
[Solved] Collaborative Teamcollaboration Leverages Diverse

[Solved] Collaborative Teamcollaboration Leverages Diverse


Collaboration leverages diverse perspectives and skills and can promote creativity and productivity.”
– Morel, 2014, p. 3
As you review the contributions of your colleagues representing members of Mayor Keller’s task force in Module 2 Discussion 1, reflect on their perspectives and relevant data. Through this process, you will learn about the concerns of task force team members who have expertise in other educational specializations.
An essential element of change is collaboration among those working to initiate and implement that change. Taking in varying perspectives contributes to a fuller understanding of the issues facing Grand City and helps to address them more effectively. How might you build a collaborative team to promote creativity and productivity in the changes you are suggesting for your specialization and Grand City?
For this Discussion, you will develop a hypothetical, cross-specialization team to support you in initiating the changes you outlined in your action plan for this module’s Discussion 1.

[Solved] Six Different Art Genres

[Solved] Six Different Art Genres

There are six different art genres listed horizontally across – African, Renaissance, Impressionism, Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop Art. These same six genres are listed vertically as well. Each box on the grid reflects a common meeting point for the genres listed horizontally and vertically. In these boxes, you are asked to explain either a similarity or a difference between the two genres. Similarities/differences could include artists, time period, style, geographic location, critical response, etc. Using information you included in the grid, write a 1-2 paragraph summary in the area below the grid, for each genre relationship that further analyzes the global, historical, and stylistic perspectives for each genre comparison.

[Solved] Strengthen Teachers ’ Professional

[Solved] Strengthen Teachers ’ Professional

Currently, I am to start my student teaching January 9th of next year. In order to have me prepared the past six weeks I have been invited to attend PLC with the Preschool teachers and the lead (mentor). One thing I have learned so far is having a classroom management is crucial and having a behavioral system in place is essential. This I have found from both the learning community and the mentor. I would say I learn far more from the learning community as they focus on what we are working on instead of what could happen or where will we be by next week. The professional learning community helps me focus on my direct needs. They have allowed me to observe them teach lessons and even help them by teaching one of their lessons so I can get in a routine. I feel the mentor is more like my observer and tells me everything I am doing wrong and how to fix it. She does not go over lesson plans or teaching styles with me one on one. For my first year, next Fall, I will rely on my community of teachers. They will be there to support me through the days not the mentor as she only attends once a week to give PD with, the lead teachers. 

“A PLC is a group of teachers with a shared commitment to reflect on their teaching practice and to learn both individually and collectively about the teaching practices that are the most effective for improving student learning.” (How Professional Learning Communities Can Strengthen Teachers’ Professional Development | IREX, n.d.) It is my practice that the PLC is more controlled and helpful since they are doing the same lesson plans and can help me think outside the box. Maybe my mentor is not as involved as some are supposed to be and they want me to rely on the group. I know that so far it has been a great help with watching them and taking notes. I have been allowed firsthand knowledge which a lot of student teachers are not afforded. 

[Solved] Veteran Teachers Specifically Mentor

[Solved] Veteran Teachers Specifically Mentor

A professional learning community is essentially when teachers (or other fields) collaborate with each other during meetings to share ideas or tips with each other in an effort to improve teacher skills. Which is very similar to mentoring programs for new teachers, where veteran teachers specifically mentor new teachers on their tips, tricks, advice, and any other thing that they could need motivated or encouraged with. An advantage of a professional learning community is that since it is collaborative that means that teachers are working together to solve problems. Another advantage is that with a professional learning community, if it stays collaborative then it makes the teachers in the community a unified team. A team that works together on many different aspects in the school system. A disadvantage would be that it could potentially create a competitive environment rather than a collaborative one. An advantage to mentoring is that it can help new teachers feel more confident, encouraged, and motivated. A disadvantage would be that a veteran teacher and a mentee may not click, which would be discouraging for both teachers. Another disadvantage would be that a veteran teacher may have outdated solutions to specific problems.

I feel that I would benefit more from a professional learning community, as I am naturally insecure when it comes to performing tasks or knowing how to navigate certain issues that come up. If I have a community rather than one specific person I will be less scared of judgement for not knowing how to tackle a specific problem. Also, certain solutions need more than one approach, and with a community then there is more room for different options or opinions to help with specific problems. Not every problem has a baseline solution, so I cannot expect one person, a mentor, to have all the answers to help me navigate any issues that may come up.

[Solved] Use Effective Critical Thinking

[Solved] Use Effective Critical Thinking


Throughout this course, you’ve learned about the elements of critical thinking, what characteristics a good critical thinker has, and the many ways you can use effective critical thinking skills in all aspects of your life.

You will take all you have learned and apply it to a real-world scenario for this WRITING. Practicing your critical thinking skills in this way allows you to demonstrate what you have learned. Your ability to recognize and overcome the barriers to critical thinking, evaluate arguments, solve complex problems, and make decisions are skills you will use throughout your academic and professional careers. You will use these skills in your personal life too, whether you’re setting life goals or just living your best life.

 350- to 700-word reflection on the scenario, using the ATTACHED*TEMPLATE Read the template carefully before you start . It has important information about what to include in each PARA. Be sure you demonstrate your critical thinking abilities in your responses to the questions and ensure your WRITING flows well from topic to topic.

