[Solved] “ Org ” “

[Solved] “ Org ” “

Preparation for Final Paper Each student will work research, write, and present a research paper. You will apply in an actual or hypothetical scenario the framework learned from one of the topics stu

Preparation for Final Paper 

Each student will work research, write, and present a research paper. You will apply in an actual or hypothetical scenario the framework learned from one of the topics studied during class. The student will have to cite the class literature as well as to have at least 4 other resources that will support her or him in the development of its research paper.

This project requires each student to:1. Write a 4 – 6-page research paper2. Create a 5 – 10 PowerPoint slide presentation with speaker notesStep 1: ResearchDecide on a topic that has interest for you of the ones that are covered during this course. You can look at the reading schedule at the end of the syllabus to have a better idea of the topics you will see as the course develops. 

Paper Structure:1. Introduction2. Overview of the topic (use more references)3. Development4. Application5. Conclusion

Paper Format: Use introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion headingsAt least 3 references of an academic or scholarly source are required for this paper. You are expected to use academic sources in peer-reviewed database or Internet sources, such as: “.org”, “.edu”, “.mil”, “.gov”, “.zm” Sources not allowed are Wikipedia, Dictionaries, wikis, or blogs.

Use APA, 6th edition, writing style for in-text citations and each reference source that you use. Remember, all wording that is not your own must be cited. For APA writing assistance, select “APA Format Resources” on the Begin Here section of the Modules Tab.

Limit the use of direct quotes. Direct quotes should not exceed ½ page in total. Deductions will result if this rule is violated.

Use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, and double-spacing.

The cover sheet should include group member’s names and course information

Include a reference page in APA 6th edition style.

[Solved] See Anything Obvious

[Solved] See Anything Obvious

Load the data into SPSS:

       baby weight.sav

The variables are

  • bwt: baby’s weight in ounces at birth
  • gestation: duration of pregnancy in days
  • parity: parity indicator (first born = 1, later birth = 0)
  • age: mother’s age in years
  • height: mother’s height in inches
  • weight: mother’s weight in pounds (during pregnancy)
  • smoke: indicator for whether mother smokes (1=yes, 0=no)

The mean birth weight for non-smokers was 123oz, for smokers 113.8oz. A t-test comparing the two indicates the difference is statistically significant (t=8.7, p <0.01, 1172 df). However, this is observational data, not experimental data. The subjects were not randomly assigned to smoking and non-smoking conditions.

There are other factors known to be associated with birth weight. The length of gestation is a major determinant of birth weight, and physiological factors such as the mother’s weight, height, age and parity may also be related to birth weight.

Since smoke is 1 for smokers and 0 for non-smokers. Since there are almost 1200 cases, you may or may not be able to see anything obvious in these plots. Use SPSS to analyse multiple regression on the following instruction

a) Fit the regression model

       bwt = gestation + smoke + height + weight + parity

b) Estimate the difference in birthweight between mothers who smoke, and mothers who don’t smoke (assuming gestation length and other relevant factors are equal for both). Give a 95% CI for that difference.

c) Give a 95% CI for the slope in gestation.

d) Explain in substantive terms what each coefficient means.

[Solved] James Banks Discusses

[Solved] James Banks Discusses

  • In the reading “Multicultural Education, Transformative Knowledge & Action,” the author Dr. James Banks discusses the notion of what is called “positionality,” which has to do with social markers such as our race, gender, class, age, etc.  Based on this concept, how has your life been affected by your “positionality?”
  • Which of the five characteristics of culture discussed in the reading “Introduction to Intercultural Communication” do you find most relevant?
  • Although not mentioned in the readings, what impact has the rise of social media had on popular knowledge?

[Solved] Text • 3 Pages

[Solved] Text • 3 Pages

i need The Dobe Ju/‘hoansi by Richard B. Lee read and a  3 page review  due 1/23/23

Structuring your review

A book review is a condensed presentation of a book’s contents, ideas, and concepts. Book reviews will be often read by a person who has not or may not ever read the book, so this will their opportunity to learn more about it. As the book review writer, your job is to identify the most important points and ideas to write about. In this case, the books in question are ethnographies, the main product that cultural anthropologists produce based upon their ethnographic research. So, you should be focusing on the main points, important concepts, and their contributions to knowledge and theory in anthropology.

