
[Solved] Mckdapcijro0 Audio Link

[Solved] Mckdapcijro0 Audio Link

1. Which one of Brother John’s statements do you think is particularly bad and legalistic? Why? How do you think that statement hurts the person who tries to keep it and others? How do you think that statement hurts the Christian faith and witness?

2. What is a rule that you hear from Christians that you think is too legalistic? Do you think that rule agrees with what Jesus taught and who he was? Why or why not? Why do you think Christians develop these ideas?    Audio Link if video Does not work.

[Solved] Week 7 Assignment

[Solved] Week 7 Assignment

Management at a Company. In this assignment, you will be looking at the role a manager has in change management and decision making by examining one of the following companies:

  • Southwest Airlines.
  • Walmart.
  • Apple.

This activity will help you prepare for the Week 7 assignment by focusing on one aspect that you will be asked to evaluate: management’s decision on its use of vendors and spokespersons.


[Solved] Read Chapter 11 Female

[Solved] Read Chapter 11 Female

Discussion Post:

You are required to post items to the course online discussion forum (see the syllabus for how they will be graded) that add value to the topic that is covered for the week, linking theory to real-world examples. Reflect on the following question:

Read Chapter 11 Female-Male Nonverbal Communication:

  1. Research for an article on gender-related non-verbal communication. Post your article and provide a short summary of the most important points. The summary should be at least 10 sentences.
  • Analyze the questions according to the requirements for the week.
  • Make a connection to the readings, videos, or recordings for the week.
  • Posts will be made in the Canvas discussion forum.
  • Review the attached discussion post evaluation.

[Solved] Narrated Slide Set

[Solved] Narrated Slide Set

 Assignment 1:

Assuming that the project sponsor has formally authorized your project (from group assignment 4) and funding has been approved, now it is time to start your planning phase. Project management is typically a team-based management methodology. For training purposes, however, the lab assignments will be completed individually. The objective of the lab assignments is to use MS Project to develop a performance measurement baseline (PMB). The PMB includes three baselines: the scope baseline, the schedule baseline, and the cost baseline.

Connections to the Course Learning Outcomes

  • Use Microsoft Project to develop a schedule, allocate resources to project activities, resolve resource allocation issues, set a baseline, and determine the cost baseline of a project.
  • Create project reports and evaluate project performance based on the baseline.


1. Create a new project file in Microsoft Project and use the “Save as” function to rename the file with your last name, your first initial, and your project title. Example: AlexisJ_EletricTruckProject. (1point).

2. Use the file Properties from the “Backstage” view in Microsoft Project to enter a brief description of the project objectives in the Comments field. Remember, project objectives must be SMART. Complete the other Properties as appropriate. (Hint: Go to File>Info>Project Information>Advanced Properties>Comments). (2points)

3. From the Gantt chart view, with the Entry Table applied, enter 20 deliverables for your project in the Task Name column, including some project management deliverables. Remember, typically, a deliverable is a component part of the project and is expressed as a noun/adjective – NOT a verb (Hint: see the lecture on project planning for examples). It is acceptable to breakdown your project into phases, and then deliverables and sub-deliverables. (7points). The 20 deliverables include sub-deliverables and work packages. A work package is a small deliverable.

4. If you have not done so, breakdown the deliverables of your project into work packages and enter them as subtasks under the deliverables. Remember, it is okay to combine a phase-based with a deliverable-based approach. In fact, you are encouraged to use the phases you created for your project earlier in the course. If you need a hint, refer to the lecture on scope management. (2 points)

5. Breakdown the work packages into project activities. Note that unlike deliverables, activities are the actual actions you need to perform to complete the deliverables/work packages or phases.  Activities are expressed as verb phrases. If you need a hint, review the lecture on schedule management. (6 points)

6. Use the “Indent/Outdent Task” command from the Task tab in Microsoft Project to create a hierarchy of deliverables/work packages/activities. This hierarchy will help you plan better your project. (1point)

7. Use the default WBS coding system in MS Project to code your WBS. (Hint: From the Format tab> Outline Number). (1point)

Note:  The total items in your project files should consist of at least 50 lines, including deliverables, work packages, and activities. Remember that planning is an iterative process.  You can always revise your plan as more information becomes available. Your project activities must be completely original – do not copy information from another source.  You will receive a zero score for any assignments that are not original.

