[Solved] Specific Responses Incorporating Information

[Solved] Specific Responses Incorporating Information

After completing the reading about various populations and groups, consider how you might incorporate this information in your own work with substance abusing clients.  Respond to any or all of the prompts:

  • As you consider serving clients and their families, what might be the most challenging aspect for you, personally?
  • How does working with a family complicate the issue of confidentiality? How might you respond to these challenges?
  • What are the three most important considerations for the assessment process when working with the population you chose to read about in the textbook (ch. 17-24)?
  • What strengths can you identify within families or other special populations from your readings that might help the recovery process for a client?

Finally, please reflect upon what you have learned in the course and the areas you have identified for your own further learning and professional development. What was the most helpful information you gained from the course? The most challenging? The most surprising? Did what you learn change any of your viewpoints or intended strategies working with clients? etc. Grading of this discussion board will be the same as in previous discussion boards: thoughtful, specific responses incorporating information from the text and responses to peer postings will receive full credit. Feel free to respond to any/all of these prompts!


Required Text: Mack, A.H., Brady, K. T., Miller, S.I., & Frances, R. J. (2016). Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders (4th ed.). Guilford Press: New York. 


Previous questions/answerrs


[Solved] Payback Methodnet Present Value

[Solved] Payback Methodnet Present Value

Overview:In this assignment, you will create a presentation using the presentation software of your choice (PowerPoint, Canva, etc.), to explain the various methods of investment analysis for capital budgeting. Please follow the instructions below. Please review all of the Module 6 Learning Resource. Complete the following:

  1. Create a presentation explaining these methods of investment analysis for capital budgeting:
    1. Payback method
    2. Net present value (NPV)
    3. Internal rate of return (IRR) 
  2. Include a cover slide and reference slide.
  3. Submit your file to this assignment area.

[Solved] Security Issuesprivacy Issuesethical Issueslegal

[Solved] Security Issuesprivacy Issuesethical Issueslegal

For Assignment 2 you will create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions product.

1) Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below. Make sure each segment is fully explained. Do not combine topics.

  • The strategic planning process
  • S.W.O.T
  • Market Segmenting
  • Target Marketing
  • Product Positioning
    • Offerings: Please explain each of these separately and in full.
    • product
    • price
    • service

2) Use two or more of the concepts from part 1 in your product assessment.

3) Analyze the following in full. Make sure each is its own topic and that you create a new bold subheading for each segment:

Security issues

Privacy issues

Ethical issues

Legal issues 

ALL of the above four need to be related to the digital information world and marketing concepts for your product/service.

The assignment needs to be in a Word document and in APA format. 

You must cite at least 3 academic references. 

The page requirement is a minimum of 4 body pages in length. 

This does not include the cover(title) and reference pages. These pages are also required.

Remember, Write and Cite in weeks 1 and 2. We follow the 7th edition of APA writing. You can visit our library and writing center for examples and help.

[Solved] Two Assignments Due

[Solved] Two Assignments Due

Q1. For this week’s discussion forum, I want you to choose one of the two assignments due and reflect upon how the assignment does or will directly relate to your own work experience. 

Q2. Write an appropriate proposal and follow the Eight Guidelines for Writing a Successful Proposal, as noted in Chapter 13 of your textbook. The proposal can be internal to your employer or an external proposal. Refer to the information contained in the textbook in Chapter 13. Assume that your prospective company or community faces a problem similar to those discussed in the examples of Chapter 13. Refer to the information in the article as you need to guide the details of your own proposal. Because this is a more extensive assignment and will prepare you for the Long Report in Week Seven, this exercise can be done as an individual or a collaborative assignment. Anticipate a deliverable length of 500-1000 words.

