
[Solved] Even Division 1 Aa

[Solved] Even Division 1 Aa


 My assignment is on the importance of student athlete mental health at the division one level (more focus on specifically football). Talking about different ways to help bring awareness to it and finding ways to help support these student athletes. As well as bring up the con side of it where smaller schools (for example division 2 or even division 1 AA) can’t afford the support to help these student athletes, because of funding, resources, etc. Below is more in-depth information.

[Solved] Must Insert Live Links

[Solved] Must Insert Live Links

Images can stir emotions and add reactions to read pieces. “Recognizing the appeal of an argument’s graphics can empower you to feel more confident in your reaction” to the argument itself (The Purposeful Argument). 

After reviewing assigned reading selections, choose one reading and assess the argument presented in a 1200-words. Select two to three web-based images that support the writer’s claim. Use the following questions from the text to build and elaborate your response on effective use of imagery in arguments:  

  • How are the images created to stir your emotions? 
  • What techniques are used to sway you? 

You must insert live links or images within your response. 

[Solved] Algorithm Message Digest 5

[Solved] Algorithm Message Digest 5



1. Hashing is a one-way function that maps a message to a fixed-size sequence of bits (hashed value) with the assumption it is extremely difficult to reverse the process. Given the hashed-value, it is practically impossible to compute the original message given the hashed-value. It is extremely rare that two messages hash to the same value. When this happens, we refer to the event as a “collision”. In this paper, you are going to discuss why are collisions bad to message integrity. Also discuss the chances of collisions with the algorithm Message Digest 5 (MD5)