Hint: Review the attached file to see how to structure your deliverables, work packages, and activities. Pay careful attention to the nomenclature.
PJM5900_WBS And Activity Example-1.pdf


Note: This assignment is to test your understanding of the difference between project deliverables and activities. Do not enter any information other than what is required to complete the assignment. For example, do NOT enter activity duration – do NOT enter resources. We will progressively complete the schedule and budget for your project. Microsoft Project Training Resources are available in Canvas>Modules>Microsoft Project Resources.

Save your work and submit your Microsoft Project file to your instructor via the submission link below. This assignment is due no later than Sunday of the EIGHTH week of the class. E-mail submission will be rejected.

Watch these videos before you submit lab assignment 1: to an external site. to an external site.

Assignment 2:


Interview your manager or any other leader in a current or previous organization.  The goal is to tap their insights, experiences, thoughts, and philosophy about leading and managing professional people.

Use some of these questions as guidelines for the interview:

  • What attracted you to this organization? (initial excitements, impressions)
  • What do you value most—about yourself, your job, the organization?
  • What are the core values of this organization, the key things without which this organization would not exist?
  • Recall a time when you felt most alive, involved, joyful, peak form, or excited: What made it an exciting experience?
  • What current project management practices serve you well?  Why?
  • What current practices, processes, or forms do not help?  Why?
  • What concerns do you have about project, program, or portfolio management in this organization? 
  • Describe successes and/or failures that contributed to your professional development..
  • What issues or topics are of most concern to you?
  • How may I help you or this organization perform better?
  • What leaders do you admire in the organization?  What do they do to attract admiration?
  • What is the most important piece of advice you would share to leaders or team members working on technical projects?

Summarize responses, your impressions, and impact on your own leadership style in a posting.  Comment on other posts.

Assignment 3:

 Search the Internet, your textbook, course material, or a textbook on organizational behavior for leadership and emotional quotient tests that allow you to determine your predominant style.Your character  strengths are the qualities that come most naturally to you and serve you best when leading and motivating others.  Complete the VIA survey at  https://www.viacharacter.Links to an external site. orgLinks to an external site. .  
How would you characterize your own leadership style, in terms of strengths, character, and areas for development?

Reflect on any insights gained about leadership, management, and yourself.

What is your Emotional Quotient? Does it help or hinder your performance?

Assignment 4:

Most of us have experienced organizational change, whether we were charged with leading it, part of the opposition, or were just along for the ride as employees. Think back to an experience you have had dealing with a changing organization.

Describe what happened, and then reflect:  How was the situation handled?  Could it have been handled better?  How well did it or could have followed the three stages of change (as described in the text book)?  What suggestions would you make to facilitate a smoother change?  Were any ethical issues involved?

Comment on the narrated Slide Set–Leading Organizational Change–in this section which describes a path for implementing change management.

Based also upon the leadership continuum concepts presented in the Slide Set, what leadership approaches are active in your organization? How might the approach be changed when applied to technical projects?

[Solved] Die Automatisierte Kundeninteraktion Auf

[Solved] Die Automatisierte Kundeninteraktion Auf


Die Welt der künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) hat in den letzten Jahren enorme Fortschritte gemacht, und eines der faszinierendsten Ergebnisse dieser Entwicklung ist Chat GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). Dieser Artikel wirft einen Blick auf die Bedeutung und die Auswirkungen von Chat GPT, insbesondere im deutschsprachigen Raum. Jetzt zugreifen:


1. Die Grundlagen von Chat GPT

Chat GPT basiert auf der Transformer-Architektur, einem neuronalen Netzwerkmodell, das sich auf maschinelles Lernen spezialisiert hat. Entwickelt von OpenAI, einem führenden Unternehmen im Bereich künstliche Intelligenz, setzt Chat GPT auf umfangreiche Trainingsdaten, um menschenähnliche Gespräche zu generieren.

2. Der Weg zur Vielseitigkeit

Ein herausragendes Merkmal von Chat GPT ist seine Fähigkeit, in verschiedenen Kontexten zu agieren. Ob es darum geht, Fragen zu beantworten, Kreativität zu entfalten oder einfach Small Talk zu betreiben, Chat GPT kann eine beeindruckende Bandbreite von Konversationen bewältigen.