[Solved] Reconciliation Could Look Like

[Solved] Reconciliation Could Look Like

In this assignment, watch the videos and examine the documents through the UNESCO link above, and then answer the following question.  How could Pimachiowin Aki serve as an example of what reconciliation could look like in First Nation and Crown Treaty relationships?  Your response should be a minimum of 3 paragraphs (write 300-400 in total )

[Solved] Nongovernmental Health Insurance Models

[Solved] Nongovernmental Health Insurance Models

In this module, you learned about how governmental and nongovernmental health insurance models impact financial management and strategic planning in a healthcare organization. You also explored the reporting requirements for payers. In this activity, you will create a report that compares the impact of some regulatory requirements on the financial and strategic performance of a healthcare organization.

From a healthcare management perspective, this activity will help you understand how to identify the pros and cons of regulatory requirements and compare their impact. In section 6 (Reimbursement Compliance) of the course project, this will help you prepare for subsections 6A (Regulations) and 6B (Reporting Requirements).


You are part of a large healthcare organization that caters to both governmental and nongovernmental healthcare insurance programs. Your organization is considering expanding its business and wants to determine the pros and cons of the regulatory requirements of different insurance programs. Create a sample report analyzing the financial impact of regulatory requirements on healthcare organizations.

This assignment will help you assess organizational financial performance related to nongovernmental payer models. It will also help you evaluate how various insurance models impact financial management and strategic planning, as well as differentiate among various payer regulations and reporting requirements.


Create a report analyzing the financial impact of at least three common regulatory requirements and at least one unique regulatory requirement each for federal, state, and third-party payers. Then determine which of these unique regulatory requirements has the maximum strategic impact. Here is a sample format that will help you organize your thoughts.

  • Common regulatory requirement #1: [Add relevant text here.]

A “common regulatory requirement” indicates any requirement that needs to be followed by all three types of payers—federal, state, and third-party. A “unique regulatory requirement” implies any requirement that is only applicable to any one of these three types of payers, and not the other two.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Common Regulatory Requirement #1: Analyze the financial incentives and penalties of any one regulatory requirement common to all three types of payers—federal, state, and third party—including a brief description of the requirement. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  2. Common Regulatory Requirement #2: Analyze the financial incentives and penalties of a second regulatory requirement common to all three types of payers—federal, state, and third party—including a brief description of the requirement. Refer to the guiding questions for the “Common Regulatory Requirement #1” rubric criteria for additional guidance.
  3. Common Regulatory Requirement #3: Analyze the financial incentives and penalties of a third regulatory requirement common to all three types of payers—federal, state, and third party—including a brief description of the requirement. Refer to the guiding questions for the “Common Regulatory Requirement #1” rubric criteria for additional guidance.
  4. Federal Unique Regulatory Requirement: Analyze the impact of at least one unique regulatory requirement for federal payers on the organization’s strategic planning and financial performance. You may not use any of the regulatory requirements you identified as a common regulatory requirement. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  5. State Unique Regulatory Requirement: Analyze the impact of at least one unique regulatory requirement for state payers on the organization’s strategic planning and financial performance. Refer to the guiding questions for the “Federal Unique Regulatory Requirements” in number 4 above for additional guidance.
  6. Third-Party Unique Regulatory Requirement: Analyze the impact of at least one unique regulatory requirement for third-party payers on the organization’s strategic planning and financial performance. Refer to the guiding questions for the “Federal Unique Regulatory Requirements” in number 4 above for additional guidance.
  7. Maximum Strategic Impact: Evaluate which of the three unique regulatory requirements has the maximum strategic impact on the operations of the organization. Consider the following questions to guide your response:

All the claims in your deliverable should be evidence based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the scenario, textbook, or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of five sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit

Submit your report as a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

[Solved] Medicare Part Amedicare Part

[Solved] Medicare Part Amedicare Part

In this module, you learned about the healthcare insurance coverage options the government offers. While programs such as Medicare and Medicaid are detailed and comprehensive, they can also be overwhelming to understand. In this assignment, you will write a brief summary that explains the factors one needs to consider for Medicare coverage. You will also create a Medicare plan grid that will simplify the requirements of Medicare for a consumer.

