
[Solved] Profile Cases Like Snowden

[Solved] Profile Cases Like Snowden


Please find an article or news story about some whistleblowing situation. Please do not use high-profile cases like Snowden or Manning. If you can find the same story described by different sources all the better. Do not use some personal experience unless it was discussed in credible new sources. I need to be able to verify the account.

Then, using the attached worksheet discuss the case. Specifically, after telling me a sentence or two about the case, you will identify all of the key stakeholders and how you feel they were negatively impacted. For example, if someone released company records and emails to blow the whistle, discuss whose emails and how the information led to actions against them. If no one was negatively impacted, then why use it for this case study?

Discuss the final outcome (see directions) and most importantly, use your moral compass to describe or explain why you feel someone’s actions were morally wrong. Again, if there was no wrongdoing, why was some whistle blown?

Finally, imagine you are in a leadership position. What could you reasonably do to keep the situation from happening again, to prevent the need for someone to feel a need to blow the whistle? Depending on the situation, you may feel the real wrongdoer is the whistleblower. If so, then describe why what the company/government did or is doing is justified, again using your moral theories.

This case study will be evaluated using the attached grading table. Please use this to your advantage to check your work before submitting. Be sure to apply at least one ethical system in depth, including the application of at least 3 specific aspects of that system to the analysis of all parts of the worksheet/case study.

[Solved] Level 1 Headings References

[Solved] Level 1 Headings References

based on your secondary research. This report should be informational, allowing you to make connections between your sources (remember–you should be using a total of eight sources).

  • It should contain an introduction that provides appropriate background on your topic.
  • The body should be organized on the basis of theme, allowing you to paraphrase (and quote sparingly) from your sources, cite them in-text, and explain the significance of the information. (Note — your annotated bibliography) will be helpful to you here).
  • It should contain a conclusion section that provides the appropriate sense of closure/ending.

The final report will have:

  1. Cover page
  2. Abstract
  3. The report itself with Level 1 headings
  4. References page
  5. Appendix with all your annotated bibliography

[Solved] Public Health Officials Must

[Solved] Public Health Officials Must

Social determinants of health could be interrelated and could be the reason for unhealthy or risky health behaviors and attributes that lead to negative outcomes. Public health officials must constantly look for ways in which they can eliminate some of these problems in society.

For the Unit VII Case Study, you will take on the role of a public health leader in your community and develop a plan for other officials that addresses the following.

1) Describe a social determinant of health in your community that has produced health risks and outcomes. 

2) Based on your research, what do you see as the biggest issue facing your community? 

3) Describe how the community is presently tackling the problem through the local public health department. 

4) Propose a resolution for the health risk and outcome caused by the social determinants. 

5) Explain how these unhealthy behaviors and attributes could be reduced or eradicated in the society. 

6) How would you reduce medical costs in your community? 

7) Explain how the government can implement your plan into law for the common good. 

Your case study must be a minimum of three pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. To support your ideas, use a minimum of three outside sources. Additionally, use a source that focuses on your community, such as a newspaper or journal article. Remember that all written assignments must be formatted using APA style, including in-text citations and references.

[Solved] Choice Regarding Vaccinating

[Solved] Choice Regarding Vaccinating

Vaccines were first introduced in the 20th century, and since then, several controversies have emerged regarding the safety of immunizations, such as who, when, and why people should be vaccinated. One of such controversies is vaccinating children before they go to school. Do you think parents should have the choice regarding vaccinating their children before they go to school and are around other children? Should religious and personal beliefs be considered? Provide a rationale for your response. 

[Solved] Healing Communities Pages

[Solved] Healing Communities Pages

1. Use the Internet to complete the following: (150 words)

Reflect on the information from the Zero to Three website and previous information shared in this course, list three new things you have learned about baby brain development, and explain how this will influence your social work practice.

2. (150 words) Explain gender development, including environmental effects on the process and the role of culture in gender identity. Support your explanation with your course texts.

****Use Applied Human Behavior in the Social Environment to read the following:

  • Chapter 10, “Gender and Sexuality’s Influence on Human Behavior,” pages 188–219.

Use your The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog text to read the following:

  • Chapter 11, “Healing Communities,” pages 215–228.

[Solved] Public Health Surveillance

[Solved] Public Health Surveillance

For this assignment:

Imagine that you are carrying out a public health surveillance of obesity in your community, and you find out that one race and age group seems to have a consistent burden of disease compared to the other groups. If you were a public health official, what would be a logical next step you would take to address this?

This assignment must be minimum of 2 pages not including title page and the reference page. 

[Solved] Describe One Experimental Study

[Solved] Describe One Experimental Study

Epidemiology is driven by data and usually relies on the collection of information and the analysis and interpretation of that information. Researchers in epidemiology are interested in the constant measurement or assessment of the relationship between exposure and disease/outcome. The study designs can be classified as observational or experimental depending on the approach used to assess the association between exposure and outcome. 

For the Unit III Case Study, research and describe one experimental study design and one observational study design and provide at least one example of how each design can be used in a research intervention. 

Explain how one of these studies can be applied to one of the health problems you identified in your community. Provide a statistical table of the health problem you identified in your community (prevalence, incidence, mortality rates, and morbidity rates). This information is usually found in the local departments of health websites. Explain whether the health problem in your community is an endemic, epidemic, or pandemic. 

Your case study must be a minimum of three pages in length, excluding the title and reference pages. To support your ideas, use a minimum of three outside sources; one may be the textbook. Additionally, use a source that focuses on your community, such as a newspaper or journal article.

                                                               Course Textbook: 

Schneider, M.-J. (2017). Introduction to public health (5th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

[Solved] ‘ Big One ’

[Solved] ‘ Big One ’

Within the discussion board area, write 250-500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas and comments by Wednesday (11:59 PM). Ensure that you respond to at least two of your peers with a response of 75 words of more by Sunday night (11:59 PM). Be sure to support your responses with the citation of at least two scholarly sources.

Why are the western United States and Canada much more seismically active than the central and western regions? Does the smaller number of earthquakes in the central and eastern United States and Canada mean that we do not have to worry about a ‘big one’ in those regions?

[Solved] Trends Seen Within

[Solved] Trends Seen Within

In a paper of 1,250 explain:

The overall role of health care financing, focusing on the strategy of cost containment and how the delivery of health care has been impacted through the trend shift of fragmented care to managed care.

The trend of value-based care for reimbursement.

Two other current methods of reimbursement and the trends seen within them.

Provide a minimum of three scholarly sources.

[Solved] Health Care Industry

[Solved] Health Care Industry


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • How has technology impacted the health care industry? Provide examples.
  • With COVID-19 vaccine data being repeatedly targeted by hackers, do you think that cybersecurity and data protection are among the most monitored of all the emerging health care IT trends in 2021? Why?