Die Bedeutung von Chat GPT auf Deutsch

3. Sprachliche Vielfalt

In der deutschen Sprachgemeinschaft eröffnet Chat GPT neue Horizonte. Die Fähigkeit, auf Deutsch zu kommunizieren, ermöglicht eine breitere Integration von KI-Technologien in den Alltag deutschsprachiger Nutzer.

4. Unterstützung für Unternehmen

Unternehmen, die den deutschsprachigen Markt bedienen, können von Chat GPT erheblich profitieren. Die automatisierte Kundeninteraktion auf Deutsch ermöglicht effizienten Kundenservice und trägt zur Verbesserung der Kundenzufriedenheit bei.

Herausforderungen und ethische Überlegungen

5. Datenschutzbedenken

Mit der zunehmenden Verbreitung von KI-gesteuerten Chat-Anwendungen stellen sich auch Fragen bezüglich des Datenschutzes. Es ist entscheidend, transparente Richtlinien und Standards zu etablieren, um die Privatsphäre der Nutzer zu schützen.

6. Verantwortungsbewusster Einsatz

Die Entwickler von Chat GPT sind gefordert, sicherzustellen, dass die Technologie ethisch verantwortlich eingesetzt wird. Die Vermeidung von Diskriminierung und eine klare Handhabung von kontroversen Themen sind zentrale Aspekte, um das Vertrauen der Nutzer zu wahren. Wir unterstützen auch viele andere Sprachen unter:


Chat GPT auf Deutsch markiert einen bedeutenden Schritt in der Entwicklung von KI-Anwendungen. Die Fähigkeit, in natürlicher Sprache auf Deutsch zu kommunizieren, eröffnet vielfältige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten in verschiedenen Bereichen. Gleichzeitig erfordert der Einsatz von Chat GPT eine sorgfältige Berücksichtigung ethischer Aspekte, um einen verantwortungsbewussten und nachhaltigen Umgang mit dieser innovativen Technologie zu gewährleisten.

[Solved] Cite Current Bacb Ethics

[Solved] Cite Current Bacb Ethics



For this assignment you will provide a full draft of your slide deck that will be used for your Week 9 presentation. You will start the presentation with a slide selecting ONE of the provided audiences, with a brief description of why you are selecting that audience. The next slides will include short phrases or sentences as bullet points to cover all areas of evaluating the first six months of your treatment plan in language that matches your selected audience. Your slide deck will include a brief description of your case study and intervention plan. After this short description the focus of your slides and presentation should be on providing an evaluation of progress related to the intervention including supervision details (IOA and treatment integrity data) and a visual display of data to show the progress of your target behavior for reduction and your selected replacement behavior.

Be sure to review the rubric as well as the instructions to make sure you have covered all required aspects of this assignment.

Remember you are acting as the supervisor on this case but are not yet a BCBA.

Audience Selection and Justification (Slide 1)

Slide 1 ;should include a label of who you are presenting your data to and why you selected this audience. This slide can be a short paragraph or bullet points that cover the following:

  • Your selection of ONE of the following audiences:
    • Caregivers/parents.
    • School administrative team.
    • The supervising BCBA.
    • Registered behavior technician/direct interventionist.
  • Provide a rationale for why you selected this audience for your presentation of your treatment data and progress.
  • One slide maximum with a short paragraph or a few bullet points.

Presentation Slide Draft

The remaining slides will outline your 8–15-minute presentation that you will submit in Week 9. The purpose of this presentation draft is for you to have the opportunity to get feedback on the content of your presentation prior to submitting it. Each section, detailed below, should be included in your slide draft assignment.

Case Description and Target Behavior (1 slide)

  • Briefly describe the individual and target behavior of your case study as would be appropriate for your selected audience, using a pseudonym.
  • Provide a label and operational definition for the target behavior for reduction.
  • Confirm the function of the target behavior for reduction.
  • Briefly state the social significance of the behavior.
  • Adhere to and cite current BACB Ethics CodeLinks to an external site. and Capella Compassion Code [PDF] elements related to your case.
  • Preferably, your case study would be based on your assignments from your PSY7712 assessment, PSY7713 behavior intervention, and PSY7724 supervision plan. Keep in mind that if your case study was someone from your personal life (such as your child) it is only acceptable to use this person as an example for academic purposes. It is unethical for you to provide behavior analytic services to family members.
  • Your presentation draft includes bullet points on the slide that you will use to support your audio presentation. Audio is NOT required for this assignment and will be added in the Week 9 assignment.