From strategic planning and healthcare reimbursement perspectives, this activity will help you understand the types of services Medicare and Medicaid pay for in each program. This activity will help you complete Section 2 (Strategic Planning) and Section 3 (Healthcare Reimbursement) of the course project.


You work in a consumer-facing role in a healthcare organization where you help with finances and reimbursement. In your role, you must manage a lot of healthcare consumers who have been scammed or who have signed up for Medicare and Medicaid plans without understanding all the factors; these consumers are subsequently disappointed when their needs are not met. You have heard from many consumers who visited www.medicare.gov to understand their choices but found so much information and unfamiliar terminology that they became frustrated and quit. They often just end up signing for the “simple plan” rather than choosing something else that “might not be quite right.”

As part of an ongoing consumer-outreach program your organization has launched, you want to create some aids that will better educate your consumers about the factors that impact healthcare-reimbursement plans so they can choose a plan that is right for them. Your aids will be put up on your organization’s website for maximum impact. In your aid, explain in brief the factors that affect the consumers’ choice of Medicare and prepare a Medicare Plan Choices grid. Then determine if they will be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Here is a sample grid that will help you organize your thoughts.

Medicare Part AMedicare Part BMedicare AdvantageMedicare Part D

Coverage includes hospital inpatient, long-term care, skilled nursing facilities, home health, hospice

Coverage includes physician services, medical services, medical supplies (i.e., outpatient coverage)

Coverage in managed care options include services excluded in Part A and Part B: long-term nursing, custodial care, dental services, vision services, hearing aids

Coverage includes Medicare drug benefit; outpatient coverage

No premium needed

Premium needed

Premium needed, amount depends on scope of service

Premium needed; premium amount varies

Deductible amount: $1,250

Deductible amount: $142

Deductible amount: costs vary

Deductible amount: $275

Co-payment amount varies by service

Co-payment amount varies by service

Co-payment amount varies

Co-payment amount at 25%

This activity will help you distinguish between the Medicare and Medicaid programs. It will also enable you to evaluate how Medicare and Medicaid impact consumer choice.


Create a Medicare Plan Choices guide to help consumers understand how to choose a Medicare plan. This activity includes three parts:

  • At-a-Glance: Write an “at-a-glance” section to briefly explain the factors that impact the choice of a Medicare plan. Also explain if any enrollment deadlines need to be considered.
  • Medicare Plan Choices Grid and Medicaid Eligibility: Create a Medicare Plan Choices grid to help consumers select the plan that is best for them. The sample grid given in the Scenario section will give you some guidance on how to create your own grid for this assignment.
  • Further Support: Provide additional resources to help consumers make their choice about which type of Medicare plan is best for them, whether to consider a Medicare Advantages plan, and whether they are eligible for Medicaid.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Part 1: At-a-Glance

  1. Summary of Relevant Factors and Deadlines: Summarize all the factors and enrollment deadlines that consumers should consider before they opt for a Medicare plan. Write your summary in one to two short paragraphs.

Consider the following questions to guide your response:

  • What are the costs and coverage considerations involved in the selection of a plan?
  • How do prescription drugs and choice of doctors and hospitals affect the choice of a Medicare plan?
  • If a consumer misses the deadline for enrollment, can they still buy a plan?

Part 2: Medicare Plan Choices Grid and Medicaid Eligibility

  1. Medicare Grid: Create a grid that displays all the appropriate factors and information influencing the choice of a Medicare plan. Refer to the sample grid given in the Scenario section to help you organize your thoughts. Include the following information in your response:
    1. Create a brief consumer profile in one to two sentences. This profile will act as an example to help you build the grid. Consider that the consumer is in the 65+ age group. Assume some additional relevant information about their income (which will impact premiums) and eligibility (which will impact Medicaid eligibility). This information will be displayed as part of the aid on your organization’s website.
    2. Create the grid using the profile you built. Your grid should include the following details about each of the four parts of Medicare:
      1. Coverage
      2. Premium
      3. Deductible(s)
      4. Co-payment(s)
      5. Examples of covered services
      6. Any other details you think are importantMake sure the grid is easy for consumers to understand. Remember that they have probably already visited some websites and have found them difficult to comprehend.Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  2. Medicare Advantage and Medicaid: Determine whether a consumer should consider a Medicare Advantage plan. Also, state whether they will be eligible for Medicaid assistance and why or why not.Consider the following questions to guide your response:

Part 3: Further Support

  1. Additional Resources: Identify at least two websites or other resources to help the consumers select a Medicare plan. Add these resources as a separate section after the grid.