[Solved] Monster Monster Type Move

[Solved] Monster Monster Type Move

Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
Coursework 1
A* Search, Knowledge Representation, and Automated Planning
You should complete this coursework individually. Coursework 1 has three parts (A* search, knowledge
representation in Prolog, and automated planning using PDDL) and is worth 17.5% of your overall F29AI mark.
Details of what you should do and hand in, and how you will be assessed, are described below and on Canvas.
Part 1: A* Search problem description
The above grids represent two problem environments where an agent is trying to find a path from the start
location (S) to the goal location (G). The agent can move to an adjacent square provided the square is white or
grey. The agent cannot move to a black square which represents a wall. No diagonal movement is allowed. Moving
into a white square has a cost of 1. Moving into a grey square has a cost of 3.
What to do: Undergraduate students, 1-year Edinburgh postgraduate students, and all
Dubai postgraduate students (full time and part time)
Implement a solution to the grid problem using A* search. You have two programming language options for this
question: Java or Python. Starter code is provided for you in both languages.
Programming language option: Java
Starter code can be found in the package, which is a set of classes that can be used to
represent a search problem. To implement a specific search problem, you will need to do the following:
1. Define a class that implements the State interface. This should include the following:
a. A method for determining whether a state is a goal state (isGoal())
b. A method for computing the heuristic value of a state (getHeuristic())
2. Define a class that implements the SearchOrder interface. This interface has one public method,
addToFringe, that is used to add a set of nodes to the frontier. You can use the costs and/or heuristic
values to determine the order that nodes are added to the frontier
The classes in the package show examples of these two interfaces being used to
implement depth-first search and breadth-first search, as well as a simple integer-based state. The Main class in
this package shows an example of how to use the classes.To solve the problem, you will need to implement the following:
1. An encoding of the state in the grid by implementing the State interface appropriately, including
methods for detecting a goal state and computing a heuristic value. You should use the Manhattan
distance heuristic for generating heuristic values in your search.
2. A class implementing A* search by implementing the SearchOrder interface and implementing
addToFringe appropriately.
Programming language option: Java
A Python implementation of the Java classes has also been provided as an alternative to using Java: the file contains Python versions of the classes in, while the file
contains a Python version of the code from You should consult the Java source
files for full documentation of these classes.
If you choose to work in Python, you should follow the above two steps, but using the provided Python classes
and following the Python example: that is, you should implement an encoding of the state and heuristic in the grid
via the State interface, and an implementation of A* using the SearchOrder interface.
What to hand in
Test your code on the two grid problems provided by running A* search on them and capture the output. Submit
the code for the implementation as well as the output. Make sure your code includes appropriate comments in
the parts of the code you implemented. Do not change any of the classes in the package or
the file: we will test your implementation against the provided versions of these classes.
What to do: 2-year Edinburgh postgraduate students only
Provide a solution to the grid problem by applying A*search by hand. In particular, you should do the following:
1. Draw a graph (with nodes and edges) to represent each of the grid problems as a search problem. Label
each of the nodes in your graph and include appropriate costs on the edges.
2. Use the Manhattan distance heuristic and calculate appropriate heuristic values for each of the nodes in
your graph.
3. Apply A* search to each grid and list the final set of states expanded and the goal path for each grid. You
do not need to provide a full derivation for each search (unless you wish to do so), however, you should
provide at least the first 5 steps of each derivation with calculations for the f values to demonstrate you
understand the application of the A* algorithm in your graph.
What to hand in
Submit your answers in a report in PDF format. You do not need to write or submit any code.Part 2: Knowledge Representation problem description
A popular fictional monster battling game features a type system that is used to determine the effectiveness of a
monster’s ability to attack or defend against another monster. In this coursework you will write a short Prolog
program to represent knowledge about this system and to answer queries using the resulting knowledge base.
The version of the game we will use includes five monsters: annihilape, espathra, flamigo, lechonk, and
mabosstiff. Each monster can be one of five basic types: psychic, fighting, dark, ghost, and normal.
Each monster has four moves that it can use. Each move is also assigned one of the basic types. The details of
each monster, its type, its moves, and the move types are given in the following table:
Monster Monster type Move Move type
annihilape ghost lowKick
espathra psychic psybeam
flamigo fighting lowKick
lechonk normal tackle
mabosstiff dark snarl
E.g., annihilape is a ghost type monster with 4 moves: lowKick (a fighting type move), shadowPunch (a
ghost type move), rageFist (a ghost type move), and bodySlam (a normal type move).
The effectiveness of a monster’s move when used on another monster depends on the move type (of the
monster using the move) and the monster type (of the monster the move is being used on). Certain moves are