Brief Intervention Summary (One Slide)

  • Briefly outline intervention procedures that were used. This description should be brief because at this point in your supervision plan, all procedures have already been approved and been implemented for six months. You are providing your audience with a short overview of the strategies before presenting progress related to effectiveness of those strategies.
  • Your presentation draft includes bullet points on the slide that you will use to support your audio presentation. Audio is NOT required for this assignment and will be added in the Week 9 assignment.
  • References, as in-text citations, should be used to support your selected interventions.
    • No specific details from the references are necessary. They are provided as support for the listener if they choose to read further.

Progress Evaluation and Data Monitoring (Five to Ten Slides)

  • Treatment integrity data review (one or two slides).
    • Label the type of treatment integrity data that you used to ensure your interventions were being implemented correctly over the last six months.
    • Provide a graphical visual display of the treatment integrity data that was collected over the course of six months. Please note, treatment integrity data does not need to be collected every session. Label:
      • How often you collected treatment integrity data.
      • Who collected the treatment integrity data.
      • The results of the data collection.
    • Consider, adhere to, and cite current BACB Ethics CodeLinks to an external site. and Capella Compassion Code [PDF] elements when choosing how you will determine data accuracy and intervention success.
  • Data accuracy data review (IOA) (one or two slides).
    • Label the type of IOA data that you used to ensure your data was accurate over the last six months.
    • Provide a graphical visual display of the IOA data that was collected over the course of six months. Please note, IOA data does not need to be collected every session. Label:
      • How often you collected IOA data.
      • Who collected the IOA data.
      • The results of the data collection.
    • Consider, adhere to, and cite current BACB Ethics CodeLinks to an external site. and Capella Compassion Code [PDF] elements when choosing how you will determine data accuracy and intervention success.
  • Treatment data review (two to four slides).
    • Progress on target behavior for reduction (one or two slides).
      • Provide a graphical visual display; of the treatment data for your target behavior for reduction.
      • Display should show trend and/or variability of the data.
    • Progress on selected replacement behavior for increase (one or two slides).
      • Provide a graphical ;visual display; of the treatment data for your selected replacement behavior for increase.
      • Display should show trend and/or variability of the data.
  • Ethical and compassionate ;next steps (one or two slides).
    • Provide bullet points related to the effectiveness of the treatment and plans for future services. Explain whether any changes were made within the six months of implementation, or whether any changes are necessary now, and why.
    • Identify when your next check in with your audience will be to discuss intervention.
    • Consider, adhere to, and cite current BACB Ethics CodeLinks to an external site. and Capella Compassion Code [PDF] elements when discussing next steps and past or potential changes to any aspect of intervention.
  • Your presentation draft includes bullet points on each slide that you will use to support your audio presentation. Audio is NOT required for this assignment and will be added in the Week 9 assignment. 

Refer to the Presentation Slide Template [PPTX] for further details regarding the assignment.

[Solved] 5 Resource Types

[Solved] 5 Resource Types


A deadlock is the very unpleasant situation that may occur in very dynamic world of running processes, a situation that must be avoided at all costs. One famous algorithm for deadlock avoidance is the Banker’s algorithm for deadlock avoidance. The version of this algorithm presented in this module’s commentary gives just one solution (the Greedy approach).

Consider the Greedy approach to the Banker’s algorithm from the module readings. Give an example of application of this algorithm for 7 processes (named P1, … , P7) and 5 resource types (named R1, … , R5).

Start by listing the matrices involved in this algorithm, that constitute its input data; also, do not forget to mention the overall resources of each type available in this fictional system.

Proceed by describing the algorithm, step by step; for each step, mention the test performed, which process was chosen, what is the old and new status of the Work array, etc.

In the end, list the solution, that is the safe sequence of processes resulting from this algorithm.
Also, to check if your computations are correct, verify that in the end all resources of the system are freed.

[Solved] Including Figures Using Either

[Solved] Including Figures Using Either


A Systematic Review of the Role of Distributed Computing in Enhancing Adolescent Online Safety: Current Trends and Future Directions


Your research paper should have sections that we usually see in IEEE/ACM papers. Here are some examples: abstract, introduction, background, methods, results, conclusions, and references.

Your paper should be written in English with a paper length of 7-8 printed pages (A4, 10-point font) including figures using either IEEE or ACM formatting. 

