[Solved] “ Really Bad Sore

[Solved] “ Really Bad Sore

Nurses conducting assessments of the ears, nose, and throat must be able to identify the small differences between life-threatening conditions and benign ones. For instance, if a patient with a sore throat and a runny nose also has inflamed lymph nodes, the inflammation is probably due to the pathogen causing the sore throat rather than a case of throat cancer. With this knowledge and a sufficient patient health history, a nurse would not need to escalate the assessment to a biopsy or an MRI of the lymph nodes but would probably perform a simple strep test.

Most ear, nose, and throat conditions that arise in non-critical care settings are minor in nature. However, subtle symptoms can sometimes escalate into life-threatening conditions that require prompt assessment and treatment.

In this Case Study Assignment, you consider case studies of abnormal findings from patients in a clinical setting. You determine what history should be collected from the patients, what physical exams and diagnostic tests should be conducted, and formulate a differential diagnosis with several possible conditions. 

Use the Episodic/Focused SOAP Template and create an episodic/focused note about the patient in the case study to which you were assigned using the episodic/focused note template provided in the Week 5 resources. Provide evidence from the literature to support diagnostic tests that would be appropriate for each case. List five different possible conditions for the patient’s differential diagnosis and justify why you selected each.


Jason, a 13 year old male comes in with Mom complaining of painful swallowing. Started yesterday as a “really bad sore throat” made worse with swallowing. He reports feeling very tired. His Mom gave him over-the-counter Children’s Motrin which made his fever better but did not help sore throat. He reports his symptoms are especially, worse during nighttime. His tonsils are 2+ and erythematous, tonsil stones are present on the right side. He has white patches on his tongue. 

* attached is the template that is to be followed for this assignment

[Solved] Clinical Practice Guidelines Approved

[Solved] Clinical Practice Guidelines Approved

Bipolar disorder is a unique disorder that causes shifts in mood and energy, which results in depression and mania for patients. Proper diagnosis of this disorder is often a challenge for two reasons: 1) patients often present as depressive or manic but may have both; and 2) many symptoms of bipolar disorder are similar to other disorders. Misdiagnosis is common, making it essential for you to have a deep understanding of the disorder’s pathophysiology. For this Assignment, as you examine the patient case study in this week’s Learning Resources, consider how you might assess and treat patients presenting with bipolar disorder.

For this assignment, you will write a 5–6-page paper on the topic of bipolar and bipolar and related disorders. You will create this guide as an assignment; therefore, a title page, introduction, conclusion, and reference page are required. You must include a minimum of 3 scholarly supporting resources outside of your course provided resources.

In your paper, you will choose one of the following diagnoses: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymic Disorder, Substance/Medication-Induced Bipolar and Related Disorder, Bipolar and Related Disorder Due to Another Medical Condition. Your paper will include discussion for your chosen diagnosis of bipolar and related disorder on the following:

  • Prevalence and Neurobiology of your chosen disorder
  • Discuss the differences between your chosen disorder and one other bipolar and related disorders in relation to the diagnostic criteria including presentation of symptoms according to DSM 5 TR criteria
  • Discuss special populations and considerations (children, adolescents, pregnancy/post-partum, older adult, emergency care) for your chosen bipolar and related disorder; demonstrating critical thinking beyond basics of HIPPA and informed consent with discussion of at least one for EACH category:  legal considerations, ethical considerations, cultural considerations, social determinants of health
  • Discuss FDA and/or clinical practice guidelines approved pharmacological treatment options in relation to acute and mixed episodes vs maintenance pharmacological treatment for your chosen bipolar and related disorder
  • Of the medication treatment options for your chosen disorder discuss side effects, FDA approvals and warnings.  What is important to monitor in terms of labs, comorbid medical issues with why important for monitoring
  • Provide 3 examples of how to write a proper prescription that you would provide to the patient or transmit to the pharmacy.