strong against certain types of monsters while other moves are weak or superweak against other monster
types. The effectiveness of a move type against a monster type is represented in the following table:
move \ monster psychic fighting dark ghost normal
psychic weak strong superweak ordinary ordinary
fighting weak ordinary strong superweak strong
dark strong weak weak strong ordinary
ghost strong ordinary weak strong superweak
normal ordinary ordinary ordinary superweak ordinary
E.g., a fighting type move is weak against psychic type monsters but a dark type move is strong against
ghost type monsters. Combinations that aren’t strong, weak, or superweak are ordinary.What to do
Write a Prolog program to represent the knowledge in the monster game according to the following specification:
1. Encode information about the monsters and their moves using Prolog facts of the following form:
− basicType(t): to represent the idea that t is a basic type.
− monster(mo,t): to represent the idea that mo is a monster of type t.
− move(mv,t): to represent the idea that mv is a move of type t.
− monsterMove(mo,mv): to represent the idea that monster mo has a move mv.
2. Encode effectiveness information using Prolog facts of the form typeEffectiveness(e,t1,t2): a
move of type t1 used again monsters of type t2 has effectiveness e.
3. Encode basic effectiveness relationships using Prolog facts of the form moreEffective(e1,e2): e1 is
more effective than e2. You should only encode the strict ordering on effectiveness in this way, i.e.,
strong is more effective than ordinary, ordinary is more effective than weak, and weak is more
effective than superweak.
4. Encode transitive effectiveness information using a Prolog rule of the form
moreEffectiveThan(E1,E2): E1 is more effective than E2. The rule should cover the basic
effectiveness information above but also information not represented by the facts in part 3, e.g., strong
is more effective than weak, ordinary is more effective than superweak, etc. E1 and E2 should be
variables in your rule definition.
5. Define a Prolog rule called monsterMoveMatch(T,MO1,MO2,MV) which represents the idea that
monster MO1 and monster MO2 both have a move MV which has type T. MO1, MO2, MV, and T should be
variables in your rule definition.
6. Define a Prolog rule called moreEffectiveMoveType(MV1,MV2,T) to represent the idea that move
MV1 is more effective than move MV2 against monsters of type T. MV1, MV2, and T should be variables in
your rule definition.
7. Define a Prolog rule called moreEffectiveMove(MO1,MV1,MO2,MV2) to represent the idea that if
monster MO1 performs move MV1 against MO2, and monster MO2 performs move MV2 against MO1, then
MV1 is more effective than MV2. MO1, MV1, MO2, and MV2 should be variables in your rule definition. Note
that the monsters should actually be capable of performing their respective moves.
NOTE: For parts 4-7 of the specification, ensure that you write Prolog rules. You should not implement Prolog facts
as your solution for these parts and you will lose marks if you do this. However, it is okay if need to write multiple
rules for each definition. If you are interested, the game mechanics in this coursework are based on information
What to hand in
• Prolog program file: Submit a single Prolog program file with all your Prolog facts and rules. Ensure that
the file is a plain text file with the name or Make sure there are comments in
your program file to describe the different parts of your program.
• Output file: Test your program by selecting a series of Prolog queries to demonstrate the various facts and
rules you have implemented. Capture the queries and output to a text file. Include at least 10 queries in
your output file. Ensure that the file is a plain text file with the name output.txt.Part 3: Automated Planning problem description
Heriot-Watt Underwater has decided to continue its exploration activities in the sea. Mission operations will be
controlled by plans generated using an automated planner that will direct the activities of personnel and
underwater vehicles. The area of operation is divided into a series of grid-based locations involving land and
water. A command centre, which acts as a base of operations, is in one of the water locations near the land.
Several types of personnel serve at the command centre, including engineers, scientists, and pilots. The main
activities are performed by advanced subs, which can travel underwater and perform various types of exploration
and construction tasks. All personnel and subs initially begin at the command centre. Some of the operations of
the underwater mission are described in the following list (which isn’t exhaustive):
1. Each location in the area of operation can be either land, shallow water, or deep water.
2. A sub can only move in shallow or deep water and must have a pilot on board in order to move. A sub can
only move to an adjacent location from its current location (i.e., it may take multiple moves to reach
distant locations).
3. Subs are big enough to carry two people at a time.
4. Subs can carry at most one construction kit at a time: a structure kit or an energy cable kit. Kits can be
loaded or unloaded to/from subs by engineers at the command centre.
5. A sub can perform two types of underwater scans. A sub can perform a subsea survey of a location, to
make sure the location is safe for construction. A sub can also perform a more intensive research scan of a
location, to gather data for further analysis. A scientist must be on board the sub to perform a scan and
only one type of scan can be performed at a time.
6. A tidal power generator can be constructed by a sub provided the location has been surveyed and an
engineer is on the sub. A tidal power generator can only be built in shallow water in a location adjacent to
land. The sub must be carrying a structure kit which is used up by constructing the power generator.
7. An offshore energy cable can be installed by a sub in a water location (deep or shallow) provided the
location has been surveyed and an engineer is on the sub. An energy cable can only be installed in a
