
[Solved] Medicare Part Amedicare Part

[Solved] Medicare Part Amedicare Part

In this module, you learned about the healthcare insurance coverage options the government offers. While programs such as Medicare and Medicaid are detailed and comprehensive, they can also be overwhelming to understand. In this assignment, you will write a brief summary that explains the factors one needs to consider for Medicare coverage. You will also create a Medicare plan grid that will simplify the requirements of Medicare for a consumer.

From strategic planning and healthcare reimbursement perspectives, this activity will help you understand the types of services Medicare and Medicaid pay for in each program. This activity will help you complete Section 2 (Strategic Planning) and Section 3 (Healthcare Reimbursement) of the course project.


You work in a consumer-facing role in a healthcare organization where you help with finances and reimbursement. In your role, you must manage a lot of healthcare consumers who have been scammed or who have signed up for Medicare and Medicaid plans without understanding all the factors; these consumers are subsequently disappointed when their needs are not met. You have heard from many consumers who visited to understand their choices but found so much information and unfamiliar terminology that they became frustrated and quit. They often just end up signing for the “simple plan” rather than choosing something else that “might not be quite right.”

As part of an ongoing consumer-outreach program your organization has launched, you want to create some aids that will better educate your consumers about the factors that impact healthcare-reimbursement plans so they can choose a plan that is right for them. Your aids will be put up on your organization’s website for maximum impact. In your aid, explain in brief the factors that affect the consumers’ choice of Medicare and prepare a Medicare Plan Choices grid. Then determine if they will be eligible for Medicaid assistance. Here is a sample grid that will help you organize your thoughts.

Medicare Part AMedicare Part BMedicare AdvantageMedicare Part D

Coverage includes hospital inpatient, long-term care, skilled nursing facilities, home health, hospice

Coverage includes physician services, medical services, medical supplies (i.e., outpatient coverage)

Coverage in managed care options include services excluded in Part A and Part B: long-term nursing, custodial care, dental services, vision services, hearing aids

Coverage includes Medicare drug benefit; outpatient coverage

No premium needed

Premium needed

Premium needed, amount depends on scope of service

Premium needed; premium amount varies

Deductible amount: $1,250

Deductible amount: $142

Deductible amount: costs vary

Deductible amount: $275

Co-payment amount varies by service

Co-payment amount varies by service

Co-payment amount varies

Co-payment amount at 25%

This activity will help you distinguish between the Medicare and Medicaid programs. It will also enable you to evaluate how Medicare and Medicaid impact consumer choice.


Create a Medicare Plan Choices guide to help consumers understand how to choose a Medicare plan. This activity includes three parts:

  • At-a-Glance: Write an “at-a-glance” section to briefly explain the factors that impact the choice of a Medicare plan. Also explain if any enrollment deadlines need to be considered.
  • Medicare Plan Choices Grid and Medicaid Eligibility: Create a Medicare Plan Choices grid to help consumers select the plan that is best for them. The sample grid given in the Scenario section will give you some guidance on how to create your own grid for this assignment.
  • Further Support: Provide additional resources to help consumers make their choice about which type of Medicare plan is best for them, whether to consider a Medicare Advantages plan, and whether they are eligible for Medicaid.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

Part 1: At-a-Glance

  1. Summary of Relevant Factors and Deadlines: Summarize all the factors and enrollment deadlines that consumers should consider before they opt for a Medicare plan. Write your summary in one to two short paragraphs.

Consider the following questions to guide your response:

  • What are the costs and coverage considerations involved in the selection of a plan?
  • How do prescription drugs and choice of doctors and hospitals affect the choice of a Medicare plan?
  • If a consumer misses the deadline for enrollment, can they still buy a plan?

Part 2: Medicare Plan Choices Grid and Medicaid Eligibility

  1. Medicare Grid: Create a grid that displays all the appropriate factors and information influencing the choice of a Medicare plan. Refer to the sample grid given in the Scenario section to help you organize your thoughts. Include the following information in your response:
    1. Create a brief consumer profile in one to two sentences. This profile will act as an example to help you build the grid. Consider that the consumer is in the 65+ age group. Assume some additional relevant information about their income (which will impact premiums) and eligibility (which will impact Medicaid eligibility). This information will be displayed as part of the aid on your organization’s website.
    2. Create the grid using the profile you built. Your grid should include the following details about each of the four parts of Medicare:
      1. Coverage
      2. Premium
      3. Deductible(s)
      4. Co-payment(s)
      5. Examples of covered services
      6. Any other details you think are importantMake sure the grid is easy for consumers to understand. Remember that they have probably already visited some websites and have found them difficult to comprehend.Consider the following questions to guide your response:
  2. Medicare Advantage and Medicaid: Determine whether a consumer should consider a Medicare Advantage plan. Also, state whether they will be eligible for Medicaid assistance and why or why not.Consider the following questions to guide your response:

Part 3: Further Support

  1. Additional Resources: Identify at least two websites or other resources to help the consumers select a Medicare plan. Add these resources as a separate section after the grid.

