[Solved] American Psychological Association Website

[Solved] American Psychological Association Website

According to Marieb, Mitchell, and Smith (2013):

Body cells require an abundant and continuous supply of oxygen. As the cells use oxygen, they release carbon dioxide, a waste product that the body must get rid of. These oxygen-using cellular processes, collectively referred to as cellular respiration, are more appropriately described in conjunction with the topic of cellular metabolism. (p. 538)

The major role of the respiratory system, our focus in this exercise, is to supply the body with oxygen and dispose of carbon dioxide. Four distinct processes are associated with respiration:

  • Pulmonary ventilation;
  • External respiration;
  • Respiratory gas transport; and
  • Internal respiration.

The learning objective for Week 5 in the laboratory course is to identify the features of the respiratory system. We will look at the histology and anatomy of the lungs and the conducting passageways through the models and microscopic slides seen in your Laboratory Manual. To successfully complete this assignment, first read the following exercise from the Laboratory Manual: Exercise 36: Anatomy of the Respiratory System.


Marieb, E. N., Mitchell, S. J., & Smith, L. A. (2013). Human anatomy &           physiology laboratory manual (11th ed.). [Fetal Pig version]. San           Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

Student Discussion Assignment

  1. Identify and describe the anatomical structures that allow for internal and external respiration to occur in humans.
  2. View the anatomical models Figure 36.1, Figure 36.3 (a)and(b),and Figure 36.5 (a) from your Laboratory Manual and identify the structures that are described by the following abbreviated statements. Post your brief responses in the threaded Discussion Area below:
    1. Lymphoid tissue protecting air passageways
    2. Increases air turbulence in the nasal cavity
    3. Covers the glottis during swallowing
    4. Contains the vocal cords
    5. Connects the larynx to the primary bronchi
    6. Balloon-like structures at ends of the respiratory bronchioles
    7. Section of the lung that lies on the diaphragm
    8. Outer double-layered serous membrane
    9. Impression on the left lung to accommodate the heart
  3. View the histology slides Figure 36.6 (b)and Figure 36.7 (a)and (b) in your Laboratory Manual and identify the microscopic structures indicated by a leader line, number, or bracket. In the threaded Discussion Area below, briefly describe the function of:
    1. Figure 36.6 (b) pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
    2. Figure 36.6 (b) goblet cell
    3. Figure 36.6 (b) hyaline cartilage
    4. Figure 36.7 (a) lumen of bronchiole
    5. Figure 36.7 (b) alveolar duct

As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Support your work, using your course lectures and textbook readings. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.

[Solved] G Driving Improvement

[Solved] G Driving Improvement

Managers in health care have a legal and moral obligation to ensure high standards of quality and patient safety. As a healthcare leader, you are in a prime position to mandate policy, systems, and procedures, and to influence organizational climates. Health care managers possess an essential role in the quality of care and patient safety. Indeed, these are among the highest priorities for health care managers.

You are the Director of Quality at Trident International Hospital. You have been tasked to create a presentation to present to a group of healthcare managers at an annual training event. Based on the background readings and additional research, in an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint (PPT) presentation, provide the following:

  1. Define quality in relation to internal and external consumers.
  2. Explain the role of healthcare leaders in regard to quality and patient safety.
  3. Identify 2 or 3 managerial influences on quality (e.g., driving improvement culture, goal setting, providing feedback on corrective actions for adverse events, etc.)
  4. Compare and contrast CQI (TQM) and Six Sigma (Lean) approaches to quality improvement. Provide a real-world example in a health care organization of where you believe one would be preferable to another.

Speaker’s notes are required for each slide. Much of the information presented on the slides should be concise and explained in detail through your speaker notes.

Be sure that you do not cut and paste material into your slides, but use proper quotations where needed, and also citations for all reference materials. 

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to support the design of your PPT.

  1. Limit your total PPT to a maximum of 10 slides, not including your title and reference slides.

[Solved] Long Scuba Diving Session

[Solved] Long Scuba Diving Session

The Respiratory System

Utilizing knowledge from your learning and assigned readings, respond to the following questions:

  1. What are the primary functions of the respiratory system?
  2. Explain the roles of mucus and cilia in the respiratory system.
  3. Explain the structure and function of the respiratory membrane.
  4. Identify and describe the four distinct events that are collectively called respiration.
  5. After a long scuba diving session on a Caribbean reef, a patient boards a plane to Dallas. He begins to feel pain in his elbow on the flight back to Dallas. What is happening to him?
  6. Explain how hyperventilation and hypoventilation alter levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.

[Solved] External Site Also

[Solved] External Site Also

Discuss and Critique a Qualitative Research Study [WLOs: 3, 4, 5] [CLOs: 2, 4]

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the instructor guidance, the qualitative section of Chapter 7 and all of Chapter 9 in the Creswell and Creswell text, the article by Bieler et al. titled Distributing Reflexivity Through Co-laborative Ethnography Links to an external site., the article by Morgan et al. titled Case Study Observational Research: A Framework for Conducting Case Study Research Where Observation Data Are the Focus Links to an external site., the article by Spector-Mersel & Knaifel titled Narrative Research on Mental Health Recovery: Two Sister Paradigms Links to an external site., and the article by Urcia titled Comparisons of Adaptations in Grounded Theory and Phenomenology: Selecting the Specific Qualitative Research Methodology Links to an external site.. Also review Standard 8 of the APA Ethical Principles for Psychologists and Code of Conduct Links to an external site.from Week 1. Your instructor will post an announcement with the reference for the qualitative research study you will discuss and critique in this discussion. The study will be found in the UAGC Library. Refer to the Library resource How Do I Find an Article When I Have a Citation? Links to an external site.if you need help finding the article. 

