[Solved] Financial Statement Presentation Requirements

[Solved] Financial Statement Presentation Requirements

Reflect on what you have learned in the past several units and compose your journal response on the following questions:

  • Do you think the same person who receives cash payments should also prepare the bank reconciliation? Give at least one reason to support your answer.
  • Identify a company, business, or organization in your community (it can be one for which you work), and share some examples of current and long-term liabilities for that company. Reflect on the financial statement presentation requirements for the company’s current and long-term liabilities. Based on what you have learned, what changes would you make, if any? Why, or why not?

Your journal must be a minimum of 3 well-constructed paragraphs and use APA format for citations you may include.

[Solved] Forcesmay Inhibit Constructive Conflict

[Solved] Forcesmay Inhibit Constructive Conflict

10 – 12 pages (2500 -3000 words) DUE: NOV 27

You will need to consult with at least three to five academic research papers (includes a bibliography),in addition to the class articles and any other sources). 

Integrated Research Essay: Choose an issue that poses a challenge for families. (The scope is almostendless but here are a few examples; communication, marriage, divorce, blending families, sexuality,addictions, illness, immigration and grief). Research the issue and maintain this theme throughout thepaper to understand more about how this issue affects and impacts (potential and otherwise) individualsand the family system. Utilizing the systemic perspective framework we’ve discussed, focus your paper toinclude the following:a) Clearly describe the topic and the presence of these challenges and opportunities.b) Discuss what it is about this issue that draws your attention. How may this relate to any ofyour own family of origin stories?c) Include the following concepts to a lesser or greater degree in your discussion: boundaries,identity, alliances, roles, rules, communication styles and resiliency.d) What enables the family to use the differences and challenges constructively? What forcesmay inhibit constructive conflict responses?e) Illustrate with a metaphor that reflects a family dealing with this issue.f) What have you learned from the research and writing on this subject?g) What questions for further research do you have? Elaborate.

You will need to consult with at least three to five academic research papers (includes a bibliography),in addition to the class articles and any other sources). A title page and complete reference page arerequired. The paper will be evaluated for scholarly research, elaboration of family systems conceptsand integration of this issue with the course material and your own life experience.10 – 12 pages (2500 -3000 words) DUE: NOV 28 50%REQUIRED TEXT:Day, Randal. (2010). Introduction to Family Processes. (5th ed). Milton Park: Routlege. Available throughthe UW bookstore and as an ebook through the UW library.

[Solved] Pregnant Person May Experience

[Solved] Pregnant Person May Experience

Create a pregnancy chart with 3 columns: 

What to expect, patient education, and testing. 

For each trimester of pregnancy, read about the classic symptoms the pregnant person may experience. Also for first trimester, read about the positive, presumptive, and probable signs of pregnancy. What symptoms or experiences typically happen? What testing? And what does pt/family need to know esp. warning signs? 


[Solved] Ethical Theory Utilitarianism

[Solved] Ethical Theory Utilitarianism

write about utilitarianism. Start your paper with “In my paper, I will evaluate the ethical theory utilitarianism”. The paper should be double-spaced, 12 & should be two pages long, and include at least 2-3 sources. Write an introduction, pros, cons, and your opinion about utilitarianism. Mention each pros & each cons in different paragraphs. Include at least 3 pros and 3 cons. Keep the paper short (2 pages)& to the point.

[Solved] Data Analysis Improve Public

[Solved] Data Analysis Improve Public



Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the article Research Design and Chapter 2 “Developing the Survey: Questions and Answers in Doing Surveys Online” from the course book, Doing surveys online. In addition, read the Survey Basic OverviewLinks to an external site. on the Qualtrics website. Lastly, read Chapters 10, 11, and 12 from the course text, Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics: Using Microsoft Excel.

A survey is the process of asking people their opinions, reflections, or knowledge using face-to-face interviews, questionnaires, or a combination of both. In developing a survey, you should determine what you want to know, develop a set of questions to obtain the information, conduct a trial run, and then administer the survey.

For this discussion, access Qualtrics, a software to assist in the development of a survey and the aggregation of the data, and Create Your Free AccountLinks to an external site.. Using Qualtrics, design a ten-question matrix table and Likert-type survey on a health-related topic (e.g., access, customer service, patient care, etc.). You may wish to access the provided QuickStart Guide on designing a Qualtrics matrix table or review the social research methods on the Measurement: Scaling in Measurement: Likert Scaling page.

