[Solved] Defines Asfour Big Environmental

[Solved] Defines Asfour Big Environmental

I. Long Answer Section I (1 ½ page maximum)

1. In the article, “The Truth About the Environment” Bjorn Lomborg discusses what he defines as

four big environmental fears generally advanced by environmentalists.

(i) List the fears and discuss what Lomborg describes as the evidence related to these fears.

(ii) In addition, Lomborg also addresses the issue of why there remains the belief that environmental

standards are declining. Briefly, outline the factors Lomborg thinks contribute to this belief.

I. Long Answer Section II (1 ½ page maximum)

2. In the 2 book chapters, Steve Koonin examines what climate science tells us, what it doesn’t and

why it might matter. (Answer length 1 ½ pages maximum)

(i) Koonin discusses the three core questions of climate science. Define what they are.

(ii) Describe what Koonin means by the importance of understanding uncertainties regarding changes

to climate the how the various assessment reports, about the state of the climate, are put together.

(iii) Koonin states it is important to understand the distinction between weather and climate.

Comment on how they are related according to Koonin and the importance of measurement of

climate changes.

(iv) In discussing changes in surface and ocean temperatures, Koonin asks how one might determine

to what extent human influences are contributing to the change. Discuss how climate researchers

attempt to determine the role of human influences in changing global surface temperatures.


II. Long Answer III. (3 page maximum to answer this long answer question)

3. There are two views regarding the relationship of capitalism to issues like climate change that are

currently fashionable. One view is that of Naomi Klein (2011) who argues that capitalism must be

reformed or replaced if climate change is to be addressed, the second view is that of Jaccard

(2014) who argues that the difficulty in addressing climate change is not the fault of capitalism,

which has demonstrated and ability to address what is admittedly a difficult problem.

(i) Compare and contrast the two views as represented by Naomi Klein (2011) and Jaccard (2014)

regarding the relationship between climate change and capitalism.

(ii) What are the key differences regarding their beliefs regarding how capitalism can resolve issues

such as climate change.

(iii) Jaccard (2014) claims that Klein misses many compelling reasons why humanity is having so

much trouble addressing climate change. What are they?

III. Short Answer Section (1/2 Page each question).

4. Consider an economy which produces oil and manufactured goods, with the price of oil, given

as poil and the price of manufactured goods given as pm. Using a diagram with the amount of oil

on the vertical axis and the amount of manufactured goods on the horizontal show the initial

production and consumption of the economy if the relative price without international trade is –

pm/po. Show what happens when there is an increase world price of oil for the production of oil

and manufactured goods in the economy and how consumers might be better off after

specialization and international trade.

5. Suppose a good is produced with declining average costs, so it is described as a “natural

monopoly”. Using a diagram, show the regulatory options that are available to governments and

public utilities boards and comment on the relative efficiency of these options.

[Solved] Least 5 Pages

[Solved] Least 5 Pages

Essay is about

Safety Assurance of a safe and effective environment: 

Effects of covid vaccinations to nurses and patients, and incidents of nurse acquiring it 


Effects of Flu vaccinations to nurses and patients, and incidents of nurses acquiring it

Check the attached file for full details, needs to at least 5 pages, it is a major grade so please follow all instructions from the attached file.

[Solved] Case Study Information Used

[Solved] Case Study Information Used

Question 1

Objective: The goal of this assignment is to apply theories of social development in adolescence to a real-life case study, considering the unique challenges and opportunities that arise during this developmental stage.


1.     Select a Case Study: Choose a real-life case study that involves an adolescent individual facing social challenges. This could be a case from your community, a documented case from social work literature, or a scenario created for this assignment.

2.     Case Study Analysis:

o   Explore how the adolescent’s social environment (family, school, peers, community) has influenced their development.

o   Discuss the role of cultural factors in shaping the adolescent’s identity and social interactions.

3.     Intervention Strategies:

o   Propose appropriate social work intervention strategies (therapy, group support, etc) based on the specific needs of the adolescent in the case study.

o   Consider how these interventions can address the challenges and promote positive social development.

4.     Ethical Considerations:

o   Discuss potential ethical considerations that social workers might encounter when working with adolescents. Consider issues related to confidentiality, autonomy, and cultural competence.