location provided the location is adjacent to a tidal power generator or another energy cable. The sub
must also be carrying an energy cable kit, but the kit can be reused any number of times.
8. An underwater research base can be constructed by two subs operating in the same deep water location.
The location must have been surveyed and both subs must have engineers on board. An offshore energy
cable must also be in the location before the research base can be built. Each sub must also be carrying a
structure kit which is used up by constructing the research base.
9. Some locations of shallow and deep water are marine protected areas. Subs are permitted to travel
through marine protected areas, but no construction or installation of offshore energy cables is permitted
in a marine protected area.
10. Personnel can move between the command centre and a sub, or an underwater research base and a sub,
provided the command centre/research base and sub are in the same location.
11. The results of a research scan can be transferred from a sub into the computer system of an underwater
research base if the sub is at the same location as the base. The results of a research scan can be analysed
by a scientist at an underwater research base if the results have been transferred to the base computers.
12. A sub has a protective energy shield that can be turn on or off by the pilot.
13. Several locations are home to a kraken. If a sub passes through a location with a kraken without having its
energy shield on, then the sub will be destroyed by the kraken.
14. If two underwater research bases are operational then a special sonar array can be turned on by an
engineer at one of the bases. The sonar array confuses any kraken, allowing subs to pass through a
location with a kraken, even if their energy shield is turned off.
15. All personnel, subs, and kits start at the command centre. The command centre must be situated in a
water location adjacent to a land location. There are a finite number of personnel, subs, and kits. No tidal
power generators, offshore energy cables, or underwater research bases are initially built/installed. At
least one location must contain a kraken and at least one location must be a marine protected area.
At the start of operations, the command centre is given a series of missions to complete that involve setting up
structures and analysing particular locations in the area of operation.What to do: all students
1. PDDL implementation: You must model the underwater exploration domain in PDDL by defining the
properties, objects, and actions that are needed to describe the domain. Note that the planning domain is
described at an abstract level and is somewhat incomplete, with certain pieces of information missing.
You must make design decisions as to how you will represent the knowledge and actions necessary to
encode this scenario as a planning problem. Some requirements are more difficult than others. It is
strongly recommended that you try to implement the domain incrementally, ensuring that some parts of
the domain work correctly before moving on to others. Use the example domains from the PDDL lectures
as a starting point for your solutions. You may also find that the planning time increases as you add more
complexity. You may have to consider whether an alternative knowledge representation leads to a better
solution. You may use the planning tools available at, the Fast Forward
(FF) planner, or the Fast Downward planner. You should ensure that your solution works with one of these
planners. Note that the performance of certain planners may outperform that of the web-based planner.
Do not use any features of PDDL that we have not covered in the course. Make sure you test your
solution on a series of different problem scenarios. Include comments in your PDDL files to describe
important sections of your code. You do not need PDDL features that we have not covered in the course.
2. PDDL report: Write a short report (maximum 2 pages) briefly discussing how you structured your domain.
Show the different types of locations in your domain and the location of the command centre. Also list in
your report the particular problem instances you have included in your code and what planner you have
used to test your domain/problems. The report will be used by the markers to help understand your code.
What to do: 1-year Edinburgh postgraduate students and all Dubai postgraduate
students (full time and part time)
In addition to the above instructions for all students, 1-year Edinburgh postgraduate students and all Dubai
postgraduate students (full time and part time) should design an additional feature in PDDL to add to the domain
(e.g., new personnel that can perform some task, a new activity, etc.) that isn’t included in the above domain
description. Add this feature to your domain and test it. Your new features should not simplify or remove any of
the existing requirements. Include a description of the additional feature in your report (maximum 1 extra page).
What to hand in: all students
• PDDL source files: Submit your PDDL source files consisting of a single domain file and at least 4 different
problem files. Make sure your source files have comments describing the properties and actions you’ve
defined. Your solution should illustrate the different scenarios that are supported by your domain. You
should aim for comprehensive scenarios that support multiple missions in each problem file. Your source
files will be checked for plagiarism and tested to see if they are operational. For 1-year Edinburgh
postgraduate students and all Dubai postgraduate students (full time and part time): one of the problem
files must test your additional feature.
• PDDL report: Submit your report as a PDF file. Your report will be checked for plagiarism.
Declaration of Authorship: Students are also required to sign and include a standard declaration of
authorship with each submission. This is a mandatory part of the assessment submission. Links to the
standard declaration can be found on the Canvas site for F29AI.Deadlines
