The Power of Discipline in Achieving a Happy and Successful Life

If you want to live a happy and successful life, you cannot solely rely on motivation. Motivation can be fleeting and unreliable, but discipline is the key to keep you going. In this article, we will explore the importance of discipline and provide you with practical tips to cultivate it in your life.

Embrace Discipline for a Brighter Future

Excuses may provide temporary comfort, but in the long run, they make the path to success more challenging. On the other hand, discipline may be difficult to adopt initially, but it paves the way for a smoother and more prosperous future. Remember, you have the power to choose your path. It’s important to embrace the concept of discipline and choose the path that leads to a more fulfilling life.

Define Your Goals and Create a Clear Vision

One of the first steps towards embracing discipline is to choose your goals and write them down. Having a clear vision of where you are headed is essential in navigating the journey towards success. Without a clear direction, you may easily lose your way. By defining your goals and committing them to paper, you are taking a significant step towards making them a reality.

Focus on Habits, Not Just Outcomes

When setting goals, it is crucial to focus on the habits that will lead you there, rather than solely fixating on the desired outcomes. Instead of saying, “I’ll lose 0.5 kilograms a week,” shift your perspective and say, “I’ll exercise 4 times a week.” By emphasizing the habit of regular exercise, you are more likely to achieve your desired weight loss goal. Remember, consistent action is the foundation of discipline.

Prioritize Quality Sleep for Optimal Performance

In the pursuit of discipline, one cannot overlook the importance of quality sleep. Prioritize getting 7-8 hours of sleep every night, as it plays a crucial role in rejuvenating your mind and body. Establish a routine where you go to bed early and wake up early. Rising early will enhance your discipline and provide you with valuable extra time to focus on your goals.

The Power of Saying “No”

To cultivate discipline, it is essential to learn to say “no” more often. Taking on too many tasks can leave you feeling overwhelmed and scattered. Recognize that your time and energy are limited resources. Every time you say yes to someone else, you inadvertently say no to yourself. Learn to prioritize wisely and protect your time and energy for the tasks that truly align with your goals.

Start Now, Imperfect Action is Better Than Inaction

Many dreams perish before they even have a chance to flourish due to a fear of imperfection. Understand that taking action, even if it’s imperfect, is far superior to not taking any action at all. Break down your goals into smaller, manageable steps, set deadlines for yourself, and avoid over-complicating the process. By starting now and continuously taking imperfect action, you will gain momentum and move closer to your dreams.

Embrace Mistakes and Continue Growing

Nobody is immune to making mistakes. Instead of allowing them to become roadblocks on your path to success, learn to forgive yourself. Mistakes are valuable lessons that contribute to personal growth. Remember, a mistake is not a failure unless you fail to learn from it. Embrace the lessons, adjust your course, and keep moving forward with renewed determination.

In conclusion, discipline is the backbone of a happy and successful life. Motivation may ignite the fire within you, but it is discipline that keeps it burning. By choosing discipline, defining your goals, focusing on habits, prioritizing sleep, saying “no” when necessary, taking imperfect action, and embracing mistakes, you will unleash your true potential and create a life of fulfillment. Embrace discipline today and start living the life you’ve always desired.


MLA 9th Annotated Bibliography Examples


Ontiveros, Ndavi J. In the Spirit of a New People: The Cultural Politics of the Chicano Movement. New York UP, 2014.

This book analyzes the journalism, visual arts, theater, and novels of the Chicano movement from 1960 to the present as articulations of personal and collective values. Chapter 3 grounds the theater of El Teatro Campesino in the labor and immigrant organizing of the period, while Chapter 4 situates Sandra Cisneros’s novel Caramelo in the struggles of Chicana feminists to be heard in the traditional and nationalist elements of the Chicano movement. Ontiveros provides a powerful and illuminating historical context for the literary and political texts of the movement.

Journal article

Klein, Nadia, and Jack Mearns. “The Benefits of Writing and Performing in the Spoken Word Poetry Community.” The Arts in Psychotherapy, vol. 41, no. 3, July 2014, pp. 263-268. ScienceDirecthttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.aip.2014.03.004.