All the claims in your deliverable should be evidence based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the scenario, textbook, or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit

Submit your Medicare Plan Choices guide as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Make sure to include all three parts of the activity in the guide. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

[Solved] ” Paper Quality

[Solved] ” Paper Quality

  • Note:  Spelling and grammar are critical and five points will be deducted for each error, i.e. carefully proofread your assignment prior to submission.
  • Note:  The sample projects are attached as benchmarks for this project.

 Option A:  Research a HR issue that is currently in Congress at the Federal level and prepare a two page, formal letter (typed, single spaced, Times 12-font, with one inch margins) addressed to your Congress-person; based on your research and the position that you are going to argue for.

  • The spelling, grammar, and proper citations should be of an: “A” paper quality (5-points will be deducted for each misspelled word, grammar error, etc.).
  • Purpose: a copy of this letter must be sent to your state’s Senator or House Representative.
  • Note: The letter does not begin with “I have to write this letter as an assignment for my Professor…”

[Solved] Correct Healthcare Plans Help

[Solved] Correct Healthcare Plans Help


Even before the Affordable Care Act was enacted, the government-run Medicare and the state-run Medicaid programs extended healthcare services to all U.S. citizens above age 65, to citizens with disabilities, and to citizens belonging to low-income groups. Considering the rising cost of healthcare services, create a PowerPoint presentation comparing the two programs.

This activity will help you distinguish between Medicare and Medicaid. It will also enable you to assess the impact of Medicare and Medicaid on organizational financial performance and strategic planning.


Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. In your speaker notes, be sure to indicate which notes belong with each slide.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Medicare vs. Medicaid: Describe the differences between the federal Medicare program and the Medicaid program in your state and how they impact financial reimbursement from the perspective of the healthcare system. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • What are the features of the two healthcare programs?
    • Considering the age and disabilities of the groups covered by the two programs, what aspects of healthcare services will be in most demand?
    • How will you obtain updates about the changes in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and the state Medicaid Physician Fee Index?
  2. Costing and Strategy: Explain why healthcare administrators need to consider cost when strategically planning for Medicare and Medicaid population growth. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • What is the percentage growth in consumer base?
    • Which healthcare services (for example, virtual healthcare, wellness programs, fitness center memberships, and so on) are the most in demand because of this consumer growth?
    • What changes can you propose in healthcare strategies to meet this change?
  3. Cost-Reduction Initiatives: Identify cost-reduction initiatives and state how you would operationalize them within the healthcare environment. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • Which are the services with the greatest potential to reduce costs?
    • Would external relationships with other healthcare systems or service providers help reduce costs?
    • Would helping the consumers choose the correct healthcare plans help curb costs?
  4. Cost Control: Describe at least two effective, alternative ways to control rising healthcare costs Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • Which are the healthcare services where the costs have gone up the most?
    • Which preventative healthcare services could be used to control these costs?
    • Which less expensive services could be offered as alternative options?

Note that your presentation should be evidence based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the scenario, textbook, or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources overall. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit

Your submission should include a 4- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation and a 2- to 4-page Word document containing your speaker notes. Use a clear, professional font and appropriate PowerPoint presentation slide design. Speaker notes should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Please follow instructions carefully 

[Solved] Included 2 Atricals

[Solved] Included 2 Atricals

I need help with a presentation about HPV. It should be only 6 mintures with deatails expired. Please look a the 2 files for deatails and structure. I included 2 atricals which are need to be used throuout the presentation. I need 8 slides for the presentation.