The deadline for submitting Coursework 1 (all parts) is Thursday, 26 October 2023. Submissions are due by 15:30
(Edinburgh time) for the Edinburgh Campus, 23:59 (Dubai time) for the Dubai Campus, and 17:00 (Malaysia time)
for the Malaysia Campus. Details on how to submit your coursework will be posted on Canvas.
Individual written feedback will be provided to students approximately three working weeks after the submission
of Coursework 1.
Additional notes
This is an individual coursework assignment. All submitted files will be checked for plagiarism. You must confirm
to the naming conventions described in this document. If files are unreadable or code does not run, you will
receive 0 marks on that part of the assessment. You are not permitted to use generative AI tools for any part of
this coursework.Assessment
This coursework will count towards 17.5% of your overall mark for F29AI and will be marked out of 40 marks.
A* Search: Java/Python code (10 marks)
Your Java/Python code will primarily be marked on its correctness with respect to the two grid problems. We will
also check the implementation of the heuristic in your solution.
Very good
No code
Major problems
with code.
Solution is
incorrect and/or
code does not
Code partially
works but there
are major
problems with
code structure,
solution, and/or
Good code and
solution. Code
runs almost
perfectly but
there are
problems with
code structure,
solution, or
Very good code
and solution.
Code runs
perfectly. Small
problems with
code structure,
solution, or
Exceptional code
and solution.
Code runs
Heuristic is well
A* Search: Non-coding solution (10 marks)
Your solution will primarily be marked on its correctness with respect to the two grid problems. We will also check
your graph and heuristic values you are using in your solution.
Very good
No solution
Major problems
with solution.
Solution is
incorrect and/or
many parts of the
solution are
wrong or missing.
Major problems
with solution.
Some parts of the
solution partially
incorrect or
Description of the
solution could be
improved in many
Good solution.
Solution is mainly
correct but there
are some minor
Description of the
solution could be
Very good
solution. All parts
of the solution are
described and the
solution is correct
but there are
some small
problems with the
description that
could be
solution. All parts
of the solution are
well described
and solution is
Knowledge Representation (10 marks)
You will be assessed on the correctness of your Prolog program and the output it produces.
Very good
No source code or
minimal source
code submitted.
Weak solution.
Many important
requirements of
the specification
or important parts
of the output
solution. Some
requirements of
the specification
implemented but
important parts
missing. Output
cases do not
provide complete
coverage and/or
missing many
solution. Majority
of program meets
Some small
problems with the
program, missing
cases in the
output file, and/or
Very thorough
solution. Program
almost works
perfectly. There
might be very
small problems
with the program,
some missing
cases in the
output file, and/or
Program works
perfectly. Output
illustrates all
important cases.
Comments in code
are descriptive.Automated Planning (20 marks)
The automated planning mark will primarily be based on the PDDL code you have supplied and how correctly it
implements the coursework specification. You should submit a single PDDL domain file and multiple PDDL
problem files. The supplied files should provide coverage of the various scenario requirements and demonstrate
correct behaviour. The marker will test a selection of the specified PDDL files for plan correctness. You should
clearly indicate in your report what planner you have used to test your solution. PDDL files will only be tested on, FF, or Fast Downward. Correctness will be assessed not only against the coursework
requirements but also with respect to the specific implemented solution. (I.e., non-obvious or incorrect/missing
action preconditions or effects may lead to strange plan output and mark deductions.) Usual program quality
criteria (e.g., use of whitespace, comments, naming conventions, etc.) will apply here to assess the readability of
the code. The marker will be looking to see if you understand how to write PDDL domains and problems and have
made good use of the language features that are available. Deductions for poor code quality (up to 5 marks,
depending on severity) may be made even if your domain works perfectly.
1-year Edinburgh postgraduate students and all Dubai postgraduate students (full time and part time): Up to 2
marks will be allocated for the correctness of the additional feature. The additional feature should be similar in
terms of complexity to the requirements in the main specification (and may be more complex if you’d like), and
you are encouraged to be creative in your solutions. Trivial additional features will receive very few marks.
Very good
No source code
Weak solution.
Many important
requirements or
test cases missing
and/or not
working perfectly.
Basic domain
features. PDDL
code is not
solution. Some
implemented but
missing. Test
cases do not
provide complete
coverage. Some
test cases may not
work perfectly.
Mostly basic
domain features.
PDDL code is very
difficult to
solution. Majority
of requirements
are met. Choice of
test cases is
convincing. Very
few test cases do
not work
perfectly. A good
quality solution
overall with a mix
of basic and
advanced domain
features. PDDL
code is mainly
well written, clear,
Very thorough
solution. All
requirements met
and choice of test
cases provides
coverage of
Solution plans are
quite convincing.
Everything works
perfectly. A good
mix of domain
features, with
advanced features
enhancing the
overall approach.
PDDL code is very
well written,
completely clear
solution. All
requirements are
easily met and
Test cases are
and demonstrate
robust behaviour.
Everything works
Excellent design
designs and use of
advanced features
which enhance
the overall
approach. PDDL
code is excellent,
with all aspects of
the code easily
understandable.Learning Objectives