In this discussion,

  • Post the URL to your survey questions in the discussion forum by Day 3.
  • By Day 1 of Week 4, your instructor will designate which survey each of you should complete. On Day 4 of the course, complete the classmate’s survey your instructor assigns. In addition to your assigned survey, you must take at least two of your peers’ surveys.
  • Include the rationale for your survey questions.
  • Discuss at least two different statistical testing you could use to analyze your data and why you chose these methods.
  • How can your data analysis improve public health?

Your initial post should be 250 words and include a minimum of two scholarly resources with in-text citations and references formatted in APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined by the Writing Center. The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible SourcesLinks to an external site. table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types.

Guided Response: After completing your classmates’ surveys, provide feedback on their surveys. Assess whether the questions were professionally written or ambiguous. How would you change the survey? Are there other survey methods you would recommend? Is their population base appropriate for this study? Additionally, post your results of the survey in the discussion forum. Interpret the results and address any identified issues with your classmate’s survey. Review several of your classmates’ posts and respond to at least two of your peers by 11:59 p.m. on Day 7 of the week.

Your initial post and your three survey response posts must be posted on three different days of the week. Include all references in APA StyleLinks to an external site. as outlined by the Writing Center.

[Solved] 100 Submits Initial

[Solved] 100 Submits Initial

5-1 Discussion: Impacts of Cognitive and Social Learning on Behavior

In this module, you will be exposed to topics that include social cognition and social learning. Throughout your life experience, you are constantly challenged to consider the world within and the world outside of you. The world within is characterized by your thoughts, assumptions, and attitudes; the outside world can present you with behaviors of others that are different from your own. Your behavior can be influenced by both your internal mental processes and your observations of others in the world.We will explore your experiences with social and cognitive learning theory. To complete this discussion, use Chapter 6 and Chapter 8 of your textbook reading, as well as your life experience. Your response to each bullet below should be about 2 to 3 sentences in length.

For your initial post, answer the following questions:

  • What is an example of behavior modeling that you have experienced in your personal or professional life? Describe the behavior that was modeled and imitated. You can provide an example where your behavior was influenced or you influenced the behavior of someone else.
  • What were the consequences of that behavior? Were there any unintended consequences?
  • To what extent should anyone be mindful of or responsible for the influence of their behavior on others? Use an example to explain your response.
  • What was the relationship between the subject modeling the behavior and the subject imitating it? Why is that significant?
  • Select one of the following questions to answer that relates to the example you provide:
    • How do mental processes manifest in the behavior you identified in your example? How do cognitive and social cognitive theory relate to your example?
    • Did it provide order or clarity about yourself, others, or the world? How do cognition or personal constructs relate to your example?
    • Did it model an emotional response? How does cognitive theory relate to your example?
  • Explain the synergy between thoughts and behaviors in your example.

Finally, describe how studying behaviorism connects to one of the following programmatic themes:

  • Self-care
  • Social justice
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Career connections
  • Ethics

Remember to respond to two peers while being respectful of and sensitive to their viewpoints. Consider advancing the discussion in the following ways:

  • Post an article, video, or additional research to reinforce a peer’s idea or challenge them to see their point from a different perspective.
  • Consider asking a content-relevant question or discussing your personal experience.