5.     Reflection:

o   Reflect on the potential impact of the social work profession on promoting positive social development in adolescence.

o   Consider the strengths and limitations of different interventions for this adolescent.

Submission Guidelines:

·        The assignment should be a well-organized, typed document.

·        Include proper citations for any theoretical frameworks or case study information used.

·        Use APA format.

·        Ensure clarity, coherence, and depth in your analysis.

·        This assignment should be 1-2 pages.

Question 2

 The admissions unit of a psychiatric facility where you work issues a one-page daily report summarizing all the patient admissions, discharges, visits, legal proceedings, and other activities for the preceding 24-hour period. This summary is meant to convey useful information to all staff, and social workers view the summary as helpful for monitoring client status. One of the categories on the form “body count” is a tally of the number of patients/residents in the hospital at midnight. A social worker from a local community mental health agency visits her client in the hospital and hears a reference to this sheet. She is horrified by the use of the “body count”, a phrase you have become accustomed to seeing in the reports.

1. What is the main issue here and why does it matter? Please be as specific as you can.

2. In your role how would you address the issue? How would the acknowledgment of the issue be consistent with your role as a social worker?

3. Describe in three steps how you would address the issue.

** Discussions should be written in APA format, supported by at least two scholarly references, and should be at 250 characters in length. **

[Solved] Would Millennials Remain Loyal

[Solved] Would Millennials Remain Loyal

Case studies are an essential learning strategy in business classes because they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides in order to formulate a recommendation for the challenges faced by the company. 

For this unit, review the Marketing Spotlight: Chase Sapphire case study in Chapter 6 of your textbook. This assignment will be comprised of two parts; one part will ask you to respond to questions, and the other will require you to complete a case analysis. 

Part 1: Evaluate this case and respond to each of the following questions using both theory and practical managerial thinking. 

  • Who are the customers targeted by Chase with the Sapphire card?
  •  What are the key value and profile characteristics of these customers? 
  • What value does the Sapphire card create for customers? 
  • From a customer’s perspective, what are the pros and cons of the Sapphire card compared to other credit cards? 
  • What role did promotional incentives, such as the bonus points, play in creating customer demand? 
  • Would Millennials remain loyal customers once they had taken advantage of the initial offer? 
  • Would the Sapphire card continue to be attractive to Millennials if its promotional incentives were reduced and became similar to other credit card offerings?

 Your Part 1 response must be at least two pages in length. Follow APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. Note that you will submit Part 1 and Part 2 in one document.

Part 2: Complete a case analysis of Chase Sapphire. This requires that you conduct research on Chase Sapphire beyond the case study material in the textbook. In the case analysis, you will look at the situational analysis, problem, and alternatives, and you will provide a recommendation. Refer to the instructions below as you construct your analysis. 

Situational Analysis 

  • Discuss the external environment through the compilation of a PEST (political, economic, sociocultural, and technology) analysis. 
  • Discuss the internal and external environment through the compilation of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis. 


  • Identify at least one organizational problem that Chase Sapphire is currently having or one in which you project it will have in the future. Base this upon your research and critical thinking. 


  • Compile three or four potential marketing-related solutions to the problem above. Remember that these are potential alternatives; you will not select all of the alternatives to solve the problem. 

Recommendation (Marketing Strategy) 

  • Select one or two of the alternatives above to solve the problem that you identified in this case analysis. Discuss your rationale for choosing these and not the others. Include supporting research that will increase the depth of your analysis.

Part 2 must be at least four pages in length. Follow APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. Support Part 2 with at least three sources outside of the textbook. As aforementioned, keep in mind that Part 1 and Part 2 will be submitted in one document.

There are several databases that will help you find company information and competitor or industry information. Below are descriptions of different databases and brief summaries about what they do.

Business Source Ultimate: This is one of our bigger databases. This main screen can be used for industry research. You can search for an industry using the NAIC code in the NAIC/Industry Code search bar or by choosing “Industry Profile” under publication type and typing a broad keyword into the main search box.

ABI/INFORM Collection: This database can be used to look for articles on specific companies as well as company and industry information. If you type in a company name, you can change the dropdown box that says “Anywhere” to “Company/organization – ORG.” You can add any keywords you want in the lower boxes and hit search.