All the claims in your deliverable should be evidence based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the scenario, textbook, or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources, at least one of which should be separate from your own research. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit

Submit your Medicare Plan Choices guide as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Make sure to include all three parts of the activity in the guide. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

[Solved] ” Paper Quality

[Solved] ” Paper Quality

  • Note:  Spelling and grammar are critical and five points will be deducted for each error, i.e. carefully proofread your assignment prior to submission.
  • Note:  The sample projects are attached as benchmarks for this project.

 Option A:  Research a HR issue that is currently in Congress at the Federal level and prepare a two page, formal letter (typed, single spaced, Times 12-font, with one inch margins) addressed to your Congress-person; based on your research and the position that you are going to argue for.

  • The spelling, grammar, and proper citations should be of an: “A” paper quality (5-points will be deducted for each misspelled word, grammar error, etc.).
  • Purpose: a copy of this letter must be sent to your state’s Senator or House Representative.
  • Note: The letter does not begin with “I have to write this letter as an assignment for my Professor…”

[Solved] Good Morning Class Happy

[Solved] Good Morning Class Happy


Good morning class happy Monday!

For my scenario, it involves a university’s public restroom. Because there are so many students coming in every few months daily, there is a rise on bacteria and harmful microbes that are arising in the bathroom. Streptococcus, staphylococcus, E. coli and shigella bacteria are the most common microbes found in public restrooms, among these can be even more harmful microbes that people can contract like hepatitis A and even sexually transmitted organisms. The university is looking for different ways to slow the production of microbes spreading to students and keeping them safe. 

Please design a strategy to help keep these students safe and prevent the spread of these microbes reproducing.


“What Can You Catch in Restrooms?” WebMD, WebMD, Links to an external site.

Prescott, L. M., Harley, J.P .,&Klein, D.A (2019) .Microbiology (8th ed.) McGraw-Hill

[Solved] Social Determinates Also Impact

[Solved] Social Determinates Also Impact

Welcome to week 4. The Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) impact health decisions and outcomes of society daily. Explain, using your own words, how SDOH can positively and negatively affect the health of individuals, communities, and families. Can these same social determinants affect learning?  Please discuss how social determinates also impact learning (SDOL) include the positives and negatives.  Lastly, make the connection between SDOH and SDOL and the impact they have on society (individuals, families, communities). 

[Solved] Correct Healthcare Plans Help

[Solved] Correct Healthcare Plans Help


Even before the Affordable Care Act was enacted, the government-run Medicare and the state-run Medicaid programs extended healthcare services to all U.S. citizens above age 65, to citizens with disabilities, and to citizens belonging to low-income groups. Considering the rising cost of healthcare services, create a PowerPoint presentation comparing the two programs.

This activity will help you distinguish between Medicare and Medicaid. It will also enable you to assess the impact of Medicare and Medicaid on organizational financial performance and strategic planning.


Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes. In your speaker notes, be sure to indicate which notes belong with each slide.

If you need writing support, access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support module of your course.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Medicare vs. Medicaid: Describe the differences between the federal Medicare program and the Medicaid program in your state and how they impact financial reimbursement from the perspective of the healthcare system. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • What are the features of the two healthcare programs?
    • Considering the age and disabilities of the groups covered by the two programs, what aspects of healthcare services will be in most demand?
    • How will you obtain updates about the changes in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule and the state Medicaid Physician Fee Index?
  2. Costing and Strategy: Explain why healthcare administrators need to consider cost when strategically planning for Medicare and Medicaid population growth. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • What is the percentage growth in consumer base?
    • Which healthcare services (for example, virtual healthcare, wellness programs, fitness center memberships, and so on) are the most in demand because of this consumer growth?
    • What changes can you propose in healthcare strategies to meet this change?
  3. Cost-Reduction Initiatives: Identify cost-reduction initiatives and state how you would operationalize them within the healthcare environment. Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • Which are the services with the greatest potential to reduce costs?
    • Would external relationships with other healthcare systems or service providers help reduce costs?
    • Would helping the consumers choose the correct healthcare plans help curb costs?
  4. Cost Control: Describe at least two effective, alternative ways to control rising healthcare costs Consider the following questions to guide your response:
    • Which are the healthcare services where the costs have gone up the most?
    • Which preventative healthcare services could be used to control these costs?
    • Which less expensive services could be offered as alternative options?