Spoken word poetry is distinctive because it is written to be performed out loud, in person, by the poet. The ten poets interviewed by these authors describe “a reciprocal relationship between the audience and the poet” created by that practice of performance. To build community, spoken word poets keep metaphor and diction relatively simple and accessible. Richness is instead built through fragmented stories that coalesce into emotional narratives about personal and community concerns.  This understanding of poets’ intentions illuminates their recorded performances.

Note, citations have a .5 hanging indent and the annotations have a 1-inch indent.



Guide to citing in MLA 9th Edition!


What has changed since MLA 8th edition?

  • Not much! MLA 9th edition is an expansion of the 8th edition with new sections on grammar, writing advice, mindful of inclusive language, expansion endnotes & footnotes, and new guidelines for annotated bibliographies.
  • URLs:
  • Continue: if a DOI is available it is preferred over a URL or permalink.
  • DOIs should now include the http:// and https://
  • For general websites, copy and paste from your browser, some will include the www. and some will not. Either is acceptable.
  • Full URLs are recommended but optional especially for long URLs that are three or more lines long.
  • You can shorten URLs to the general site if it is excessively long.
  • Don’t use shortening services such as bit.ly.
  • Remember, when getting a URL from a library database where you have to log in and is behind a closed paywall; use the permalink or stable URL provided by the database. Do not copy and paste the browser URL.
  • If an article is issued by season (spring, summer, fall, winter) the first letter is now lower case.
  • The appendix includes over 30 pages of citation examples listed by publication format.
  • Shortening University Press publisher name. If the publisher includes University Press, abbreviate to UP. Example, Cambridge University Press would be shortened to Cambridge UP.

MLA Style Center: What’s New with the Ninth Edition includes information on formatting your research paper, citation practice template, FAQs, sample papers, and quick guide. They also provide citation guideline for common titles of online works.

Marketing Plan

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,


  • Chapter 9 of the course text, Principles of Marketing
  • Chapter 10 of the course text, Principles of Marketing
  • It is recommended you review the course text and other resources read or watched throughout this course.


Throughout this course you have explored all elements of a marketing plan. Now it is time to put your marketing plan together for the company you selected for your marketing manager internship.

Part A – General Information and Situational Analysis

Section 1 – Company Background

  • Describe the selected company and brand and a brief history.
  • Summarize the core products and services the company offers.
  • Identify direct current competitors and explain why they are direct competitors.

Section 2 – SWOT Analysis

  • Complete a SWOT analysis.
  • Propose the product or service line you want to develop a marketing plan for.
  • Justify your proposal with a SWOT-based argument for why it warrants marketing investment.

Section 3 – Macro- and Microenvironment

  • Analyze at least two elements from each quadrant of Table 8.1 in the course text as the micro- and macroenvironment factors that affect the company’s overall marketing strategy.

Part B – The Marketing Plan

Section 1 – Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning (STP)

  • Describe your segmentation approach for your proposed product or service and provide rationale for this approach.
  • Describe the target audiences or markets.
  • Create a positioning statement.

Section 2 – The Marketing Mix

  • Formulate the four Ps for your proposed product or service:
    • Product
      • Describe your core product, extended product, and the product concept.
      • Explain how you plan to achieve competitive differentiation through creating customer value in four areas
        1. Branding
        2. Packaging
        3. Support
        4. Quality
      • Price
      • Place
      • Promotion with a special focus on digital media and integrated marketing communications (IMC)

Section 3 – Global and Ethical Considerations, and Conclusion

  • Identify three business or sociocultural considerations in translating your marketing plan for use in a foreign market.
  • Discuss the company’s policy or philosophy on one of the areas below:
    • corporate social responsibility (CSR
    • green marketing practices
    • ethics
    • ethical marketing
    • diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices.
  • Conclude with a summary of your plan and why it deserves to be funded.