The following is a suggestion on how to structure your review. The suggestions are general and applicable to writing papers and essays for any subject, but specific here because of the very limited page numbers of your assignment. Your readers (myself included) will appreciate organization, clarity, and focus in your writing, and by structuring your review in the following manner, you will have a well-conceived book review.

There are three main sections for a review: Introduction, Body, and Conclusion. The Introduction is where you briefly introduce the book, an overview of its contents, and major conclusions. This section should be around one paragraph long. The next and largest section is the Body. The Body of your review is where you will discuss the contents of the book. It may be tempting to go chapter by chapter, but it will be more fruitful if you try to write about the major themes that the author is tackling. You can use examples from the text to illustrate those themes. This section should be around 2-2.5 pages long. The final section is the Conclusion. Now would be the time to include criticism, your own questions or insights. You can also include any outside sources should you wish. Close the review with any final remarks, conclusions, lingering questions, and so on. This section should be around 2 to 3 paragraphs long.


The format of the completed review should be as follows:

• Your name, course and section number in top right corner, single spaced• 1-inch margins on all sides• 10 to 12 pt. font and double-spaced for the text• 3 pages minimum• Citations and sources should be in MLA or APA styles• Submit the review in pdf, doc, or docx formats only!

Turnitin plagiarism checker

This assignment will be using Turnitin plagiarism tool to check for plagiarism; you can see your similarity score once you submit your assignment. You will have the opportunity to revise your submission before the due date if your similarity score is high. If you see a score over 15%, I strongly suggest you review and revise your paper to check for proper citation and citing your sources correctly, then submit it again.

Any use of another person’s ideas or words, taken directly or paraphrased, without citing the source is plagiarism. This includes taking material from the Internet without citing the website. If you are unsure as to proper citation methods or have any questions or doubts, please contact me. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating will not be tolerated and will result in failure of the course and possible expulsion from this institution. For more information: Citing Sources and Avoiding Plagiarism Links to an external site..

Grading and feedback

The grading rubric for this assignment can be found below. Please pay special attention to this rubric, as these are the criteria that you will be graded upon for this assignment. I will use this rubric to grade your book review, and provide feedback as comments and suggestions in the Grades section of Canvas. For more information: How do I view assignment comments from my instructor?

[Solved] Emergency Room Servicesintensive Caresurgical

[Solved] Emergency Room Servicesintensive Caresurgical


Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services
  • Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.


The CEO has received some resistance from the Board on undertaking a QI program. She has asked you to develop a set of talking points on the pros and cons of common measurement techniques used in healthcare that she can use the next time she runs into a Board member.

Talking points are used to quickly explain something by condensing it into a compelling, but easily digestible, list. If the goal is to increase support for a QI program, the talking points must provide the ideas she needs to convey in order to achieve the goal.

Your talking points should be submitted in a Word document. Your talking points should include the pros and cons of implementing a QI program.

Upon completion of your talking points, please prepare a PowerPoint presentation (or other shareable Webware/software you prefer) with narration where you will explain each talking point to the CEO so they clearly understand and can answer questions from the Board.

APA formatting for the talking points, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

  1. Length of PowerPoint is secondary to the quality of the presentation as a whole.
  2. Highlight specific pros and cons of QI programs.
  3. Use the Notes area on each slide as needed to expand on the key points.
  4. You may use a free screen capture site such as Screencast-O-Matic to record a video of your presentation. Screencast-O-Matic is a site and program that can perform screen desk and audio capture up to 15 minutes for free, and can be utilized on a Windows or Mac computer. (Note: You can use a similar program if you prefer. Screencast-O-Matic is just one suggestion). Make sure that both your voice and the PowerPoint slides are captured on the video.

Your audio presentation should include an introduction, a concise discussion of each slide, and a conclusion. Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the CEO of your facility. The presentation will be assessed on your overall knowledge of the content, clarity of your voice, pronunciation of words, organization of your presentation, proper recording of your presentation, overall aesthetics and professionalism, and general clarity of your presentation.

Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less. Make sure to address the following:

  • Include a link to the location of your live video on the last slide of your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this to the management team at your location.