Note that your presentation should be evidence based. Your citations should be from your independent search for evidence (not from the scenario, textbook, or module resources) of credible sources and be current within the last five years. You are required to cite a minimum of two sources overall. Refer to the IHP 630 Library Guide located in the Start Here section of the course for additional support.

What to Submit

Your submission should include a 4- to 6-slide PowerPoint presentation and a 2- to 4-page Word document containing your speaker notes. Use a clear, professional font and appropriate PowerPoint presentation slide design. Speaker notes should be typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style.

Please follow instructions carefully 

[Solved] Included 2 Atricals

[Solved] Included 2 Atricals

I need help with a presentation about HPV. It should be only 6 mintures with deatails expired. Please look a the 2 files for deatails and structure. I included 2 atricals which are need to be used throuout the presentation. I need 8 slides for the presentation. 

[Solved] Elderly Reducing Population Salt

[Solved] Elderly Reducing Population Salt

For this assignment, you will research and prepare a community-level strategic plan that addresses a key public health issue.

Potential topics may include:

  • Using prenatal and infancy home visits to prevent child abuse and neglect
  • Preventing falls in the elderly
  • Reducing population salt intake
  • Reducing tobacco use among adults
  • Preventing risky sexual behavior among youth and young adults
  • Reducing drug experimentation among young adults

Include :

  • Introduction:
    • Provide an overview of the community health issue as described in Part A with identified causes and influences, including knowledge gaps. 
    • Detail the prevalence of the issue inside and outside the United States.
    • Describe potential monetary costs associated with the issue in the United States.
    • You must include data as part of your introduction (images, charts, graphs, etc., may be included as well as written data).
  • Describe advance practice roles and management strategies that affect change at the community level.
  • Identify key community and social resources that negatively and positively affect the selected issue.
  • Identify changes or enhancements in community-related services for your selected topic.
  • Develop a strategic plan that could decrease the prevalence of your selected topic.The goals for this plan needs to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. Include how your plan takes into consideration health literacy, socioeconomic factors, and cultural differences.
  • Conclusion:
    • A summary of the goals and challenges
    • An assessment of the outlook for action/progress
  • Appendix A: Include your community assessment from Week 3 as Appendix A.

Helpful links:

[Solved] Financial Statement Presentation Requirements

[Solved] Financial Statement Presentation Requirements

Reflect on what you have learned in the past several units and compose your journal response on the following questions:

  • Do you think the same person who receives cash payments should also prepare the bank reconciliation? Give at least one reason to support your answer.
  • Identify a company, business, or organization in your community (it can be one for which you work), and share some examples of current and long-term liabilities for that company. Reflect on the financial statement presentation requirements for the company’s current and long-term liabilities. Based on what you have learned, what changes would you make, if any? Why, or why not?

Your journal must be a minimum of 3 well-constructed paragraphs and use APA format for citations you may include.

[Solved] Forcesmay Inhibit Constructive Conflict

[Solved] Forcesmay Inhibit Constructive Conflict

10 – 12 pages (2500 -3000 words) DUE: NOV 27

You will need to consult with at least three to five academic research papers (includes a bibliography),in addition to the class articles and any other sources). 

Integrated Research Essay: Choose an issue that poses a challenge for families. (The scope is almostendless but here are a few examples; communication, marriage, divorce, blending families, sexuality,addictions, illness, immigration and grief). Research the issue and maintain this theme throughout thepaper to understand more about how this issue affects and impacts (potential and otherwise) individualsand the family system. Utilizing the systemic perspective framework we’ve discussed, focus your paper toinclude the following:a) Clearly describe the topic and the presence of these challenges and opportunities.b) Discuss what it is about this issue that draws your attention. How may this relate to any ofyour own family of origin stories?c) Include the following concepts to a lesser or greater degree in your discussion: boundaries,identity, alliances, roles, rules, communication styles and resiliency.d) What enables the family to use the differences and challenges constructively? What forcesmay inhibit constructive conflict responses?e) Illustrate with a metaphor that reflects a family dealing with this issue.f) What have you learned from the research and writing on this subject?g) What questions for further research do you have? Elaborate.