[Solved] Saya Berharap Artikel Ini

[Solved] Saya Berharap Artikel Ini

 Membangun Kesadaran akan Risiko Perjudian Online pada Generasi Muda

Halo apa kabar semuanya? Kalian pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan perjudian online, terutama bagi generasi muda. Di era digital ini, akses mudah ke perjudian online telah menghadirkan risiko yang harus lebih kita sadari. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan membahas mengenai risiko perjudian online pada generasi muda dan mengapa penting untuk membangun kesadaran akan hal ini. Ayo, silahkan lanjutkan membaca! Artikel ini akan memberikan informasi penting mengenai risiko perjudian online pada generasi muda dan bagaimana kita dapat mengatasinya. Dengan membaca artikel ini, kamu akan mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih baik dan dapat menyebarkan kesadaran tentang risiko tersebut ke orang-orang terdekatmu. Mari kita mulai!.

Risiko Perjudian Online

Perjudian online adalah bentuk perjudian yang dilakukan melalui internet. Meskipun memiliki keuntungan dan kelebihan tertentu, perjudian online juga menyimpan risiko yang perlu diperhatikan. Berikut adalah beberapa pemahaman tentang risiko perjudian online:

  • Kecanduan: Perjudian online dapat menyebabkan kecanduan yang serius. Kemudahan akses dan ketersediaan permainan dapat membuat seseorang terjebak dalam siklus perjudian yang sulit untuk dihentikan.
  • Kerugian Finansial: Risiko utama dalam perjudian online adalah kerugian finansial. Tanpa batasan yang jelas, seseorang dapat dengan mudah kehilangan uang dalam waktu singkat.
  • Kehilangan Data Pribadi: Dalam beberapa kasus, perjudian online dapat melibatkan pengungkapan informasi pribadi seperti nama, alamat, dan nomor kartu kredit. Risiko data pribadi yang dicuri atau disalahgunakan sangat meningkat dalam lingkungan online.
  • Keamanan: Situs perjudian agen naga poker online tidak selalu terjamin keamanannya. Beberapa situs mungkin rentan terhadap serangan cyber atau praktik curang yang merugikan para pemain.
  • Penipuan: Terdapat risiko tinggi terkena penipuan dalam perjudian online. Beberapa situs mungkin menawarkan penawaran palsu atau tidak melunasi kemenangan para pemain.
  • Konsekuensi Hukum: Tidak semua negara atau yurisdiksi mengizinkan perjudian online. Melanggar hukum perjudian dapat menghadirkan konsekuensi hukum serius bagi para pemain.
  • Gangguan Psikologis: Perjudian online dapat menyebabkan stres, kecemasan, dan gangguan psikologis lainnya. Ketidakstabilan emosional dan tekanan finansial dapat berdampak negatif pada kesehatan mental seseorang.

Dampak pada Generasi Muda

Dalam era modern ini, generasi muda menghadapi berbagai dampak berbeda yang dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan mereka secara keseluruhan. Beberapa dampak tersebut termasuk:

Bermain game judi online memiliki pengaruh negatif yang signifikan pada generasi muda. Fenomena ini semakin meresahkan karena akses yang mudah dan luas terhadap platform judi online. Dalam jangka panjang, kegiatan ini dapat menyebabkan ketergantungan, gangguan mental, dan masalah keuangan. Para pemain muda terpapar risiko penipuan, kehilangan uang, dan bahkan tindakan kriminal. Selain itu, bermain game judi online juga dapat mengganggu prestasi akademik, hubungan sosial, dan kesehatan fisik. Generasi muda harus diingatkan akan dampak negatif ini dan diajarkan untuk menghindari keterlibatan dalam aktivitas tersebut. Upaya pencegahan dan edukasi perlu ditingkatkan untuk melindungi generasi muda dari pengaruh buruk perjudian online.

  • Teknologi yang semakin maju memberikan akses mudah ke informasi tetapi juga meningkatkan ketergantungan pada perangkat elektronik dan media sosial.
  • Tekanan dari keluarga, teman, dan masyarakat untuk mencapai kesuksesan dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan, seperti pendidikan, karir, dan hubungan.
  • Munculnya masalah kesehatan mental, seperti kecemasan, depresi, dan kecanduan, akibat tekanan dan harapan yang tinggi.
  • Tingkat persaingan yang tinggi dalam dunia pendidikan dan pekerjaan, membuat generasi muda merasa tertekan untuk mencapai prestasi yang tinggi.
  • Kurangnya keterampilan sosial dan interpersonal karena lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu di dunia virtual daripada berinteraksi secara langsung.
  • Pengaruh budaya populer yang sering kali tidak sehat, seperti kecanduan game online, konten media yang tidak pantas, dan citra tubuh yang tidak realistis.
  • Kurangnya pemahaman tentang kesehatan fisik dan gaya hidup sehat, karena seringkali terlalu fokus pada aktivitas online dan kurangnya waktu untuk aktivitas fisik.