[Solved] Research Paper

[Solved] Research Paper

1) Research paper is on CAUTI, Post a draft of your PICOT question. This should be the same question you are using in your research paper. Give and receive feedback to refine your PICOT question.  

2)Explain the difference between qualitative and quantitative data. 

[Solved] Use Richland College ’

[Solved] Use Richland College ’

Unit Three, Mini-Project: 

The Sandwich Generation’s Purpose

 • We will examine and work to empathize with those in the sandwich generation

Required Activity and Reading • 

Boyczuk, A.M., & Fletcher, P.C. (2016). The ebbs and flows: Stresses of sandwich generation caregivers. Journal of Adult Development, 23, 51-61. o Use Richland College’s Online Journal Catalogue to Locate Boyczuk and Fletcher (2016). o Contact a librarian if you have difficulty locating Boyczuk and Fletcher (2016).



[Solved] Module 5 Learning Resources

[Solved] Module 5 Learning Resources

Overview:In this assignment you will complete a number of Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) problems. You will complete your work using Excel then submit your Excel file. Instructions:Please review the Module 5 Learning Resources before working on the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) problems. Complete the following:

  1. Open the attached Excel worksheet, Module 5 Assignment 2 – Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Problems.xlsx (link is under the assignment title above).
  2. Complete the problems per the instructions included in the worksheet.
  3. For full credit, you must show your work.
  4. Add your name in the area provided in the Excel file.
  5. Submit your file to this assignment area.

[Solved] 7Th Edition Ofthe Apa

[Solved] 7Th Edition Ofthe Apa

Assignment: Please make sure to attach ALL the articles you cite in the paperCross-Cultural Psychology (CCP) United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG)Literature Review Report

Assignment Title:Cultural Influences on <YOUR PSYCHOLOGICY TOPIC/PRINCIPLE OF INTEREST>: ACross-Cultural Exploration Supporting UNSDG <X.X – BRIEF TITLE OF UNSDG>All students should use the same title; replace the all capitalized words with your topic andUNSDG goal and brief title, respectively.Assignment Description:In this assignment, you will conduct a comprehensive literature review focusing on the culturalinfluences on your psychological topic/principle of interest, with a specific emphasis onsupporting a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (UNSDG).Step 1: Topic Selection & UNSDG Connection:Students will choose a specific topic in psychology (e.g., mental health and well-being, such asdepression, anxiety, stress, resilience, happiness, coping mechanisms) and explore how culturalfactors impact it. You will also integrate research findings from at least 3 different countries toprovide a cross-cultural comparison. You will need to discuss how your chosen topic directlyconnects to the chosen UNSDG (e.g., UNSDG 3.4 – “By 2030, reduce by one third prematuremortality from non-communicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promotemental health and well-being.” OR UNSDG 8.8 “Protect labour rights and promote safe andsecure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular womenmigrants, and those in precarious employment”).Step 2: Literature Review & Cross-Cultural Analysis:Students will conduct a literature review, integrating at least six (6) peer-reviewed empiricalarticles, analyzing studies and research articles that explore their chosen psychological topicfrom a cross-cultural lens. Students will identify cultural variations, similarities, and differencesin perceptions, attitudes, and practices related to their psychological topic across differentsocieties or societal regions.Step 3: UNSDG Integration:Students will demonstrate how their chosen topic contributes to achieving the identifiedUNSDG. You will discuss how understanding and addressing cultural influences on thepsychological topic can lead to better strategies for addressing the UNSDG (e.g., promotingwell-being, reducing stigma, and increasing access to mental health resources on a global scale).Step 4: Recommendations and Implications:Based on your literature review and cross-cultural analysis, provide recommendations forpolicymakers, healthcare professionals, or organizations to develop culturally sensitive andeffective interventions that address your chosen topic (e.g., promote mental health and well-being). Discuss how these recommendations align with the UNSDG goal (and perhaps evenother UNSDG goals) and contribute to creating a healthier and more inclusive world.CCP in Connection with UNSDG 2Step 5: Report and Reflection:Students will submit their literature review findings and recommendations in the form of anAPA-style written report. In your post-analysis, you will also reflect on your learning experience,discussing insights gained about the importance of considering cultural perspectives inaddressing global challenges like the UNSDG goal you chose.Note. You must submit pdf copies of the articles you utilized as supplemental materials whensubmitting your report. Your work must be prepared in APA style (following the 7th edition ofthe APA Publication Manual).Assessment Criteria:Students will be assessed based on the depth of their literature review, the quality of cross-cultural analysis, the strength of their UNSDG integration, the creativity and feasibility of theirrecommendations, and the clarity and coherence of their presentation or written report.Goals of Assignment:This assignment not only encourages students to delve into a relevant psychological topic from across-cultural perspective but also helps them understand the significance of culturalconsiderations in achieving UNSDGs. It promotes critical thinking, research skills, andawareness of global issues while fostering a sense of responsibility toward improvingpsychological well-being worldwide.