* cyclothymic disorder is the topic for this paper

*a file is attached with grading rubric and paper template that is to be followed

[Solved] Lowest Median Weekly Earnings

[Solved] Lowest Median Weekly Earnings


Refer chart>

As the chart shows, workers age 25 and over who have less education than a high school diploma had the highest unemployment rate (5.4 percent) and lowest median weekly earnings ($592) in 2019 among those at all education levels. Workers with graduate degrees had the lowest unemployment rates and highest earnings.

These data come from the Current Population Survey Links to an external site., a monthly survey that collects information about the labor force, including age, sex, marital status and other characteristics.

Each level of education you complete may help you develop more skills, give you access to higher paying occupations, and signal that you’re able to follow through on important tasks, such as planning ahead and meeting deadlines, that employers value.

Other factors affecting employment and earnings include geographic location, experience, and sector worked. Data and information can help you understand some of these factors.

The objective of this study will explore some of the issues that arise in this context using data from the CPS, the Current Population Survey Links to an external site. on education level and wages.

Load the data (cps.csv) from Microsoft Excel and transform into SPSS.

It is also possible to address problems where there are more than 2 treatments, e.g. look at the effect of race, sex and location on wage. Things start to get more complicated, of course, but it can be done. Particularly confusing is the fact that you can have 3-way and higher interactions, and it can be difficult to interpret what these mean.

The variables are:

  • wage: monthly income/payment in RM (‘000)
  • educ: highest educational level
  • race: ethnicity of respondent (M= Malay, C= Chinese, I = Indian, O = other)
  • sex: gender of respondent (M =male, F = female)
  • location: work place location (1 = north, 2 = east, 3 = west, 4 = south)
  • married: marital status (married or single)
  • experience: year of working experience
  • union: register with union
  • age: respondent’s age in years (union or not)
  • sector: working sector (professional, management, sales, clerical, service, manufacturing, other)

Construct an ANOVA table and conduct F-tests for the presence of nonzero educational effects, road experience effects, and interaction effects.

Tables, Graphs, Figures – You can include tables of data referred to in the text. The source(s) of the data should be noted on the table. Be sure to explain the significance of these data in the body of the paper. You can also include graphs or charts to illustrate your paper. The source(s) of the data to construct these aids must be noted below the illustrations.

Style – To adequately achieve the objectives of the assignment, 3,300 words of content (excluding figures and diagram) are probably required.


a)  Your citation must be from credible journal listed in Science Direct or Emerald Insight. The age of the journal should be not later than 5 years (latest is 2016).

b) originality, professionalism.

c) American Psychological Association (APA) referencing format

[Solved] Least 5 3

[Solved] Least 5 3

W2: AssignmentChoosing a Computer

1. Consider what you use a computer for and make a list of these tasks and activities (at least 5).

2. Research the main hardware features that will support the things you want to be able to do on your new computer (at least 5).

3. Research at least one example of software to perform each of the tasks in your list.

4. Create a table or spreadsheet listing both hardware and software, the tasks you need to perform, and a price range for each.

5. Include a paragraph discussing the possibility of green computing alternatives to your choices. Video to assist with expecatations below:  This can be in Word or Excel formats.

[Solved] Students Must Describe ·

[Solved] Students Must Describe ·

This is the information for the term project in this course. This assignment will be due at the end of Module 7.


1.     Select one country from the 12 mentioned in your textbook (Australia, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Sweden, EU commission, United Kingdom or United States of America.

2.     You must do some research and find 3 of the main real problems that society demands from the government of the country they selected.

3.     You will be in the position of a public management advisor. And the elite decision-maker needs new ideas to implement a management reform to solve those 3 problems.

4.     You will have to write a paper as if you were working for the state administration.

5.     Students must describe:

·       The 3 problems – (using all the concepts studied in this course)

·       The process of the public management reform to bring the 3 ideas for the elite-decision maker

·       The solutions of the problems. 

·       The mode of implementation.

·       The performance measurement. 

·       The Transparency of the outcomes.