[Solved] 50 Years Imported Culture

[Solved] 50 Years Imported Culture

  • Select a cultural component:
    • music – live or recorded
    • visual arts – gallery or street art
    • dance and theater – amateur or professional
    • cuisine – home-cooked, take-outs, chef-inspired, or street foods
    • sports – you can focus on one or more of the amateur or professional sports discussed in this course.
  • In 4 well-developed paragraphs, describe how you think that component will change over the next 50 years, and include
    • A description of the component
    • Your current experience with the component – what specifically do you like, dislike, or avoid
    • Cultural and other influences that might change the component in the next 10, 20, and 50 years
      • Imported culture – global influence or immigrant associated
      • Government intervention
      • Changing demographics of the United States
    • Describe the level of acceptance these changes might expect from people whose lives and traditions differ from your own

Things to remember:

  • There should be a minimum of 4 well-developed paragraphs.
  • Support your prediction with factual references. For example, if you think all music will be created by robots by 2070, support that with articles about the future of music.
  • Proofread before submitting.

Predictions based on facts need to be referenced. Your source material must be academically credible and validated using in-text citations and references in APA format.

[Solved] Select Three Academic Websitesmust

[Solved] Select Three Academic Websitesmust

  1. Write a paper on Elephantiasis
  2. Write an original (cannot copy and paste the content from the website) essay and include, but not limited to, the disease process, symptoms, diagnoses, trends in health care, possible genetics, morbidity and mortality, and case studies.
  3. Your word count will be 500 words (excluding references and in-text citations).
  4. Conclude your thoughts by commenting critically on the relevance of all three websites that were used.
  5. Include your sources as an APA citation (I recommend using: www.easybib.comLinks to an external site. )  Students MUST provide an in-text citation to show which parts of the work are coming from which source. Search the Internet and select three ACADEMIC websites

[Solved] Physicians Within Statutory Health

[Solved] Physicians Within Statutory Health

Morganne Leonard

Morganne Leonard 

1:33pmOct 24 at 1:33pm

Discussion Thread: Major Characteristics of U.S. Healthcare Delivery

           The two main objectives of the U.S. health delivery system are to address certain populations’ health needs and provide cost-effective healthcare that is aligned with quality standards (Shi and Singh, 2022). The ten characteristics of the U.S. healthcare system include no central governing agency and little integration and coordination, a technology-driven delivery system focusing on acute care, high cost, unequal access, and average outcome, delivery of health care under imperfect market conditions, government as a subsidiary to the private sector, a fusion of market justice and social justice, multiple players and balance of power, the quest for integration and accountability, access to health care services selectively based on insurance coverage, and legal risks influencing practice behaviors (Shi and Singh, 2022). Through a thorough analysis of the two characteristics of the U.S. health delivery system concerning access to health care services selectively based on insurance coverage, and the lack of a central governing agency and little integration and coordination, conclusions will be reached about similarities and differences between these characteristics as compared to the developed country of Germany’s health care delivery system.

           When it comes to the characteristic of the U.S. health delivery system that access to health care services is selectively based upon insurance coverage, Germany starkly contrasts. Germany’s healthcare system provides universal access to healthcare for all German citizens and is not selectively based on an individual’s level of insurance coverage (Gleason et al., 2012). Purposed to provide citizens with equitable access to care, healthcare organizations are steered away from a posture of profit maximization, instead seeking to ensure universal benefits for all (Gleason et al., 2012). Alternatively, the U.S. health delivery system does not guarantee healthcare services for those with limited resources and no insurance coverage and may only receive care by paying out of pocket or seeking care from safety net providers or hospital emergency departments (Shi and Singh, 2022).

           Further, the U.S. healthcare system lacks a central controller that commands the financing, payment, and delivery of services to patients (Shi and Singh, 2022). The financing of the U.S. healthcare system relies on both public and private sources, resulting in variations in the payment and delivery of services to patients (Shi and Singh, 2022). Similarly, while the federal government of Germany is required to provide social services such as healthcare to its citizens, it is not tasked with control and delegates this requirement to state governments and institutions (Döring and Paul, 2010). These institutions may include health insurance companies or physicians within statutory health insurance associations, for instance (Döring and Paul, 2010).

           The comparison between the U.S. and German healthcare delivery systems reflects a broader principle addressed within the scriptures of caring for the vulnerable, sick, and marginalized. Matthew 25:35-36 demonstrates the commandment for Christians to care for those in need, stating “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me (ESV)”. This scripture is directly relevant to individuals in their personal lives, and practitioners of health care administration, providing direction in how we are to proceed in our treatment of our community members, neighbors, and as practitioners, patients. Although resources are limited in the U.S. for individuals who lack the ability to afford care, placing emphasis on making referrals to safety net providers available to underserved populations and using our best efforts in assisting individuals to the best of our ability is a direct reflection of our obedience to God’s law.


Döring, A., & Paul, F. (2010). The German Healthcare System. The EPMA journal. Links to an external site.

English Standard Version Bible. (2001). ESV Online. to an external site.

Gleason, S., Ridic, G., & Ridic, O. (2012). Comparisons of Health Care Systems in the United States, Germany and Canada. U.S. National Library of Medicine. Links to an external site.

Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2022). Essentials of the U.S. Health Care System. Google Books. Links to an external site.