Helpful Tips

  • Part A
    • Section 1: Understanding the background of the company will help you complete the SWOT analysis. Use your Week 2 assignment and make sure you incorporated your instructor’s feedback and have improved your previously submitted work.
    • Section 2: Propose a new idea to market the product or service line. Avoid writing about or proposing the current marketing strategy. This is your idea, so use the SWOT analysis to defend it. Use your Week 2 assignment and make sure you incorporated your instructor’s feedback and have improved your previously submitted work.
    • Section 3: Use the information you researched and analyzed in the Week 4 video presentation to complete this section. Analyze some micro- and macroenvironment factors that affect the company’s overall marketing strategy globally. You need to provide enough details about the information you included in your slides to incorporate it with the rest of the paper.
    • Make sure you incorporated your instructor’s feedback.
  • Part B
    • Section 1: Use the information you researched and analyzed in the Week 4 discussion forum, Finding and Targeting Your People. You need to beef up the information you discussed in that discussion forum to align it with your overall marketing plan. Also, review and refer to Section 7.3 of the course text, Principles of Marketing.
    • Section 2: Spend considerable time completing the four P’s of your marketing plan; this is the essence of your plan. Someone should be able to understand your plan just by reading this section only.
    • Section 3: Research, analyze, and discuss your internship brand at the global level or in a foreign market. Also, discuss its CSR and DEI efforts.

Upload Your Project to Folio

It is recommended that you upload your completed paper to Folio. Skills, that were reviewed in Week 4, can be tagged on your Folio page along with a description of the project’s purpose. For more information on these skills, review the Marketing Skills: Developing Career Readiness

Links to an external site. module in Week 4. For information on how to set up and use your Folio account as well as tag skills, check out the Folio webpage in the Student Success Center.

Project Submission Instructions

  • At the end of your marketing plan, add an APA-formatted appendix.
  • Save your marketing plan as a Word document.
  • Upload it to Waypoint.


Click each tab to review the instructions to complete and submit your project.

Formatting Requirements

The Marketing Plan final project paper

  • Must be 9 to 11 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages or slides) and formatted according to APA Style as outlined in the Writing Center’s APA Formatting for Microsoft Word resource.
  • Must include a separate title page and slide with the following:
    • Title of project in bold font
        • Space should be between title and the rest of the information on the title page.
    • Student’s name
    • Name of institution (The University of Arizona Global Campus)
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Due date
  • Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice
  • Links to an external site. resource for additional guidance.
  • Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph and subject headers for all parts, sections, and subsections. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.

Links to an external site. as well as Writing a Thesis Statement

Carefully review the Grading Rubric

Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Skills Learned

This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Project Management
  • Digital/Social Media Marketing
  • Creativity/Innovation
  • Negotiation
  • Problem Formation/Solving
  • Analytical Skills
  • Time Management
  • Confidence
  • Responsibility

Week 5 – Discussion Forum 2

Week 5 – Discussion Forum 2

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 5 (Saturday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Tip: As mentioned in the previous forum, initial posts for this forum are due on Saturday of the week. Start working on your post early and spend time completing your analysis. Understanding these concepts will be vital in order to complete your final project in Week 5.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Inclusive Marketing 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,



  • Summarize the highlights of the above articles in one paragraph for each (total of two paragraphs, each with proper headings)
  • Demonstrate the importance of CRM and diversity, and inclusion in marketing from your own experience as a customer.
  • Evaluate this statement: “Organizations large, and small, local and global, are expected to adhere to behavior that is socially responsible, culturally sensitive, and sustainable in terms of the entire market system—not merely one organization’s self-interest.”
  • Be sure to use subject headers for each of the questions asked.

Review the Level Heading section of Introduction to APA

Links to an external site. resource from the Writing Center for more information. No peer response required for this forum. Instead, check out the Forbes School of Business and Technology’s Marketing Club

Links to an external site. on LinkedIn and become a member! You will have an opportunity to learn about and discuss the latest topics and trends in marketing with a fellow marketer. Plus, we have guest speakers from the industry, so you do not want to miss the chance of listening to a marketing expert for free!

Spend the extra time working on your Marketing Plan Final Paper.