Save both your paper and PowerPoint presentation to a folder on your computer. Then, zip or compress your folder. Upload the zipped folder (with both the paper and PowerPoint) to the assignment drop box.

APA formatting for the References slide, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

[Solved] Global Team Affect Team

[Solved] Global Team Affect Team


Put yourself in the position of an instructor. Develop a presentation that teaches the audience about high-performance teams and leading a global team. Answer the following questions:

  • How do a leader’s ethics affect the relationship with followers?
  • How are high-performance teams developed?
  • How does a high-performance team establish a strategy, goals, and tasks?
  • What are the traits, characteristics, and dynamics of a high-performance team?
  • How does communication with a global team affect team dynamics?

You may present using your choice of presentation applications. This could include PowerPoint, Prezi, Visme, Canva, or YouTube—just be sure it is accessible by your instructor. Consider a new platform with which you are unfamiliar. You may record yourself presenting or include an audio of your presentation. Create a compelling message. Use correct punctuation and grammar throughout your presentation. A good rule of thumb for presentations is less is more. Paragraphs on slides is not good practice?consider using 10 words or less on your slides. An audio presentation should be the message and the slides only used to reinforce your message. Be creative and share a story.Your presentation should include content to cover all questions and topics listed above. As a guide, the expectation for a traditional presentation in PowerPoint would include information in the speaker notes section with a minimum of eight slides. If you choose a different presentation application and are unsure what the minimum requirements would be, reach out to your instructor for guidance.You must use at least two outside sources, one of which must come from the CSU Online Library. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Be sure to use APA Style for citations and references.

[Solved] Least One Outside Source

[Solved] Least One Outside Source


sConsider an organization for which you have worked in the past or one in which you currently work or have observed in a movie or series. Write an essay responding to the following prompts:

  1. Explain organizational culture, and describe your experience or observation of an organizational culture.
  2. How did shared values, beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors influence the culture?
  3. Explain your experience or observation of group development referring to Tuckman’s model.
  4. Compare a homogeneous and heterogeneous culture, and describe how either relates to your experience.
  5. Explain how a diverse culture contributes to organizational performance.
  6. Explain how leadership affects a diverse culture within a global organization.

Your submission should be at least two pages in essay format with an introduction and conclusion. Headings and subheadings are encouraged. You must include at least one outside source. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Be sure to use APA Style for citations and references.

[Solved] Amazon Web Services Public

[Solved] Amazon Web Services Public

W4: AssignmentCase Study:

Cloud Helps Fight CancerEach minute a person in the United States dies from cancer—over half a million deaths per year. Thousands of scientists and physicians are working around the clock to fight cancer where it starts—in our DNA.DNA is a molecule present in our cells that carries most of the genetic instructions used in the development, functioning, and reproduction of all known living organisms.The information in DNA is stored as a code made up of four chemical bases adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T). Human DNA consists of about 3 billion bases, and more than 99 percent of those bases are the same in all people. The complete set of DNA instructions is called your genome, and it comes packaged into two sets of chromosomes, one set from your mother and one set from your father. Sometimes those instructions are miscoded or misread, which can cause cells to malfunction and grow out of control—resulting in cancer.

Doctors now routinely use patient genetic data along with personal data and health factors to design highly personalized treatments for cancer patients. However, genome sequencing is a highly complex effort—it takes about 100 gigabytes of data to represent just a single human genome. Only a few years ago, it was not even feasible to analyze an entire human genome. The Human Genome Project (HGP) was an international, collaborative research program whose goal was the complete mapping and understanding of all the genes of human beings. The HGP took over 15 years and cost the neighborhood $3 billion, but the result was the ability to read the complete genetic blueprint for humans.

It takes a computer with powerful processing power and prodigious amounts of storage capacity to process all the patient data required to sequence their genome. Most researchers simply do not have the in-house computing facilities equal to the challenge. As a result, they turn to cloud computing solutions, such as the Amazon Web Services public cloud system. Thanks to cloud computing and other technical advances, sequencing of a human genome can now be done in about 40 hours at a cost of under $5000.

Researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio invented Churchill, a software application that analyzes gene sequences very efficiently. Using cloud computing and this new algorithm, researchers at the hospital are now able to analyze a thousand individual genomes over a period of a week. Not only does this technology enable the hospital to help individual patients, it also helps large-scale research efforts exploring the genetic mutations that cause diseases.

Using the cloud also enables doctors and researchers worldwide to share information and collaborate more easily. The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) is a research program supported by the National Cancer Institute and the National Human Genome Research Institute, whose goal is to identify genomic changes in more than 20 different types of human cancer. TCGA researchers compare the DNA samples of normal tissue with cancer tissue taken from the same patient to identify changes specific to that cancer. The researchers hope to analyze hundreds of samples for each type of cancer from many different patients to better understand what makes one cancer different from another cancer. This is critical because two patients with the same type of cancer can experience very different outcomes and respond very differently to the same treatment. Researchers hope to develop more effective, individualized treatments for each patient by connecting specific genomic changes with specific outcomes.

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. What advantages does cloud computing offer physicians and researchers in their fight against cancer?
  2. Estimate the amount of data required to analyze the human genome of 100 patients for each of 20 different types of cancer.
  3. Physicians must abide by HIPAA regulations when transmitting data back and forth to the cloud. The penalties for noncompliance are based on the level of negligence and can range from $100 to $50,000 per violation (or per record). Violations can also carry criminal charges, resulting in jail time. What measures can be taken when using cloud computing to ensure that patient confidentiality will not be violated?

Remember, information should be restated in your own words. Any direct quotes should be properly credited to the source and quotes should not comprise more than 20% of the paper.

[Solved] Instructionsdiversified Risk Stock Portfoliofor

[Solved] Instructionsdiversified Risk Stock Portfoliofor


Diversified Risk Stock PortfolioFor this case study, you will create a portfolio of five to eight stocks that demonstrate diversified risk. List the stocks along with their current price and previous 1-year and 5-year rates of return. Below the list of stocks, address the issues described below.

  • Explain the difference between portfolio risk and stand-alone risk.
  • Briefly explain why you selected each stock and how this investment portfolio would have less risk than selecting just one stock.
  • How does risk aversion affect a stock’s required rate of return?
  • Explain the distinction between a stock’s price and its intrinsic value.

Your case study should be at least two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You are required to cite and reference at least your textbook and stock data source. Use APA format to cite in-text and reference citations.

[Solved] Private Charter Clients Include

[Solved] Private Charter Clients Include

Project Submission: Acquisition ProposalPrevious Next Scenario

You are a former Navy officer and fighter pilot, and you are now the controller of a division of TransGlobal Airlines, a large organization that operates a fleet of corporate jets for charter at several airports in the southeast part of the United States. Your division’s private charter clients include several Fortune 500 companies in the region. The Chief Financial Officer (CFO) has informed you that the company is considering the acquisition of two smaller aviation firms in the region specializing in chartered flights for luxury vacations using light aircraft (60 passengers or less). The CFO has tasked you with assessing the organizational benefits of acquiring these aviation firms. The CFO intends to develop a new business plan for the organization if your analysis recommends moving forward with the acquisition.

After an initial assessment, the company has shortlisted two airlines, Company A and Company B, to examine further for acquisition. To understand all aspects of the two airlines under consideration, you have visited each proposed site to assess their performance. The assessment included creating a balanced scorecard for each airline with all four components, financial, internal processes, customers/market, and learning and growth, that will impact the acquisition of each firm.

The CFO has asked you to generate two scenarios for the proposed acquisition based on your analysis and governing or predictive assumptions. They include a worst-case scenario that considers the most serious outcomes that could occur if anticipated targets and assumptions are dramatically wrong; and a best-case scenario if anticipated targets and assumptions significantly exceed forecasts.

Based on your assessment and analysis of the companies in Milestones One and Two, you will create and deliver a PowerPoint Presentation for senior management’s review and analysis. You will also write an executive summary with your recommendations for the leadership team.

Part 1: Presentation

Record and submit a narrated PowerPoint presentation to share your analysis and recommendations for the proposed acquisitions. Use your data and analysis, along with feedback received from the milestone assignments, to complete your presentation. Note: Remember to use both on-screen text and narration in your PowerPoint slides to convey your information effectively. For example, you can use brief bulleted lists on the slide and include detailed explanations in your narration. A resource is provided under Supporting Materials to help you record your presentation. If you are unable to submit a presentation with narration, be sure to include detailed speaker notes with your submission.