To complete this assignment, review the

Contribution to the Learning CommunityInitial post actively stimulates the discussion and growth of learning within the community by initiating constructive dialogue; posts reflect a clear focused point of view pertaining to subject matter that is supported by credible resources and is designed to motivate the group’s professional dialogue (100%)Initial post contributes to the learning community by initiating dialogue; posts reflect a clear point of view and are supported by credible resources (85%)Initial post somewhat contributes to the learning community, with an attempt to initiate dialogue; posts may reflect some challenges in communicating a clear point of view that may not be supported by credible resources (55%)Initial post does not contribute to the learning community, with no attempt to initiate dialogue; post does not reflect a clear point of view that is supported by credible resources (0%)25Relevance to Programmatic Themes:Self-Care,Social Justice,Emotional Intelligence,Career Connections,EthicsInitial post integrates multiple applicable programmatic themes and elaborates on how each theme relates to the discussion topic (100%)Initial post elaborates on how one or more applicable programmatic themes relate to the discussion topic (85%)Initial post attempts to integrate one or more applicable programmatic themes, which may relate to the discussion topic (55%)Initial post does not integrate one or more applicable programmatic themes (0%)25Advancement of DiscussionResponse posts significantly add to the learning community and advance the discussion by building upon peers’ initial posts; posts integrate multiple views from other learners and sources, views are applicable to content and professional practice, and they extend learning within the community (100%)Response posts add to the learning community and advance the discussion; posts integrate views from other learners and sources (85%)One or more response posts attempt to add to the learning community and provide content that somewhat advances the discussion (55%)One or more response posts do not add value to the learning community and fail to advance the discussion (0%)15Professional CommunicationPosts are clear and concise, and demonstrate respect and awareness of peers’ viewpoints; proper APA citation methods used where applicable, with minor errors in citations (100%)Posts are clear and concise, and demonstrate respect and awareness of peers’ viewpoints; proper APA citation methods used where applicable, with few errors in citations, grammar, and syntax (85%)Posts are understandable, and use proper APA citation methods where applicable, with a number of errors in citation, grammar, and syntax (55%)Posts lack clarity, contain numerous grammar and syntax errors, and/or do not use proper APA citation methods where applicable (0%)20TimelinessN/ASubmits initial post on time (100%)Submits initial post one day late (55%)Submits initial post two or more days late (0%)15 Total(100)

[Solved] Social Gatherings Include Large

[Solved] Social Gatherings Include Large

   Tell Me Who You Are Local History Project Instructions:For this project, each student must interview at least one individual. You may interview a family member, relative,friend, neighbor, classmate, co-worker, fellow congregant, or others. The purpose is to record and document a person orsomeone from an organization whom you admire and respect and has contributed to your respective community. Youshould conduct an interview of at least 30 minutes in length. You must upload a brief video clip or audio recording of theperson interviewed. An eCampus link will be provided for you to upload your essay and brief video/audio clip. Inaddition, you must read the first five chapters of Tell Me Who You Are. Then, choose one story from each chapter toinclude and analyze in your essay. Be sure to read the book’s introduction, as well as the chapter introductions, to gainsome context and a better understanding of the book’s major themes.Upon completion of the interview and reading of Tell Me Who You Are, Chapters 1-5, you must write an essay of 3-4pages about your interviewee and the stories you have read from Tell Me Who You Are. Additionally, you must reflect onwhat you have learned from your interviewee and the book chapters and assert your own analysis. Try to connect thehighlights of your interview with the people you have read from the book. For example, what are some sharedexperiences? What are some different experiences? What personal themes come up in your interview and chosen stories?Do not copy and paste or plagiarize from other sources or AI tools to write your essay. Your essay must be properlytyped: 12-size font, double-spaced, in paragraph form, with complete sentences, and one-inch margins. Include a separatetitle page—title of your essay, name, course, date, and your professor’s name. Your entire paper must be uploaded ineCampus.At the start of each interview, state your full name, the interviewee’s full name, name of organization (if applicable),location, time, and date. Below, is a list of potential interview questions that may help guide you through the interview:1. Please tell us your full name and age. Additionally, please share a little bit about yourself (family, hobbies,career, community work, etc.).2. Were you born and raised in North Texas, or did you relocate here?3. How long have you lived in North Texas? Or when did you first arrive in North Texas?4. What motivated you to remain here or resettle in North Texas?5. What were some of the early challenges to living or resettling your life in North Texas?6. What are some of the things you like about living in North Texas? (people, culture, lifestyle, food, etc.)7. What are some the things you dislike about living in North Texas? (traffic, weather, pollution, food, lifestyle,culture, etc.)8. Where did you go to school for your primary and secondary education (K-12)? Did you attend college? Pleaseshare your educational experience.9. Do you define your life or resettlement in North Texas as successful thus far? Why or why not?10. Do you know your neighbors or attend social gatherings regularly? (Social gatherings include large family get-togethers, religious ceremonies, holiday celebrations, special events, etc.)11. Are you actively involved in your own community or neighborhood? If yes, then in what ways are you engagedin supporting your local community or neighborhood?12. What are you most proud of about yourself, your community, and/or your organization? Please explain why.13. What advice would you wish to share with others about living in North Texas?14. Would you recommend others to move or visit North Texas? Why or why not?15. Do you have any other comments you wish to add or share?To review, in order to complete your local history project, you must complete the following steps:1. Choose a person from the DFW area to interview.2. Conduct an interview in-person or virtually. An interview should be at least 30 minutes.3. Read Tell Me Who You Are, Chapters 1-5.4. Select one story from each chapter to be included in your essay.5. Write an essay of 3-4 pages about your interviewee and selected stories from Tell Me Who You Are. Reflect whatyou have learned and assert your own analysis and thoughts. Be sure to include a separate title page.6. Upload your entire essay in eCampus. 