Skills Learned This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Analytical Skills
  • Adaptability/Trainability
  • Ethics

Week 5 – Discussion Forum 1

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Tip: This week, you will have two main discussion forum posts. Your discussion forum posts are due on 2 different days. You need to work harder to submit well-examined and thoroughly analyzed initial posts, one of which is due on Thursday of the week, and the other is due on Saturday of the week. Please dedicate enough time to each forum question and make sure you use your “critical thinking” and your “analytical/problem-solving” mind. Understanding these concepts will be vital in order to complete your final project in Week 5.

Sustainability, Green Marketing, and Cause Marketing 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,



To demonstrate their social responsibility, many companies engage in sustainability, causes, or green marketing efforts; however, such efforts can backfire. In recent years, the terms greenwashing and causewashing have emerged to refer to marketing efforts that capitalize on the goodwill associated with environmental or charitable causes but reflect minimal commitment.

In this discussion forum, you will discuss these topics:

  • Explain why it is important for companies to demonstrate their social responsibility through sustainability, green marketing, and cause marketing. Refer to both articles listed.
    • Would such efforts make you more or less likely to buy from these brands? Why?
    • Find an example of a greenwashing or causewashing ad. Include a copy of the ad in your post.
    • Compare the difference between a real commitment and a minimal commitment to social responsibility through green marketing or cause marketing.
  • Your initial post must be at least 350 words.
  • Be sure to properly cite your textbook and refer to and cite both articles in your response according to the APA: Citing Within Your Paper

Links to an external site. guide.

  • Be sure to use subject headers for each of the questions asked.
  • Review the Level Heading section of Introduction to APA

Guided Response:

  • Respond to at least three of your fellow marketers by Day 7 (Monday), including one who has a different opinion than you on one of the questions, and attempt to convince them of your position.
  • You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful discussion and collaboration between you and your fellow marketers.
  • Continue to monitor the discussion forum through Day 7 (Monday), and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Skills Learned This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Digital/Social Media Marketing
  • Problem Formation/Solving
  • Analytical Skills

Marketing Specific Skills and Association Exploration Journal

Prior to beginning work on this journal,

Read, Watch, Explore:

Skills Exploration Journal

In a journal, complete the following:

  • Choose one skill you excel at and one skill you need to improve from each skills category in the module (broad, technical, and career).
  • In three paragraphs, one for each skill category, reflect on why you excel in the skills you selected and how you plan to improve the skills that you identify as needing improvement.
  • Be sure your explanation includes the professional marketing organizations you visited and the Career Services webpage you reviewed that help you improve your skills.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric

Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Skills Learned

This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Job Hiring Skills
  • Initiative

Global Market Video Presentation

Prior to beginning work on this assignment,


  • Chapter 8 of the course text, Principles of Marketing


As you are likely aware, your internship brand doesn’t just do business in the United States. So in this activity, we’re going to research their global activity. Rather than writing about it, we’re going to talk about it—by creating some slides and a video presentation.

To complete this assignment, you need to do the following:

  • Create a six-slide–PowerPoint presentation.
  • Take a video of yourself and your screen presenting those six slides in three to five minutes.

What you need to cover in the video:

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Identify your internship company and a specific country to analyze your brand’s global market.
  • Refer to Table 8.1 of Chapter 8. Pitch two elements from each quadrant of actors and forces about your internship company.

Helpful Tips

  • Identify the countries your internship company does business in by checking out the corporate website or the latest annual report.
  • Then, search your brand in business periodicals such as Forbes using country names or terms like “foreign,” “global,” or “international.” See which markets have been written about and select one.
  • Think of forces and actors, and specific challenges the company faced entering the specific country’s market (e.g., cultural norms, language barriers, local competition, government regulations, economic conditions, etc.).

Slide Requirements

  • Links to an external site., Google Slides, or another tool of your choice.
  • Structure your slides as follows:
    • Slide 1 – Include your name, internship company, country or market.
    • Slides 2 to 5 – Include two elements of each quadrant from Table 8.1, with highlights of your discussion points related to your internship brand, on each slide.
    • Slide 6 – Provide a nice summary of your brand’s global presence in the country of your choice.
  • Must be only 6 slides (See the tab below Formatting Requirements for more details).
  • Save your slides as a PDF file and then upload the PDF version of your slide in Waypoint.