  1. Overview
    1. Situation Analysis of TransGlobal Airlines (parent company). Use the information from the Supporting Materials section to highlight the parent company’s current business environment.
      1. Internal environment: culture, leadership, internal processes, human resources, operations, and financial performance
      2. External environment: competitive, market, regulatory, customers, suppliers, and other relevant stakeholders
    2. Acquisition Rationale: Explain why your company is planning to acquire these airlines. What strategic objectives will the acquisition meet? How might the acquisition support the bigger picture goals of TransGlobal?
    3. Proposed Acquisitions: Using the resources provided in the Supporting Materials section, provide an overview of the two companies under consideration to be acquired. Include the following information for each company:
      1. Location, size, and age of the firm
      2. Customer segment and target market
      3. Major competitors
      4. Company leadership
      5. Current financial and market status
  2. Analysis
    1. Analysis of Company A. Present your data and analysis of Company A. Include the following in your analysis:
      1. Balanced scorecard data: Share the balanced scorecard for Company A. Copy and paste the relevant sections from your Milestone One spreadsheet. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:
        1. Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most impactful key performance indicators.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
        2. Internal processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
        3. Customers/market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
        4. Learning and growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant KPIs.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
      2. Balanced scorecard analysis: Describe your analysis of Company A’s performance based on its balanced scorecard components. Perform a cost-benefit-risk analysis to explain whether the benefits justify the costs of acquisition.
        1. Opportunity cost: What will it cost to move forward with this opportunity?
        2. Risk: Identify and explain the magnitude (low, medium, or high) of the risks this acquisition poses to the parent company related to its market, financial, cultural, and operational environments.
    2. Analysis of Company B. Present your data and analysis of Company B. Include the following in your analysis:
      1. Balanced Scorecard Data: Share the balanced scorecard of Company B and highlight some key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share. Copy and paste the relevant sections from your Milestone One spreadsheet. The balanced scorecard should highlight key performance indicators, such as net profit, annual growth, and market share, and include the four components:
        1. Financial: Complete the financial section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most impactful key performance indicators.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
        2. Internal processes: Complete the internal processes section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
        3. Customers/market: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant two key performance indicators.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
        4. Learning and growth: Complete the customers/market section of the balanced scorecard template, identifying two of the most relevant key performance indicators.
          1. Explain your rationale for the KPIs chosen, along with the cause-and-effect relationship between the chosen KPIs.
      2. Balanced scorecard analysis: Perform a cost-benefit-risk analysis for Company B based on its balanced scorecard components to explain whether the benefits justify the costs of acquisition.
        1. Opportunity cost: What will it cost to move forward with this opportunity?
        2. Risk: Identify and explain the magnitude (low, medium, or high) of the risks this acquisition poses to the parent company as related to its market, financial, cultural, and operational environments.
    3. Proposal
      1. Recommendation: Recommend whether TransGlobal Airlines should acquire one or both companies.
      2. Rationale: Justify how your recommendation supports the company’s strategic objectives. This includes one or more of its financial, market, competitive, and cultural objectives.
      3. Assumptions: Explain how your acquisition recommendation will impact the company’s success in different scenarios:
        1. A worst-case scenario that considers the most serious outcomes that could occur if anticipated targets and assumptions are dramatically wrong; and
        2. A best-case scenario that considers outcomes that significantly exceed anticipated targets and assumptions.

Part 2: Executive Summary

Submit a Word document summarizing your analysis and recommendations for both companies.

  1. Situation assessment: Briefly summarize your company’s current internal and external business environments and the rationale for acquisition.
  2. Data and analysis: Provide a brief overview of the two airlines under consideration, including your findings and analysis from your balanced scorecards.
  3. Recommendation: Justify your recommendation for the acquisition and explain how it supports the company’s objectives.

What to Submit:

Acquisition Proposal PresentationUsing the instructions provided under Supporting Materials below, submit a  PowerPoint presentation with 10–12 slides. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 

Executive Summary

Submit a 2- to 3-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.