In your initial post, consider the following:•    What is the research question? How does a qualitative research question differ from the research question in a quantitative study?•    What procedure was used to recruit participants for the sample? Was the sample size appropriate? Why or why not?•    What do you think the researcher’s paradigm was?•    What evidence of reflexivity do you see in the research report?•    What ethical considerations were mentioned in the research report? What applicable ethical considerations can you think of that were not mentioned by the researchers?•    How might a qualitative approach be useful for the research topic you chose in Week 1?

[Solved] Professional Practice Experience Handbook

[Solved] Professional Practice Experience Handbook

Discussion With the Professional Practice Experience Practicum Specialist[WLO: 2] [CLOs: 4, 5]

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, watch the video HIM450 | Practicum Links to an external site., and review the resources available in the BSHIM Practicum Resource Center, specifically the Professional Practice Experience Handbook Download Professional Practice Experience Handbook.

Important Note: This week, you will complete and turn in this assignment on Day 7.


Complete the following:

  • After you have your conversation with the Practicum Specialist, you will complete your form about your sites.
  • Submit the completed form to Waypoint.
    • At the end of your conversation with the practicum specialist, you will receive a PDF of a map of local facilities in your area. Upload this document to Waypoint in addition to the form.
  • Save this completed form in a location that you can easily access, so you can reference it as you begin to contact sites.

The Discussion with the Professional Practice Experience Practicum Specialist assignment,

  • Must include your name and the date of your discussion with the practicum specialist at the top of the Professional Practice Experience (PPE) Discussion Form.
  • Must have both parts of the Professional Practice Experience (PPE) Discussion Form Download Professional Practice Experience (PPE) Discussion Formcompleted.
  • Must include the PDF of the map of local facilities provided by the practicum specialist.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric Links to an external site.for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

[Solved] Mesopotamia – Middle East

[Solved] Mesopotamia – Middle East

Annotated Timeline and Evaluative Annotated Bibliography Assignment

Throughout this course, you will be creating an annotated timeline and an evaluative annotated bibliography that will be due in Topic 8. You will be proceeding through the following steps to complete the assignment.

1.Choose a region of the world that you will focus on for this assignment. Please convey that information to your instructor during the first week of class via the supplemental discussion question in Topic 1. (Region is Mesopotamia – Middle east region)

2.Create an annotated timeline of significant events related to the main topic of each week of the course.

3.For each topic in the course, add to your timeline a minimum of five significant historical events related to that topic. Add a brief synopsis of the main details and significance of the events. Three of the five events you choose should be from the region you chose to focus on in step one.

4.It is imperative that as your timeline expands, you differentiate which course topic the various events relate to. This will help you immensely when completing the final timeline presentation due in Topic 8. Using different colored fonts for different topics is one helpful method. A simple topic number annotation after the event would also work. Find a method that work for you.Attached are overall guideline and instructions

[Solved] Http Dissertation

[Solved] Http Dissertation

Topic: Achieving Self-Determination: Challenges and Solutions for College Students with Learning Disabilities

Welcome to Week 5!

The goal for this week is to describe the setting, describe the participants & sampling, permission and participant protection and the data protection sections.  

To guide your writing, I have provided the following PowerPoint presentation to review, Chapter 3, week 5.pptxDownload Chapter 3, week 5.pptx

In addition, go to the following website to review ethics in educational research:



[Solved] Primary Keys – Remember

[Solved] Primary Keys – Remember

W3: Cumulative Project Assignment

Project Plan: Data

Data Types

1. Create at least 3 tables to illustrate the kinds of data your company will deal with. They can be related or separate types, internal or external. Consider your headings and which might work as primary keys – remember primary keys must be unique. Highlight or bold the primary key for each table. See Chapter 5, Section 1b for examples.

Data Flow

2. Create a diagram illustrating data flow (see Chapter 5 figures for examples). It doesn’t need to be complex at this point, just a breakdown of the system or systems you’ll be using to handle data. Where does external data enter the system? Where does it go and who will have access? Is internal data like employee information directed to one department or person? Why? Where will data be stored – on a local server, the cloud, or something else?


3. Lastly, address how you will handle PII (Personally Identifiable information). In what ways can you ensure only those who need access to such information can retrieve and view it?

[Solved] Bar Graph · Compile

[Solved] Bar Graph · Compile

Compile and present the data that will inform your project. Examples: pie charts, bar charts, line charts, column charts, poll results, survey results, trend graphs, timelines, raw data table, summary table, narrative summary table, etc. Briefly introduce your data, present your data, then write a 200-word explanation of the data type and why this type of data is beneficial for your project. Example data types: primary, secondary, qualitative, quantitative, categorical, mixed, cross-sectional, longitudinal, etc. Incorporate concepts and key terms from the course. Use APA format for presenting data and include appropriate citations and references.

Note – Do not draw conclusions or make inferences about the data in this assignment. Only introduce the data, present the data and describe what type of data it is and why it is beneficial to your research. You will analyze the data in week 5.


·         Compile various poll results into a bar graph.

·         Compile multiple financial results to develop a trend graph.

·         Annotate studies in a narrative summary table.

·         Create a timeline graph of historical events.

·         Develop a bar graph of demographics.

·         Compile raw data into a table.

[Solved] Science Reportingthis Week ’

[Solved] Science Reportingthis Week ’

Science Reporting

This week’s assigned reading went over the value of specific types of data. For this week’s discussion forum, look through your favorite news sources and identify an article on science reporting. Your example should summarize a scientific article by explaining the goal of the project, its findings, and the reporter’s take on the project. Remember to cite your source.

After providing this summary, analyze the project itself. Are there any weaknesses in this experiment? Use the textbook to discuss potential problems in sample size, variables, collection errors, assumptions, or bias

75-150 words long