[Solved] Fostering Open Communication 6

[Solved] Fostering Open Communication 6

please read the following article as written by Jamie Downey, National Geographic Learning, Cengage, Nov. 10, 2023. 

“Listening to the Student Voice: Fostering Belonging, Inclusion, and Learning”

After reading the article, you will select two of the seven (7) examples as presented below and expand upon how you would incorporate, as well as support each of your selected two examples in an upcoming classroom. 

1) Promoting Inclusive and Belonging Education 

2) Ensuring Student Voices are Considered

3) Remaining Flexible and Pivotal as Necessary 

4) Valuing Diversity as a Core Principle 

5) Fostering Open Communication 

6) Providing Equal Opportunities

7) Prioritizing Well Being 

Part 2: 

The author asserts, “The conversations that unfold within he classroom serve as the bedrock upon which students will build their lives in the years ahead”.

Describe what you feel is the most important “conversation” that should unfold and why. You may choose one (1) from below or select “other”. If you select “other” you must identify what “other” represents in your response. 

1) Belonging 

2) Inclusion 

3) Learning 

4) Other

[Solved] • Project Description •

[Solved] • Project Description •

Review the various responsibilities of a project manager by organizing a project. See Chapter 19, sections 19.9 and Cases

. The project will be a continuation of how to improve the process you chose in Competency 1.  

Apply project management tools and a project management outline type of your choice to structure and plan the project by defining, planning, and controlling.

Create a 10- to 12-slide PowerPoint presentation (supported by Excel and Word as needed), with detailed speaker notes, that includes the following:  

• Project description  

• Project Management Charts (Critical Path, Gantt Chart, etc.)  

• Meeting cadence/rhythm and timing  

• Metrics to measure the project’s success  

• Financial and budgetary considerations  

• Description of the project reporting structure

 There are attachments and guides as well as a rubric , i also attached last assignment company is Brother USA. 

Also sources I use are typically websites and periodicals.  Thank You

[Solved] Usebritish Invasion Band Shttp

[Solved] Usebritish Invasion Band Shttp

Rock Music and Culture

  • Visit the Related Websites sections of each of the lessons for site suggestions. This section of Lesson 1 provides some mega-sites of more general links. Although Wikipedia.com is a popular site, it is often unreliable and can be edited by anyone. While the site may be a useful first step in your search, it should never be cited in this assignment,  Focus on scholarly sites and official artist sites.
  • The links must be spelled accurately so that the instructor, on reading this assignment, can go directly to the indicated web link.
  1. Choose a particular artist, group or pop music style mentioned anywhere in the textbook.
  2. Look for a notable, interesting or otherwise remarkable item of information, a point that would cause the reader to want more information. Restate (paraphrase) the information within a short paragraph and include a properly written in-text citation.
  3. Now look for another notable, interesting or otherwise remarkable item of information, a point that would cause the reader to want more information. Include the information as an actual quote in a short paragraph and include a properly written in-text citation.
  4. Now list both of those sources correctly as two items of a List of Works Cited.

textbook!!!!!: https://archive.org/details/rockrollitshisto0000stue/mode/2up

resources and bands to use

  • British Invasion Band shttp://learnatrio.com/3Mjp9S5
  • NPR Music: The Rolling Stones https://learnatrio.com/3LjbYiQ
  • Rock & Roll Hall of Fame Inductee: The Rolling Stones http://learnatrio.com/3FTxQR2
  • NPR Music: The Kinks http://learnatrio.com/3ldkeGA
  • Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: The Kinks http://learnatrio.com/3MmMQcu
  • NPR Music: The Who http://learnatrio.com/3Mnkej9
  • Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: The Who http://learnatrio.com/3LiFaGW