Pentingnya Pendidikan Anti-Judi Online untuk Generasi Muda

Pendidikan anti-judi online sangat penting bagi generasi muda saat ini. Dalam era digital, akses internet menjadi semakin mudah dan cepat. Hal ini memberikan kemudahan bagi anak-anak dan remaja untuk mengakses berbagai informasi, termasuk permainan judi online yang berbahaya. Pendidikan anti-judi online bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman kepada generasi muda tentang risiko dan bahaya yang terkait dengan perjudian dewa poker online. Dengan pengetahuan ini, mereka dapat menghindari jebakan perjudian yang dapat merusak masa depan mereka. Pendidikan ini juga melibatkan orang tua, guru, dan masyarakat dalam memberikan pemahaman yang baik mengenai pentingnya menjaga generasi muda dari pengaruh negatif perjudian online. Dengan upaya bersama, kita dapat menciptakan lingkungan yang aman dan sehat bagi generasi muda, di mana mereka dapat tumbuh dan berkembang tanpa terjerumus ke dalam perjudian online yang merusak.

Bermain game judi online memiliki dampak sosial yang signifikan pada remaja. Meskipun terlihat menyenangkan dan menghibur, aktivitas ini dapat membawa konsekuensi yang merugikan. Salah satu dampak negatifnya adalah adiksi. Remaja rentan terjebak dalam siklus perjudian yang berkelanjutan, mengabaikan tanggung jawab dan kewajiban mereka. Selain itu, bermain game judi online juga dapat mempengaruhi hubungan sosial mereka. Mereka mungkin mengisolasi diri dari teman-teman dan keluarga mereka karena terlalu fokus pada permainan. Dalam jangka panjang, hal ini dapat merusak ikatan sosial dan mempengaruhi perkembangan emosi dan kognitif remaja. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi orang tua dan pendidik untuk memahami dampak negatif dari bermain game judi online pada remaja dan mengambil langkah-langkah yang tepat untuk mencegahnya.

Remaja merupakan kelompok yang rentan terhadap pengaruh negatif dari bermain game judi online. Dampak finansial yang ditimbulkan dapat menjadi ancaman serius bagi kehidupan mereka. Ketika remaja terjerat dalam perjudian online, mereka seringkali kehilangan kontrol atas uang mereka. Mereka menggunakan uang yang seharusnya digunakan untuk kebutuhan penting, seperti pendidikan atau kesehatan, untuk bermain judi. Selain itu, ketergantungan pada judi poker 88 online dapat mengarah pada hutang yang menggunung dan masalah keuangan yang serius. Remaja juga rentan terhadap penipuan dan manipulasi oleh situs judi yang tidak jujur. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi orang tua dan masyarakat untuk terus mengawasi dan memberikan pemahaman kepada remaja tentang bahaya bermain judi online.

Akhirnya, dapat kita simpulkan bahwa ada dampak yang signifikan pada generasi muda jika mereka sering bermain game judi online. Dampak ini dapat mencakup kerugian finansial, kecanduan, dan pengabaian terhadap tanggung jawab sosial dan akademik. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi kita untuk menyadari bahayanya dan mengedukasi generasi muda tentang konsekuensi yang mungkin mereka hadapi. Saya berharap artikel ini telah memberikan wawasan dan pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang dampak negatif dari bermain game judi online.

[Solved] Think Professional Rock Climbers

[Solved] Think Professional Rock Climbers

 Step ONE: Download, complete, and score the attached Anti-Social Personality Inventory *Totals are calculated by adding up all your TRUE responses.
Step TWO: In a brief, describe your thoughts and experience with the scale by responding to the prompts below.
Were you surprised by your score?
How did your score compare to the mean scores of others?
Why do you think professional rock climbers and people coming out of rehab have higher than average anti-social personality scores?
What do you think this scale says about you?