Video Requirements

  • The screencast video needs to capture you, with web camera turned on, presenting your slides that covers the criteria of this assignment (see the tab below Presentation Best Practices for more details).
  • Below are two common programs that you can use to record your screencast video presentation:
  • Links to an external site..
  • Zoom. For information on how to use this tool, please review the Zoom Quick Start Guide
  • It’s fine to use any other app or device to record yourself as long as it meets the requirements.
    • Optional: It’s a great idea to add this paper to your Folio to show it off when needed (See the  tab below Folio Submission for more details).

Accessibility Statement: If you have a disability that impacts your ability to successfully participate in this or any other course activity, please provide your instructor with your authorized Accommodation Request form from the Office of Student Access and Wellness so that he/she can discuss and arrange an alternative plan with you.


Click each tab to review the instructions to complete and submit your project.

Presentation Best Practices

Carefully review the Grading Rubric

Links to an external site. for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

Skills Learned

This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Verbal Skills
  • Microsoft Office
  • Time Management
  • Analytical Skills
  • Project Management
  • Confidence
  • Adaptability/Trainability

Finding and Targeting Your People

Week 4 – Discussion Forum

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.

Tip: This week, you will have one main discussion forum post. Your discussion forum posts are due on 2 different days. You need to work harder to submit well-examined and thoroughly analyzed initial posts, one of which is due on Thursday of the week, and the other is due on Saturday of the week. Please dedicate enough time to each forum question and make sure you use your “critical thinking” and your “analytical/problem-solving” mind. Understanding these concepts will be vital in order to complete your final project in Week 5.

Finding and Targeting Your People 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,


  • Chapter 7 of the course text, Principles of Marketing.


Geodemographic Segmentation: Finding Your People

Geodemographics is a common and effective means to segment potential customers. Leveraging both demographic (e.g., gender, age, income, marital status) and psychographic (e.g., habits, hobbies, spending habits, values) data, households can be classified into segments; and the relative attractiveness of these segments for your product or service can be determined.

In this discussion forum, you are going to take the geodemographic system Claritas and determine which segment best describes you. Then, exploring map data, you will assess how common your segment is for where you live and where you could live among more people like yourself! Finally, with knowledge of your segment’s profile, you are going to suggest a promotion for your internship brand targeted specifically to your segment.

Part 1

  • Links to an external site..
    • Enter your zip code and hit submit.
    • Review the information including the “Households by Income”, “Household Composition”, “Population by Age”, and “Population by Race & Ethnicity.”
  • Discuss, in detail, to what extent does this information match you and your household and how common your segment is where you live.

Part 2

Now it’s time to think deeper about segmentation and targeting to market your proposed product or service for your internship company.

  • Visit the Claritas’ Segment Details
  • Links to an external site.
    • Once you click on the “Narrow segments” filter, you see a list of demographic, geographic, and lifestyle criteria for segmentation to turn on or off.
    • Turn on a few filters that match best to your target markets to see narrower segment categories.
    • From the narrower selection, click on one or two of the segments and review the information.
  • Explain how the segment fits as a target for your proposed product or service.
    • What are the lifestyle and media traits of that segment?
    • How would you use this segment information for promoting your product or service to your targeted individuals?
  • Be sure to use subject headers for each of the questions asked.
  • Review the Level Heading section of Introduction to APA
  • Links to an external site. resource from the Writing Center for more information.
  • Your initial post must be at least 350 words.
  • Be sure to properly cite your textbook in accordance with the APA: Citing Within Your Paper

Guided Response:

  • Respond to at least three of your fellow marketers by Day 7 (Monday).
    • Find peers who picked a different segment than you.
    • Argue why their identified products or services would be more, equally, or less appealing to your segment.
    • Peruse their segments’ summary pages as necessary.
  • You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful discussion and collaboration between you and your fellow marketers.
  • Continue to monitor the discussion forum through Day 7 (Monday), and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Skills Learned This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Marketing/Web Analytics
  • Problem Formation/Solving
  • Analytical Skills

Helpful Tips:

  • If you see many segments or no segments, it means that you need to reconfigure your filters.
    • With a few tries, you should be able to narrow it down to less than five to 10 categories.
  • Do I have to use my internship brand for this assignment?
    • Please do, as this will enhance your understanding of their marketing practices.
  • My internship brand doesn’t market products targeted to my segment. What should I do?
    • Be creative, and make one up!