6. Finally, the government of Zambia need to improve their effectiveness in public service. They will ask for your help since you solved the problems in the country you selected.

7. You will have to study the situation in Zambia (in the same topics) and make a comparative analysis with the country you chose.

The Term project must be submitted with APA Format as is established in the course syllabus under APA Format Resources as presented in the APA Sample Paper. 

Analysis and Conclusion must reflect the student’s own words. 

The conclusion must include the student’s point of view rather than what the paper includes. 

Plagiarism won’t be tolerated and will be penalized with a 0-grade point for the assignment. 

You should be able to write no more than 4 pages (without the cover and the references page) and no less than 3 pages for the whole assignment.

[Solved] See Previous Weeks Since

[Solved] See Previous Weeks Since

W2: Cumulative Project AssignmentProject Plan: Moore’s Law and Software/HardwareRevisit your initial ideas about an organization for which you’ll be developing or converting to include information systems.Hardware/Software Requirements

  1. After this week’s readings on hardware and software, determine the kinds of hardware you think you’ll need to get meet project requirements.
  2. Is this a single-user or multi-user system? Explain.
  3. Research, if necessary, to help justify your choices and arrive at an estimate of what these items may cost. Again, you’ll get the chance to revise this information as you learn more and perhaps adjust your initial ideas but try to keep the totals realistic based on your current understanding.


  1. Also, explore Moore’s law in the Week 3 videos. Moore’s Law essentially proposes that technological changes will occur on average every 2 years. These changes can create advantages for companies that have the means to implement them quickly, thus creating greater competition. Investigate the probability that your business will have significant competition in the next 18 months.
  2. Does competition exist now and how will you make your product or service stand out?

Address each of these areas using the headings provided and submit as a Word document. Be sure to run spellcheck and keep quotes to a minimum with credit given to sources. Include any references used.Use the cummulative project template provided in week 1 which has headings and is organized for project. Address each of these areas using the headings provided and submit as a Word document. Any tables, diagrams, or images you may want to include as we move through the project have to be incluced on this document so you would need to have as a screenshot then into word document.  All parts of projects are to be in this document, no attachments otherwise would be accepted. Each week you will add your answers in and save and submit again. In this way I can see previous weeks since it is a ongoing project. Include project summary each week at the top or add to the previous week as the project is cumulative and the entire document will be submitted in week 8

Week 2

Hardware/Software Requirements






[Solved] Week 1 Information Systems

[Solved] Week 1 Information Systems

Week 1 Information Systems in OrganizationsLab Project

Each week you will be adding to a cumulative project.  You will submit weekly assignments and your final project will be the total compilation of all of the combined weeks. Determine a business or organization in need of information systems. This can be a business startup or changes in an existing business. If an existing business belonging to you (now or in the future), treat it as if you will be upgrading technology beyond a single computer, software integration, or system.You’ll be using this concept throughout the course so give it some thought.Please watch this video to assist with expectations and choices  In this lab:

Project Definition

1. Define your IS project and determine what information systems and personnel will be necessary to meet needs and requirements.

2. Is this a startup or a business converting to or making significant changes to its business model and systems?


3. What types of data do you think you will be working with?

Organizational Changes

4. How big a staff do you think will be needed and in what capacity? Will new people need to be hired and trained? Will existing staff need training?

Initial Concerns

5. What initial security, ethical, or legal concerns might you have?

You will need to get organization/idea approved through  grading of week 1 cumulative project before moving forward to week 2 of cumulative project  

[Solved] Perhaps Ask Happy Couples

[Solved] Perhaps Ask Happy Couples

500 words

What are the most important qualities of a committed relationship? What factors keep such a relationship positive and alive? Would it be shared interests, trust, humor, or nurturing each other’s growth? Your audience is anyone who wants a devoted relationship. Jot your ideas, and perhaps ask happy couples for advice. Then write an essay that explains three key qualities of committed partnership. Support your points with details and examples.