[Solved] Go Intothe Glittering Snowto

[Solved] Go Intothe Glittering Snowto

I went down not long agoto the Mad River, under the willowsI knelt and drank from that crumpled flow, call itwhat madness you will, there’s a sicknessworse than the risk of death and that’sforgetting what we should never forget.Tecumseh lived here.The wounds of the pastare ignored, but hang onlike the litter that snags among the yellow branches,newspapers and plastic bags, after the rains.Where are the Shawnee now?Do you know? Or would you have to write to Washington, and even then,whatever they said,would you believe it? SometimesI would like to paint my body red and go intothe glittering snowto die.His name meant Shooting Star.From Mad River country north to the borderhe gathered the tribesand armed them one more time. He vowedto keep Ohio and it took himover twenty years to fail.After the bloody and final fighting, at Thames,it was over, excepthis body could not be found,and you can do whatever you want with that, sayhis people came in the black leaves of the nightand hauled him to a secret grave, or thathe turned into a little boy again, and leapedinto a birch canoe and wentrowing home down the rivers. Anywaythis much I’m sure of: if we meet him, we’ll know it,he will still beso angry.

6. What insight does the painting of Tecumseh provide into his character that the poem does not?

A. His facial expression in the painting shows his fear of poisonous serpents.

B. The painting shows him with his weapons to demonstrate his strength

C. The coin he wears around his neck in the painting shows that he is not as worried about the white people as he sounds.

D. The painting shows what Tecumseh may have looked like

7. How would the meaning of the passage change if it was written about the painting?

A. It would focus more on Tecumseh’s appearance and his strength as a leader

B. The mood would be gloomy

C. The speaker would not be as focused on Tecumseh

D. The speaker would not need to describe Tecumseh’s appearance

Brothers,—We all belong to one family; we are all children of the Great Spirit; we walk in the same path; slake our thirst at the same spring; and now affairs of the greatest concern lead us to smoke the pipe around the same council fire!Brothers,—We are friends; we must assist each other to bear our burdens. The blood of many of our fathers and brothers has run like water on the ground, to satisfy the avarice of the white men. We, ourselves, are threatened with a great evil; nothing will pacify them but the destruction of all the red men.Brothers,—When the white men first set foot on our grounds, they were hungry; they had no place on which to spread their blankets, or to kindle their fires. They were feeble; they could do nothing for themselves. Our father commiserated their distress, and shared freely with them whatever the Great Spirit had given his red children. They gave them food when hungry, medicine when sick, spread skins for them to sleep on, and gave them grounds, that they might hunt and raise corn.Brothers,—The white people are like poisonous serpents: when chilled, they are feeble and harmless; but invigorate them with warmth, and they sting their benefactors to death.The white people came among us feeble; and now we have made them strong, they wish to kill us, or drive us back, as they would wolves and panthers.

8. If the speech and the poem were made into a film, what choice below would be most helpful to the viewer to understand the central idea?

A. Tecumseh’s anger and how he empowered his people to fight.

B. Tecumseh’s defeat and how he was never found.

C. Tecumseh’s fierce yet cowardly actions led to his defeat

D. Tecumseh doesn’t care if they lose, he just likes fighting.

9. What insight does the painting of Tecumseh pointing provide into his character that the speech does not?

A. The painting demonstrates Tecumseh’s fear of the “white men”.

B. The painting shows how Tecumseh and his people died

C. The painting shows Tecumseh’s fearlessness and anger

D. The setting of the painting shows how native americans lived

10. How would the meaning of the speech change if it was written about the painting?

A. The speech would not be given by Tecumseh

B. The focus of the speech would be directed toward the white men and not his people

C. The problem would be how Tecumseh was captured by the white men.

D. The mood would be somber because of his death

[Solved] Also May Leaders Carry

[Solved] Also May Leaders Carry

 As the healthcare industry experiences an increased demand for administrators/managers, it is necessary to ensure those serving in these roles have the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) to accomplish the strategic goals of the organization. As I prepare to move forward in my career, I have identified based on research that (KSAs) knowledge, skills, and abilities plays a large role in becoming successful in the health healthcare filed. Although retaining knowledge, skills, abilities in any line of work will help an individual become successful in his or her filed of work. Knowledge, skills, and abilities is also known as (KSAs). The ( n.d) mentions that KSAs…Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities…a list of special qualifications and personal attributes that you need to have for a particular job. These are the unique requirements that the hiring agency wants to find in the person selected to fill a particular jobA primary purpose of KSAs is to measure those qualities that will set one candidate apart from the othersIn federal personnel guidance, KSAs are defined as the factors that identify the better candidates from a group of persons basically qualified for a position. How well an applicant can show that he or she matches the position’s defined KSAs determines whether that person will be seriously considered for the job.