Finding and Targeting Your People 

Week 4 – Discussion Forum

Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
Tip: This week, you will have one main discussion forum post. Your discussion forum posts are due on 2 different days. You need to work harder to submit well-examined and thoroughly analyzed initial posts, one of which is due on Thursday of the week, and the other is due on Saturday of the week. Please dedicate enough time to each forum question and make sure you use your “critical thinking” and your “analytical/problem-solving” mind. Understanding these concepts will be vital in order to complete your final project in Week 5.

Finding and Targeting Your People 

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum,


  • Chapter 7 of the course text, Principles of Marketing.


Geodemographic Segmentation: Finding Your People

Geodemographics is a common and effective means to segment potential customers. Leveraging both demographic (e.g., gender, age, income, marital status) and psychographic (e.g., habits, hobbies, spending habits, values) data, households can be classified into segments; and the relative attractiveness of these segments for your product or service can be determined.

In this discussion forum, you are going to take the geodemographic system Claritas and determine which segment best describes you. Then, exploring map data, you will assess how common your segment is for where you live and where you could live among more people like yourself! Finally, with knowledge of your segment’s profile, you are going to suggest a promotion for your internship brand targeted specifically to your segment.

Part 1

  • Links to an external site..
    • Enter your zip code and hit submit.
    • Review the information including the “Households by Income”, “Household Composition”, “Population by Age”, and “Population by Race & Ethnicity.”
  • Discuss, in detail, to what extent does this information match you and your household and how common your segment is where you live.

Part 2

Now it’s time to think deeper about segmentation and targeting to market your proposed product or service for your internship company.

  • Visit the Claritas’ Segment Details
  • Links to an external site.
    • Once you click on the “Narrow segments” filter, you see a list of demographic, geographic, and lifestyle criteria for segmentation to turn on or off.
    • Turn on a few filters that match best to your target markets to see narrower segment categories.
    • From the narrower selection, click on one or two of the segments and review the information.
  • Explain how the segment fits as a target for your proposed product or service.
    • What are the lifestyle and media traits of that segment?
    • How would you use this segment information for promoting your product or service to your targeted individuals?
  • Be sure to use subject headers for each of the questions asked.
  • Review the Level Heading section of Introduction to APA
  • Links to an external site. resource from the Writing Center for more information.
  • Your initial post must be at least 350 words.
  • Be sure to properly cite your textbook in accordance with the APA: Citing Within Your Paper

Guided Response:

  • Respond to at least three of your fellow marketers by Day 7 (Monday).
    • Find peers who picked a different segment than you.
    • Argue why their identified products or services would be more, equally, or less appealing to your segment.
    • Peruse their segments’ summary pages as necessary.
  • You are encouraged to post your required replies earlier in the week to promote more meaningful discussion and collaboration between you and your fellow marketers.
  • Continue to monitor the discussion forum through Day 7 (Monday), and respond to anyone who replies to your initial post.

Skills Learned This activity helps you practice the following industry-required skills:

  • Marketing/Web Analytics
  • Problem Formation/Solving
  • Analytical Skills

Helpful Tips:

  • If you see many segments or no segments, it means that you need to reconfigure your filters.
    • With a few tries, you should be able to narrow it down to less than five to 10 categories.
  • Do I have to use my internship brand for this assignment?
    • Please do, as this will enhance your understanding of their marketing practices.
  • My internship brand doesn’t market products targeted to my segment. What should I do?
    • Be creative, and make one up!