[Solved] Capital Asset Pricing Model

[Solved] Capital Asset Pricing Model

Overview:In this assignment, you will create a presentation using the presentation software of your choice (PowerPoint, Canva, etc.), to explain the relationship between risk and return. Please follow the instructions listed below. *To view the grading rubric for this discussion, click the name of the discussion, then click “Grading Information”Instructions:Please review the Module 5 Learning Resources. Complete the following:

  1. Create a presentation explaining the following:
    1. Types of risk.
    2. Risk/return relationship.
    3. Concept of beta.
    4. Capital asset pricing model. 
  2. There should be at least five (5) slides in your presentation.
  3. Include a cover slide and a reference slide.
  4. Submit your file to this assignment area.

[Solved] Minority Groups Could Enhance

[Solved] Minority Groups Could Enhance

1)Considering Texas’s unique blend of individualistic, traditionalistic, and emerging moralistic political subcultures, how might these influence its approach to the challenges of poverty, education, diversity, and resource management? 

Reflect on one policy change you believe could make a significant impact in addressing these issues, taking into account the state’s social history and political climate.

Because we haven’t done this before, I wanted to give you an example with some possible answers. Don’t copy these, but use them to come up with your own unique answer. Here are a few possible responses:

Education: You might argue for increasing investment in education as a means to address poverty, diversity, and resource management. This could include initiatives to reduce disparities in school funding, increase teacher pay to mitigate shortages, and incorporate more comprehensive diversity and environmental education in the curriculum. They might suggest this policy change aligns with the emerging moralistic subculture that favors government intervention for societal improvement.

Healthcare: Another student might focus on healthcare, noting the high uninsured rate in Texas. They could propose expanding Medicaid or implementing state-level healthcare reforms to provide more Texans with access to healthcare services. This, in turn, could alleviate social problems associated with poverty and improve overall quality of life. Such an approach might challenge the individualistic subculture and align more with moralistic tendencies.

Diversity and Immigration: A student might suggest policy changes to better manage the state’s increasing diversity, such as comprehensive immigration reform or enhanced protections for minority populations. They might argue that better integration of immigrants and minority groups could enhance social cohesion and economic productivity. This would challenge the traditionalistic subculture and require a more moralistic and individualistic approach.

Sustainable Resource Management: Considering Texas’s history with oil and gas, a student might propose further diversification of the state’s energy production, with an emphasis on renewable energy sources. This could include incentives for renewable energy companies, stricter environmental regulations for traditional energy sectors, and public education campaigns about sustainability. Such policies could represent a shift towards a more moralistic subculture, prioritizing the long-term health of the state’s environment and population over immediate economic gain.

Question 2) Considering your knowledge of Texas local government, imagine you’re a city mayor or county commissioner. How would you improve civic engagement, ensure efficient service provision, and manage finances responsibly?

Reflect on the interactions of local, state, and federal systems. How would you utilize these relationships and address the challenges and opportunities related to special districts and metropolitan issues?

question 3)Reflecting on the evolution, composition, and influence of political parties in Texas, how do you envision the future of Texas politics? 

As Texas continues to become more diverse in its population, what changes might you anticipate in political ideologies, party affiliations, and electoral trends? 

Consider how you, as active or future voters, might influence these changes and shape the future political landscape of Texas.