You will need to consult with at least three to five academic research papers (includes a bibliography),in addition to the class articles and any other sources). A title page and complete reference page arerequired. The paper will be evaluated for scholarly research, elaboration of family systems conceptsand integration of this issue with the course material and your own life experience.10 – 12 pages (2500 -3000 words) DUE: NOV 28 50%REQUIRED TEXT:Day, Randal. (2010). Introduction to Family Processes. (5th ed). Milton Park: Routlege. Available throughthe UW bookstore and as an ebook through the UW library.

[Solved] Correlational Investigations Considerably Increase

[Solved] Correlational Investigations Considerably Increase


Please replies with 200 words in each one answer.

1.Correlational analysis is a useful statistical method for determining the links between two or more variables. This method’s main goal is to determine if differences in one variable are related to changes in another. Correlational research, in contrast to experimental methods, concentrates on monitoring and quantifying naturally existing associations rather than manipulating variables. Correlational analysis has several goals, including investigation, predicting, and developing hypotheses.

Investigating correlations between variables is one of correlational analysis’s main goals. Researchers can learn more about the nature of the connection between two variables by measuring the degree and direction of association between them. When nothing is known about the variables being studied, this examination is especially helpful in the early phases of scientific discovery. For further explorations, correlational studies provide the framework by assisting researchers in identifying possible variations and patterns.

Prediction is another essential goal of correlational analysis. Researchers can utilize this knowledge to predict one variable depending on the value of another if correlations between variables have been discovered. The correlation between the number of hours of sleep and academic achievement is an example of connected variables. Several research favor the association between sleep and academic achievement since students who regularly obtain more sleep tend to receive higher scores (Maheshwari & Shaukat, 2019)

In addition, correlational analysis is essential for formulating research hypotheses. New questions and ideas that direct further research can be generated by the correlations between variables that have been found. Although correlation does not indicate causation, it may be a beneficial tool for formulating and evaluating theories on possible causal connections.

In summary, there are many different uses for correlational analysis, including theory validation, hypothesis development, exploration, and prediction. Correlational investigations considerably increase scientific understanding in a variety of fields by exposing correlations between variables, making a valuable tool to help make decisions.

2. Correlational analysis in research, especially in the nursing field, constitute an important resource to study the association that might exist among different variables of interest without manipulating or controlling any of them, but mostly observing. It is characterized by being a method that does not consume a lot of time or finances and serve as a tool to analyze, create hypotheses and evidence based guidelines.

This method of investigation is usually applied in 2 scenarios: when researcher want to evaluate non-causal relation between two elements or when the objective is to study a causal link among the variables (Eckel, 2023). In other words, the principal purpose of correlational analysis is to observe and predict.

Once the research obtain the results, it can have three possible outcomes which are classified depending on a numerical value known as correlational coefficient which can vary from -1.00 (negative) to +1.00 (positive). These results are then classified as positive (when the variables under study increase or decrease at the same time), negative (referred as a result in which the variable gives opposite results, that is one increase while the other decrease) or non-correlational (when there result is 0, indicating no relationship among the variables) (Cherry, 2023).

In relation to the methods applied to collect data for correlational analysis we can use surveys, naturalistic observations or secondary data. Depending on the objective and variable to study, researchers need to choose the right methods of data collection. For example, in the case of investigating a population point of view questionnaire can be used; if the goal is to observe behavioral patterns in its normal setting, then the naturalistic observation is used. Finally, if the research plan to compare data that already exists, using information obtained by other researchers in similar studies the method that is used would be the secondary or archival data.

The importance of correlational analysis in nursing is given by the fact that it helps to understand the relationship between variables, serving as a guide for new line of investigations, it can provide predictive insights, evaluate interventions and provide quality improvement in terms of effort by helping to identify which areas of nursing practice needs changes and which are correctly done in order to provide better quality of care.

However, before deciding to apply this method of investigation, researcher should take in consideration the limitations of establishing causal effect among variables, because in this case the study will demand deeper experimental designs (Jansen, et al., 2021).