Note: The Reflection Template is formatted for you. You do not need to make any changes to the format.

[Solved] Certified Nursing Assistant Cna

[Solved] Certified Nursing Assistant Cna



An introduction tells the reader what the coming article is about. An introduction is usually a paragraph of 3-5 sentences. For this introduction, answer the following questions: 

· Was there a specific moment when I decided to continue my education? If so, what was it?  After working in Nursing homes for over 25 years as a Certified Nursing Assistant CNA

· What inspired me to take this step?  I want to continue helping people, so I decided to become a Social Worker

· Why did I choose to become a member of the Walden community? Because I heard good things about this school and they accepted over half of my credits.

he first and longest section of your draft should describe who you are today as a result of this first-term course and starting your educational journey. Consider your personal plan for success at Walden. 

Part 1: Today I am…

Think about some of the course themes and big ideas we discussed and connect them to the way you will approach learning and future classes.

Be specific and point to course examples to support your ideas.

Answer these questions to develop this section:

· How do I plan to be fully human in this online academic world? Take control

· Consider the ideas discussed in the Week 1 resources about what it means to be human.

· How ready do I feel to embark on this journey? I am very much ready

· How do the tools and available support contribute to achieving my goals?

The second section is about your future. Be practical. 

Make a commitment to yourself and the classmates who might need your support during the program. Think about your reasons for being here and what you hope to achieve.  

Answer these questions to develop this section: 

· How am I managing the business of being a student?  Staying of task

· What questions do I still have about my enrollment, my program, my planned course of study? 

· How will I protect my learning process? Prioritize it

· What time management and support network decisions have I made? Consider the Time Management Toolkit Resources? Finding a good study area and finding time

· How might I identify a mentor (colleague with different professional skills, someone in your profession, community, or a Walden Faculty Member) to support my educational efforts 

· What are my technical challenges and how might I solve them? 

Walden is committed to social change. Your choice to pursue further education is in and of itself an act of social change. 

In the third section, explain how you might:

· Contribute to social change at home, in your current employment, and in your community.  

· Become a mentor to others in the program? 

· Identify at least two university resources that you believe will be useful to you in your academic journey. Explain in detail why you have chosen these resources.   

In the final week we will add one more section and a conclusion to this draft.  

[Solved] Discuss Various Language Disorders

[Solved] Discuss Various Language Disorders

Language and emotion are 2 primary means of communication. Disorders of language and of emotional expression and recognition can present significant difficulties for individuals in expressing themselves and in understanding others. Discuss the following:

Discuss various language disorders and disorders of emotional expression.

Include an explanation of specific symptoms and underlying neuropathology.

Refer to the scientific literature as appropriate.

How might individuals overcome these problems to communicate more effectively?

[Solved] Least 5 Specific Actions

[Solved] Least 5 Specific Actions

Research definitions of bias, stereotyping, and prejudice using the Internet and the course materials. Describe at least 5 specific actions that you can take beginning today to decrease bias, stereotyping, and prejudice in your daily life. Then, discuss the following:

Why are these types of individual efforts so important for promoting fairness, ensuring justice, addressing social problems, creating positive social change, and demonstrating respect?

In your opinion, how can such efforts positively impact a diverse society and the modern workplace in a globally connected world?

Base your response on the course materials for this week, online research, and your own experience. Be sure to write your responses using appropriate language, establishing professionalism, and demonstrating sensitivity to all groups. Provide both personal examples and research citations to support your answer. 

[Solved] Identify Financial Literacy Concepts

[Solved] Identify Financial Literacy Concepts

Please respond to the following questions based upon these course objects

  • Describe the impact of the P.R.I.C.E. of Success elements on career readiness skills.
  • Develop career exploration skills and documents.
  • Identify financial literacy concepts.

Please answer the following questions with supporting examples and full explanations.

  1. For each of the learning objectives, provide an analysis of how the course supported each objective.
  2. Explain how the material learned in this course, based upon the objectives, will be applicable to the professional application.

Provide evidence (citations and references) to support your statements and opinions. Responses to these questions are due by Tuesday at noon.

All references and citations should in APA format.

There is no peer response required for this discussion, but feel free to discuss these topics with classmates.

[Solved] Diversity Data Discuss Whether

[Solved] Diversity Data Discuss Whether

Continue evaluating the company that you selected in Unit 1. This week, consider how the leaders and managers of the organization support diversity and identify any evidence of efforts to support diversity within the organization.

Leaders and Managers

Discuss how the company that you selected addresses diversity at the highest leadership levels.

Include specific actions that it has taken to promote diversity throughout the company.

Does the company demonstrate a corporate responsibility related to diversity?

What actions has it taken?

Do the leaders and managers encourage a corporate culture that supports diversity?

In what ways do they develop that culture?

Diversity Data

Discuss whether the leadership and management efforts have resulted in a diverse workplace and a culture that supports diversity.

Include any available statistical data on the company’s diverse populations (gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, etc.), and analyze whether those data accurately reflect the company’s efforts to support diversity.

Do you find evidence of diversity within the organization at all levels from chief executive officer (CEO) to front-line employees?