ancient world of Greece and Rome, while others often see the Middle Ages as an era of vibrancy and growth. With this mind and focusing on at least three of the four course themes of government, religion, gender, and social class, were the High Middle Ages in Europe between 1000 and 1300 a period of decline, a period of growth, or a mixture of the two?  

Suggestion for formulating a clear answer: Instead of just describing the Middle Ages in Europe between 1000 and 1300, explain for each selected course theme whether or not it is proof that the Middle Ages in Europe between 1000 and 1300 were a period of decline, a period of growth, or a mixture of the two. Then based on your conclusions for each theme, come to your general conclusion about whether the Middle Ages in Europe between 1000 and 1300 were a period of decline, a period of growth, or a mixture of the two.

[Solved] Two Months ’ Time

[Solved] Two Months ’ Time


Political Memorandum 

For this, you will assume the role of the head of government and community relations for the university of your choice. After a national search, a new president has just been chosen to assume office in two months’ time. In this transition period, prepare a memorandum for the new president in which you identify and describe the emerging political issues on your campus, your suggestions as to how the president interact with government officials and the community, and the single most important item that you think deserves their attention.

In taking on this role, you should synthesize issues covered throughout the semester and demonstrate an understanding of the key components of selected issues via your memorandum.

Please keep in mind that presidents are busy, especially when they are new to a campus, and keep it concise, yet include all information and details they will need to know.

Scoring Guide:

_____ (0-2) Chosen issues of focus appropriate and vital

_____ (0-1) History provided where needed

_____ (0-2) Rationales provided for suggested paths

_____ (0-1) Clear, concise, and informative

_____ (0-1) Reference page 

_____ (0-1) APA 7th Ed. format

_____ (0-1) Spelling and grammar

_____ (0-1) Professional tone

[Solved] Services Offer Tailored Support

[Solved] Services Offer Tailored Support


Explore the realm of expert guidance with Dissertation writing service, ensuring a meticulous and well-crafted scholarly work. These services offer tailored support, from topic selection to final edits, ensuring your research shines. Trust the expertise of seasoned professionals to navigate the complexities of academic writing. Elevate your thesis with precision and excellence through dissertation writing services. Unleash the potential of your research with the support of dedicated professionals.


[Solved] Individuals 65 Years

[Solved] Individuals 65 Years

 On a local, state, and federal level, programs and services are available for those in later adulthood. What supports are available in your local community for individuals 65 years of age and above? Do you see any gaps in services? Given we are now living longer, do you believe the current array of resources is adequate to meet the growing need of those in this age group? 

[Solved] E Managerial Style

[Solved] E Managerial Style

 Burnout and compassion fatigue are common concerns in the helping professions that can be tied to a number of factors. Think about working in this field—this can include past or present experiences—and discuss the environmental issues that can cause burnout or compassion fatigue (i.e., managerial style, culture/climate, physical environment, client issues, colleagues, etc.). After explaining the challenges of 2-3 factors, make some suggestions to improve those factors, the organizational climate, and ultimately reduce the likelihood of burnout or compassion fatigue. 

[Solved] 7 977 –

[Solved] 7 977 –

Read the story and answer the following questions:

            a) What is the Question the article is trying to address?

            b) Which Domain (Physical, Cognitive, Psychosocial) would this reading fit into?

            c) How does this reading address age (control, measure, group)?

                        i) If they age for grouping, it this Longitudinal, Cross-Sectional, or Sequential

            d) What are the IVs

            e) What are the DVs

10) Write a evaluation of the reading including

            a) Why did you choose this reading/what were you interested in learning

            b) What did the reading find

            c) What did you learn about the topic and question being addressed in this study

            d) What would you be interested in finding more out about with regard to this study?

Submission should include :

a) Title page

b) Q&A from question 9

            – This needs to be in a Q&A format

            – be sure to explain your answers.

c) document review

d) Reference page

            – Article Reference


Note: NO QUOTES.  Quotes do not show your understanding. 

cite for refrences: 

Ju, S., Gong, Q., & Kramer, K. Z. (2023). Association of parents’ work-related stress and children’s socioemotional competency: Indirect effects of family mealtimes. Journal of Family Psychology, 37(7), 977–983. https://doi.org/10.1037/fam0001147.supp (Supplemental)