In a role such as healthcare KSAs should not be ignored, due to its significant meaning towards job positions and requirements. For an individual to gain knowledge, skills, and particular abilities to perform a job at a competitive level. When looking to hire, hiring managers are expected to feel open positions, but they also should understand to target and seek the   Knowledge, skills, and abilities that the candidate/ interviewee has. In order to help an organization to move forward with the best team possible to further accomplish the strategic goals that has been set by the organization.

The impact of a successful healthcare administrator or administrators is tremendous. Healthcare administrators are not always known to deal with patients directly, however healthcare administrators do have a direct role in “patient care”. Healthcare administrators holds the opportunity to deliver a great patient experience. Which could help positively impact a patient’s experience. (Baird, 2021) speaks on why patient experience is important. Baird states that Over the past decade, the healthcare industry has gradually shifted toward a patient-centered modelLinks to an external site. of care. An approach considered a best practice today. This means that a patient’s preferences, needs, and values help drive care and treatment decisions. Patients reviews and outcomesLinks to an external site. ride heavily on the services that hospitals and other healthcare facilities offer. Patients has provided and help change organizations, by improving quality care. (Baird, 2021) also brings up great points and thing that a consumers may pay attention to. She states that Patients are consumers too. They expect clinical competence, Baird said, and they assess this by critiquing their overall interaction with the facility and staff. “Did the receptionist look up, smile and greet me when I walked in the door or were they engrossed in their phone? Did the physician sit, make eye contact, and speak in terms I understood. These are things that health administrators make an impact on. This is what patients will remember and talk about. Healthcare administrators must orchestrate everything about the people, processes, and place to ensure a consistent experience. As organizations or facilities reputation relies on patient care.

Healthcare administrators could have numerous responsibilities as they tend to work in a variety of facilities or organizations. As their decisions also make an impact on patient care. (Baird, 2021) states that Every decision made by healthcare administrators can impact a patient’s care and experiences. Hospital administrators are the keepers of the culture, Baird said. It is up to senior administrators to set the strategy that ensures the organization lives up to its mission, vision, and values at every touchpoint.

For example, a facility wants to improve the efficiency of checking in for an appointment. So, admin starts to speak to every patient to explain the new check in process and ensure that they access it, to better improve wait times. However, after the organization or facility implements this new policy and mostly every employee is following suit faithfully, For the few that’s could not affect the patients negatively due to the inconsistency of providing patient care. If the action is not corrected.

In the article (Baird, 2021) says that A great patient experience begins with great leadership, Administrators must clarify expectations and hold everyone accountable for delivering a consistently positive patient experience. In addition, they must also provide the resources needed and give recognition to those who go above and beyond. Finally, they must set a standard for excellence and address anything or anyone who does not uphold the standard. What you permit, you promote. Which I do agree with strongly because leaders help shape organizations and facilities into what they are striving to be. Leaders normally have the Knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs). To help guide, inspire, achieve goals, while positively motivating others around them. (Wike, 2023) says that a true leader does more than manage others. They enable the individuals on their team to reach their highest potentials. By being a true leader, you show others that you can inspire and motivate your team for the good of the organization. Setting yourself apart as this type of leader will require having certain qualities that establish trust and respect within your team. Showcasing leadership is always needed as many leaders lead in a different way, also may leaders carry different leadership styles. Which is not always bad because different leaders with different traits handles different situations and responds in a different way.

Writing this discussion post I thought about having strength, a verse from Philippians says that I can do all this through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). Another word that came to mind when doing this discussion post was leadership a verse from Galatians says that let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not (Galatians 6:9).

[Solved] Least Two Referencesku Online

[Solved] Least Two Referencesku Online

Course: Capstone: Business Strategies

Week 1 Discussion

In the end, the project company was chosen to be IBM. Please pay attention to all the instructors. Thank you very much!

Choose an organization to study. Provide an introduction to the organization, its products and services. Discuss why you chose this organization to study, any area of the organization that is of particular interest to you.  The organization chosen must be part of the student’s area of concentration.

The organization (company) is identified as IBM, and the course is mandatory and determined

Back up all opinions with the readings and outside research in academic journals at the KU online library.

250 word minimum for initial post

Include at least two references

KU online library:

Reference requirements:

2020-2023 (Peer Review)

APA format